[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

sounds like it will be an active ability rather then a passive.

Please clarify this Blizz – doesn’t make any sense.


I am actually stoked for this ability! Cannot wait to play my Shadow priest in Shadowlands!!

I really like what we have now for balance druid. I don’t want to be ruled over by a pendulum again.


Dark Pact will now scale with Spell Power to deal more damage than ever before.”

Say what now. :confused:
Can we get some clarification about what this means because Dark Pact is a defensive spell.


If survival is being kept as melee it needs mongoose bite as baseline.


I am going to be so pissed if they de-emphasize elemental shooting lightning AGAIN. They rebalanced elemental in the middle of BFA to fix their terrible talent spread and numbers, trying to make sure lightning was accounted for.

Flametongue was always a huge waste of a spell. Calling it a buff is unfair to other buffs that mean something. Same goes with the old Lightning Shield. If they’re going to actually re-implement these in meaningful ways, I’m all in on that.

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Really like some of these changes, excited to see what other ideas they may have since this is a non exhaustive list!

For hunters I would love to see a few of old survival’s abilities / talents make its way into the marksman spec. I think a good way to do this could be bringing back a talent / ability similar to exotic munitions. Maybe exotic munitions could be redesigned to capture some of those older removed shots like explosive shot, black arrow, and other shots (cobra shot, viper sting, etc.). Maybe we pick shot from a list or it augments our shots like it did back in WoD with effects similar to the older shots.

What do you guys think?


Ok so Monks and Dk’s get a choice between 1h and 2h? This got me excited until i saw enhancement shaman changes… sigh


I made my feelings about this in a seperate post clear:

Looks pretty good. Hope it plays well which I would enjoy the crap out of if it does. Been waiting for classes to become fun again and this just might do it if not it is at least a step in the right direction. Might actually keep me subbed.

:+1: Blizz :clap:

The new STM is AWESOME! Shadow is looking awesome in Shadowlands and I am excited!!!

Please remove this hot garbage mastery that makes arms into a cataclysm feral druid. Redistribute 90% of deep wounds damage back into actual abilities. No one wants to play arms for bleed damage. Literally the only change i cared/wanted to see for warriors.


This is one thing that’s missing. I want to use my warglaives from BT (which are on my warrior) in BC timewalking like I used to in WoD. Using my warglaives in timewalking was one of the bright spots of WoD for me.

Xmog to 1h weapons isn’t enough for fury warriors imo - SMF needs to return like it was.

Another warlock hoping for clarification here, please.


DK lichborne looks so much fun, and 2h frost!? Hmm…but please do something about DOOM for warlocks :frowning: It NEVER EVER summons the doomguard because the chance of it killing the enemy is so tiny its ridiculous. Please restore warlock greater demons as permanent pets in talents, I loved them and they were so much fun.

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I completely forgot about warglaives! Blizzard please make them usable by warriors, rogues, monks, death knights, and hunters.

survival hunters should also be able to dual wield.


Thank you Blizzard. These changes are fantastic.

You are not prepared!..to learn how to use warglaives properly. You’ll end up cutting yourself. They are literally huge double edged swords.