[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

As an old school rogue, I would also like to see Slice and Dice in there somewhere other than a talent, especially now that Roll the Bones is a cooldown mechanic.


Lots of great additions and returning abilities/utility! ALL the Elemental/Enchancement Shaman changes and additions, two-handers and Death and Decay back to Frost DKs, original Touch of Death and baseline celestials for Monks, Power Infusion back to Shadow Priests, the list goes on. I love it! Thank you!!! I cannot wait to test out the new Enhancement changes, sounds so fun.

Can WW monks please get Tigereye Brew and the old Storm, Earth, and Fire back?


smf please. please please please.

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Except they don’t.

Here’s the Guardian discussion thread from BfA beta. Detailed, constructive, and completely ignored by Blizzard.


1,190 excellent posts.

Not one single blue post. And none of the Guardian concerns were addressed, at all.


I was confused by this as well.

they listened enough that 2h frost is coming back. maybe they don’t listen when they don’t agree?

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No, I like the new SEF more.

In before debate about which is better 2H or DW. :crazy_face:

The new one is so boring its just a dps CD. Tigereye brew had so much more interesting decision making especially in pvp.


Well then there’s no need for Frost DK’s to complain, is there? Great. Let the specs that are still awful have the floor, then. Thanks.

if i could i’d have my rogue use a 2h. so don’t ask me. XD

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It would be nice to have a button to hit while locked out of 2h abilities. Sorta like how durid can swipe and thrash when they have to sit in bear form.

I perused through the link. Not only was not everyone in agreement (With some in that particular thread already labeling any feedback given as ‘pointless’ because it was ‘too late’, essentially), but I didn’t see anything particularly standout-ish.

You have to understand that feedback, even constructive feedback, can’t always be taken into consideration. Does it suck? Yes. Why can’t all constructive feedback be taken into consideration? Because if it was, everything would be a hodgepodge of conflicting changes.

Not implementing feedback doesn’t mean that Blizzard didn’t listen or look at your feedback.

At least it’s a DPS cooldown. I didn’t even have it on my monk’s bar with the old version.

Curious on your opinion because I played Balance in WOTLK/Cata and mained it in BFA till 8.3. How is the eclipse system any better than what we have now? We had moon spells baseline then, which took the spamming boredom away, as well as starsurge procs… whats going to make the eclipse system with no moon spells or procs interesting?

Not sure how i feel about the outlaw Roll the Bones changes

Hey, don’t get me excited for an actual battlemage spec that is never going to happen…

As for the convo, I don’t mind (and personally like) having a melee hunter spec. I just think the existing iteration needed fine-tuning (opinion being withheld for the Shadowland tweaks until I see alpha gameplay, but I also want dual-wielding as others have mentioned).


The whole.


Because it becomes far more despondent later on, when it became clear that it wasn’t a “oh this is just early - things will get better!” scenario, but was in fact “this is it - we will be garbage in BfA”.

Also, a bunch of the “don’t worry be happy” people shelved their bears and played Brewmasters in BfA. Keep that in mind.


Or prot who will get a free word of w/e aoe heal consistently at no cost.