[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

I am absolutely thrilled about being able to choose between 2h/dw for monks and DKs. Thank you Blizz! Never remove weapon options ever again! (and restore SMF fury).


Bring back exorcism for ret!


Get rid of void form give us mop shadow priests back


Unpruning: :white_check_mark:
PvP Vendors: :white_check_mark:
GCD reverted: :x:
Stat reforging: :x:
Alts playable: :white_check_mark:
Switchable covenant abilities: :x:
No RNG sockets: :white_check_mark:
More enchanting slots: :question:


If they bring back PROPER reforging (MoP era) I will literally sub for a year.


People getting the ability to use two-handers again, whimpers in Enhancement Shaman.


Wow so stampeding roar is going baseline for all specs, Feral loses one of it’s unique benefits. But we can’t manage to make innervate baseline too. Can’t be having equal access to utility between specs can we.

Proposed change to Bloodtalons sounds basically just like what was attempted for the talent in Mists of Pandaria back when it was called dream of cenarius. Making it only affect Rip makes the talent extremely boring. Using rake/shred/fb in succession is not complicated or rewarding. All the talent does with this change is provide a convoluted damage increase to rip that will always be active.

Not to mention that the talent is almost completely worthless if you use sabertooth. At least with the current implementation I can use the extra charges of BT on something else since I don’t need them for Rip.

Sad that I probably won’t be able to help provide feral feedback during testing since 8.3 killed my interest in raiding and I don’t have cutting edge.


Sure, y’all give DKs and Monks the ability to have different weapon styles again, but y’all won’t give Fury warriors SMF, En Shamans Classic 2-h, and Survival hunters DW?!


Not particularly thrilled by what’s being shown for Priest right now, particularly Shadow. Getting SW:D back baseline is the real highlight for me. Power Infusion is cool too, but I don’t think PI suits Shadow’s current design very well at all.

Death and Madness sounds like a half-baked ‘solution’ to the problem of Voidform being pretty crappy for ‘pack to pack’ combat, where you’ll often build up and maybe even get to activate Voidform while in combat, but then combat ends shortly after and it falls off again by the time you make it to the next mob or group of mobs. This ‘extra insanity’ won’t be very helpful if it’s gained on the last mob you’re in combat with, because you’re probably going to lose it all on the way to the next pack anyway. Additionally, depending on how the mechanic actually works, it may not even be viable in groups. Ideally, there’d be a grace period where the bonus insanity is still granted if the target dies within a certain window, even if SW:D was not the killing blow. The cooldown reset though? Does this mean that SW:D is going to be usable at any time now instead of simply being an execute spell? If not, depending on what the cooldown is, it’ll probably be ready anyway by the time the next mob is ready to be killed with it. Unless the intent is for this mechanic to allow for chain-killing mobs with it in something like an AoE setting? Either way, I hope the damage is high enough to make the button actually worth pressing because currently, as a talent in BfA, I do not like the number that pops up over the enemy’s head when I cast it.

Surrender to Madness though, sounds kind of…interesting as a cooldown, even if it’s something that has to be talented into. The wording on that penalty definitely needs some clarification, though. What is considered the ‘target’ here? Exclusively the mob that you have selected when you use the ability? What if it’s something killed by the initial eruption? Do you then have the buff for free with no worries of death when the buff expires? What if the target is killed by someone other than you? Do you have to leave combat for the buff to not kill you when it ends?

Also, none of the above sounds like anything to address Shadow’s lack of synergy with its kit, or how dull it currently is to play.


Looks great so far, though I’d love to see PVP vendors come back…!

With these changes Enhancement is sadly just a better Ele shaman and Ele gets dumpstered into being a trash pack spec, but even if Ele gets to do their top dps on trash, Enh can just instacast 7 chain lightnings and it’s over before any ramp up can happen

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Can destruction warlocks PLEASE get the fire&brimstone that was in MoP/WoD back especislly as baseline? It added a lot of choice and skill cap to destruction.

The current talent for it right now is awful and will NEVER be chosen over Cataclysm as Cataclysm hits really hard, and the immolate dot it applies to everything gives an ever so slightly less shard generstion than f&b would which doesnt outweigh the damage from cataclysm… and no this doesnt mean I want a cataclysm nerf I love cataclysm


Heya, will mm hunters be able to finally cast aimed shot on the move and be fully mobile like they used to be?


Overall, there’s a lot of good changes in here, but I have a few concerns.

Giving the option to use 1h or 2h for Frost DK and Monks is great! Maybe Fury can also have Single-Minded Fury back? Or at least the option to transmog 1h weapons! Also, while 2h Enhancement hasn’t been a “viable” option for several expansions, it was still really fun to Stormstrike someone with a giant club and watch the big Windfury crits crush my enemies. Stormstrike was made to only be able to be used with 1h weapons in Legion, so reverting this change to any weapon would be cool!

The Affliction Warlock changes look like we’re returning to a channeled ability as a filler, even after the Warlock community fought so hard to get Shadowbolt back. “Soul Wrack” seems very similar to Malefic Grasp back in Mists. If this was an ability with a cooldown around 20-40 seconds, that’s all fine and dandy then.

Shadow Priests get a talent that seems only useful for leveling and maybe pvp. I feel like this slot would be better used for something more impactful. How it is now would be fine for a pvp talent, but not a main talent point. The new Surrender to Madness seems like Dark Ascension was incorporated into the old Surrender, and now seems like you have a window of raw time instead of just killing you when you drop out of Voidform. The raw time part seems cool, as it allows for mistakes or mechanics that interrupt your flow to not be too costly, however I’m still worried about the viability of this. In Legion, I believe Surrender’s original generation was 200%, then nerfed to 150, then to 100. All of BfA this talent was never used at 100% generation (even if it doesn’t kill you). Maybe consider making the Voidform you go into with this ability a stronger version than the normal Voidform?

All Paladins getting Holy Power back? I don’t know about this one, chief. If I’m correct, I believe a majority of players weren’t too crazy about Holy Power to begin with (Pallies please correct me if I’m wrong). I really enjoyed how Protection played without Holy Power in Legion and BfA, with Shield of the Righteous being both off and not triggering the GCD made the flow of the spec really satisfying. Not worrying about building up my Holy Power so I can mitigate damage on demand, or heal a huge spike of damage on demand, were both positive things. Keeping Holy Power on Retribution is fine, but on Holy and Protection doesn’t seem like a good choice. Side note, if it was up to me, I would remove Holy Power from Retribution. To me, when I think about a Retribution Paladin, I always go back to Wrath’s version. THAT was a true Crusader right there. More cooldown based, beefy crusader strikes, empowered auto-attacks that did holy damage, judgement felt so satisfying to cast (mainly because of the older animation of a hammer falling from the sky instead of being thrown by you… but that’s just me).

Those were the main things that stuck out to me. I know it’s really early in development, so a lot can still change. I’m still looking forward to Shadowlands and all the changes that come with it.

EDIT: Blizzard updated their post, and “Soul Wrack” is no longer in there. Nice.


They announced pvp vendors are in fact gonna be back

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PLEASE give exorcism back instead of the blade of righteousness crap. Please, let us have back our iconic spell.

Yes, Wrath Ret will always be the preferred Ret.


There’s no mistake. It was never fun as a range spec and never was fun until they turned it into a full fledged melee spec in Legion. Having three cookie cutter specs that all felt the same added nothing to the Hunter class as a whole.

Giving depth and more options by adding melee made a once snoozefest of a spec into a fun, full-fledged melee spec that I absolutely LOVE.

Thank you for not changing Survival back into a snoozefest range spec, Blizzard. Kudos!!!


Yo blizzard where is my spinning fire blossom?

Problem is, they’ll ALL become part of their rotation, and I LIKED simple rotations.