[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

The old one was for AoE. I also used it to put on people when I kited away in arenas so they couldn’t drink. I mean if they kept the SEF the same but returned the old tigereye brew I would be satisfied.

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I literally don’t have the time to read through all 1,190 posts.

I’ll refer you to my previous comment regarding constructive criticism/feedback. You can offer to refute that point if you wish.

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Loving the look of the Enhancement changes, thank you Blizzard! Can’t wait to try that out. Still reading through the rest.

Edit: Disappointed there aren’t more Warlock changes, though Aff changes sound interesting. Demo ramp up time, too many cooldowns as talents would be something I’d like to see changed. WoD Destro would be great to me.


Yes eclipse is back for balance druids!!! Said no one ever. Horrific decision. I knew Blizzard would mess this up. They seem to have no ability to actually understand what was good about the past versus what was bad.

Balance druids are currently amazing as is. LEAVE THEM ALONE. Eclipse balance is one of the worst specs ever thought of.

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i was all set to go back to ally and main my pally in SL. but idk anymore. i didn’t like holy power at all for prot or holy. =\


Pfft PVP. Make it a PVP talent then for the old version. It was too much of a pita to manage in simple AOE situations. I’m fine with giving back old tiger brew.

I agree, current Balance druid is the best it’s been in I can’t remember. I just would like MotW back and maybe some talent tuning. Eclipse was not fun.

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I like most of the Paladin changes, I like the direction but I’m concern about the changes to Auras and the potential removal of talents. Its good to see some of WoD Ret come back as certain aspects of it were missed. Please add Exorcism and Long Arm of the Law back.

Edit: Also Wrath’s seals too but that’s more of a dream

It was a really as simple as making the spell a mouse over. It was essentially like multi-dotting on a warlock.

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Or better yet. make it so Survival is ranged again!


What one-handed range weapons would they use?

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Why are you still trying to make Surrender to Madness a thing? What is this—the 3rd time? Why not bring back abilities like Spectral Guise and Devouring plague???

Remove void form and insanity, just do it already. Shadow in Legion was destroyed both flavor and gameplay wise, now is your chance to finally fix it.


look at what they’re doing to balance, too. this is essentially a “lol at you nubs that want to play a caster with a healing os”

I’m down with the out of combat utility stuff and letting certain specs use 1h or 2h. The demon hunter stuff seems cool.

I hate so much of this. I don’t want more buttons. Especially on my druid, I actually want LESS buttons than we have on live. These changes mean I will never play at least 4 specs I currently play at least some of the time, as I simply can’t add 4-5 more buttons and bindings.

And to top it off we’re getting covenant abilities… I hope every trinket in Shadowlands is passive. Can we at least get a reduction in consumables worth keybinding?

Soul Wrack is a new channeled ability that ravages the foe’s spirit, empowering Warlocks’ periodic spells to deal a significant amount of bonus damage to an enemy afflicted by this dark magic.

Looks like this was already cut from Affliction changes. Refresh the page and see that it was edited out.

Anyone else notice anything else disappearing?

This just generates more questions. What will Affliction use Soul Shards for? There are no notes about that even though it is stated UA won’t be using them. Is Drain Soul going to function like Soul Wrack was intended? Is it still a talent? Is there still filler confusion for Affliction?

The next section talks about “new talents” and the only detail is that Sow the Seeds got reverted to its old self.

Guess we’ll probably start seeing talent calculators when the client opens up for datamining, but this preview seems purposefully ambiguous now.

As arms/fury you have Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst or Slam/Raging Blow ect. And if those are “requires 2h weapon” then they should be changed back to just “requires weapon”. Hell before you didn’t even need a weapon to cast bloodthrist.


I don’t play a druid but the classes I do play I have huge gaps in my actions bars. I think adding more spells is good and is what a lot of people want.

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What I want to see (based on DKs and monks being able to pick their weapons style):

  1. Survival hunters should get some dual wield love. SV hunters have the ability to dual wield, but are locked into using a 2H for Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite. Something like “Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite strikes with both weapons” like Frost Strike, Stormstrike, or Mutilate currently do.
  2. 2H enhancement shamans!
  3. Bring Single-Minded Fury back for fury warriors.
  4. A “Gladiator Stance” mechanic (using a tank spec for DPS) a la WoD protection warriors would be pretty cool to see. Like, maybe it’s just because I love the look of protection paladins, but playing a sword & shield melee DPS spec would be really fun!

The aesthetic choice (and more available gear paths) would be a welcomed change.


Priest changes are more of the same. Have not been a fan of the legion and bfa shadow priest rotation. Just does not feel right. The healing specs are boring too.
I do like the idea of having more offensive abilities baseline again.


Giving Vengeance some Havoc playstyle, I’m really curious about it, now the question is, how are you going to balance that? Don’t get me wrong but if FD cd is going to be 30s as EB I’m worried about how is this going to scale with time. Also how much is Havoc playstyle going to change with this rework to an unknown talent?

On the other side…

Sow the Seeds will now embed two additional seeds into nearby enemies which—combined with the new Malefic Rupture ability—can make for explosive results.

I’m crying of hapiness, does this means that Affliction is coming back?

Dance of Chi-Ji . This new passive Talent has a moderate chance to make the next Spinning Crane Kick free to use and deal a significant amount of extra damage to all it strikes.

Please no, god no just uncap the Spinning Crane Kick stacks and nerf the scaling and monks will be fine, PLEASE don’t make this class rng dependant.

Overall I like what I’m seeing but idk about WW, please reconsider this changes.