[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

This was much better than I expected. 100% the right direction.

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I am a bit concerned about the elemental changes. I need to see the numbers.

Good news, they’re coming back.

Never preorder from this company xD

They tricked me with BFA and nailed the coffin shut with WC3:R

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Survival is by far the most fun hunter has ever been. Don’t act like you speak for everyone.

Anyway, am i the only one not happy about these notes? They FINALLY had spec uniqueness and now they’re homogenizing them again.

Old school
WotLK Corpse Explosion for Unholy DK please <3

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2h shaman would be amazing. I’m not asking for the old wind fury, I’m just asking to able to use my stormstrike with a big two handed hammer! Empowering my mace with fire or ice And smiting my foes with the elements. As a bigger race, it looks odd to be “punching” with fist weapons so fast. Please blizzard, the shamans and warriors need to be able to choose what weapons they prefer, depending on how they see their class.


Yay homogenization.

DH didn’t get nerf of course,toxic players still have to laugh at us " how good they are " at most broken and skilless class.


Can Surv hunters and Fury warriors get the choice between 1 handed or 2 handed that you have given Frost dks and monks?


“Resto affinity gets Ursol’s Vortex.”

Wait a second, Ursol’s Vortex was supposed to be baseline: https://www.wowhead.com/news=296013/returning-class-abilities-in-wow-shadowlands-the-unpruning-is-here

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One positive thing I want to add here to a lot of the feedback is that I DO appreciate having too many choices. It is nice to feel like that I have to decide, on the fly, what button to push in a given situation rather than having one button to push in all situations.

I’m not sure why people are replying to this thread as if anything is set in stone. As much of a convenient narrative the echo chamber likes to spin, Blizzard does actually listen to constructive feedback.

Blizzard rightfully should disregard feedback that consists of nothing more than “Remove this/This sucks.”. If you want to provide valid feedback so they actually know what to change, you need to specify why you don’t like a particular change.

Yelling for the sake of yelling accomplishes nothing and only obfuscates the actual constructive feedback, making it harder for Blizzard (or anyone for that matter) to know what changes they need to make.


Worth noting all warrior specs are getting sword and board skills now. Ergo, dual wielding one-handers is back. 

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No some did, quite a few absolutely fought to get rid of that button spam as far back as beta for BFA. Spamming shadow bolt was annoying and pointless as far I’m concerned. I hope it never returns.


You would hope but as a survival hunter i can dual wield but if i do i cant use some core ability that require a 2h.


I am confused as to what is the reasoning for giving ALL warriors Shield Slam. Never has that been a thing in this game and why? What reason is there for arms/fury warriors to have Shield Slam? That is an ability you would use for tanking and this is no longer vanilla/tbc/wotlk where you might be tanking a dungeon as Arms/Fury, you can literally just hit a button and switch between any spec you want so there is no reason for that. It would just be a button on your bar that you’d never use.
Even if the mindset is something like, hey if say a mob switches to a warrior or he wants to throw on a shield and taunt something as arms/fury and take a few hits, they still wouldn’t need shield slam.

Also disappointed that insanity is still the secondary resource for shadow priests but that might just be me disliking that as a resource. Give me shadow orbs back. Although I guess now with shadow priests now being all about the “void” instead of just “shadow magic” ever since Legion, it still makes me sense even though I don’t like it.

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castrandom macro for your entire rotation with slightly less effectiveness was not a good design.

True, there is no guarantee that equipping a 1h and shield won’t lock out some abilities, but I’m feeling more hopeful than not.

General theme with a lot of these changes seems to be relaxing weapon restrictions.


No dual-wielding for Survival Hunters, eh? Still stuck with a two-hander.