[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

they’ve decided to keep shadow horrible and also make balance even worse. i’m afraid for ele too given these changes so far.


I am personally happy with melee survival. Maybe you could advocate for marksman talents to fit what you wanted out of survival?


if you didn’t use old SEF I think that’s pretty telling of your understanding of the class


I would love to see priests and palas counter lichborne again with shackle undead and holy dmg.

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Good changes but I was hoping for a little more. Specifically single minded fury for fury warriors and buffs like paladin blessings of wisdom/might/kings and druid mark of the wild and thorns.

Dear Blizzard, Please allow retribution paladins, to dual wield one handed weapons, It is my dream since i started playing in wrath .!

When am i getting Devouring Plague back or Mind Spike =)


NGL, was disappointed to see that Demonology Warlocks still don’t get Demonform back. All the warlocks have a same generic feel of ‘stand back and pelt with ranged spells’ anymore; was hoping they’d go back and fix that.


love the changes, but there’s only 2 things i want that would make them perfect: magma totems on my enhancement shaman, and steady-shot on my bm hunter… barbed-shot sucks and does’nt feel as impactful, and magma totems were amazing for clearing trash-mobs.

You’re just here to cry? Pathfinder isn’t that big of a deal. If all you’re buying an expansion for is so you can fly, just unsubscribe, or play old content.

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Holy power to paladins specs

No chi for monks specs


Yes! The Enhancement changes are fantastic! MoP was my favorite time as an Enhancement Shaman, so it’s wonderful to see that coming back. Maelstrom as a stack was and will be far more fun than having blue rage.

I doubt that Healing Rain will be class wide again, but everything else makes it worth it. I mean, HR was kinda OP in MoP for Enh.

Making Windfury, Flametongue, and I assume Rockbiter too, back into weapon ENHANCEMENTS is awesome; they always felt so unimpressive as attacks and felt like knock off Shocks. Getting Shocks back is so refreshing.


you’ll be a shaman again instead of an elemental fury warrior. :smiley:


I fully agree with this if this. If pathfinder is a make-it-or-break-it for you then you just aren’t having enough fun in the game and it’s probably best you unsub.

Pathfinder has never really been difficult the only difficult part about it that I wish they would change is the time gating. Other than that you pretty much unlock it just playing the game

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if they do it without requiring revered and part 2 it would be perfect imo.

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I see some things I really like and a few things that I don’t. Overall positive changes, imo. Please don’t tease us with these changes and reverse course before going live.

Cutting out the part 2 in general is the largest part of the time gating and I agree that would be great. The revered reputations in part 1 have never been an issue for me and this is as a casual PVPer. Part one was pretty much just unlocked playing the game and by the time they came out with it I normally had all the Reps done due World quest

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there’s no changes right now for demo. that is either gonna be really good or really bad. =\


I dont remember 100% but I think they mentioned sub getting a rework earlier? May not be done yet but correct me if im wrong. Also right there w/ you old school sub was the best.


i don’t mind the rep either as i always get it anyway, but there are some people out there that don’t like grinding for rep at all.