[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

It’s true they need to fix how they play or bring back the way survival was in Mop.


I like pirate rogue so making it even more guns-y would be cool.

“But people actually want that.” Well, people actually want a melee hunter too, cause it’s thematic.

how in the world are ret paladins supposed to use shield of the righteous? lol

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You guys are absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for the upcoming DK changes. I really hope we see Festermight continue as a 60 talent or something along those lines, too, but this is wonderful, wonderful news. Great start!

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You done you go holly and heal

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I think they said in the article that seals dont make sense unfortunately I would like to see them come back as well.

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The basic rotation is the same for most classes, 4 or 5 buttons. However most classes have to change their rotation for AoE, that’s 1 or 2 extra buttons to manage in addition to ST, DH rotation doesn’t change no matter the amount of targets.
Then there’s the utility/CC DHs have 5 buttons, 6 if specced into fel eruption. As a Shaman I have a full action bar for totems and CC, even more if playing resto since I have to manage a dps rotation as well. And they’re adding six new baseline active abilities; DHs are getting one and it’s passive.

Solar and Lunar Empowerments are being strengthened and updated into Eclipses. Reminiscent of past expansions like Wrath of the Lich King , Wrath and Starfire will grant each other alternating Lunar and Solar Eclipses for a longer duration, with special moments of Celestial Alignment allowing both to occur at once. Balance Druids who master the flow of these Eclipses will be able to ensure a period of sustained power to either Wrath or Starfire at key moments of a fight. Starsurge will extend the current Eclipse to continue focusing power into either Wrath or Starfire, while Starfall instead extends your current Moonfire and Sunfire effects, giving the main Arcane Power spenders distinct roles based on situation.

Starfall will also return to its previous design, used from Wrath of the Lich King through Warlords of Draenor . Instead of needing to telegraph the affected area, Balance Druids again call down waves of stars, which strike the surrounding ground while they stand, run, or flap for its duration

Sweet. I can go back to hating my druid again. Why on earth would THIS be how Balance is changed? The other specs don’t even get anything relevant but THIS?? Gdi. What a waste of potential.


Mage changes make me happy tbh. Frostbolt, Fireball, and all of those other baseline abilities are iconic. I’d always felt like the Spec identity > Class identity problem was most prominent for them.

Paladins getting their auras and thematic abilities like sense undead back is really nice to hear, but I want to echo what other paladin players have said above me—Blade of Justice replacing Exorcism still isn’t cool.

“Whoosh, I use the Light to summon a big :duck:ing sword and stab my enemy’s butt!” :dagger::peach: :exclamation: :pray: :church:

How righteous. :roll_eyes:

Also, ngl, holy power generating Templar’s Verdict still doesn’t feel satisfying? Maybe I’m just attached to the WotLK paladin system where I was spinning Divine Storm for everything and had 3 different judgments, though. lmao


Changes… changes… seem meh…

Wait… what…

" stable size significantly increased"



Not looking forward to the eclipse system for balance druids.

I HATED it in MoP. It was absolute bs and annoying as heck.

I prefer what we have now in terms of build/spend with empowerment procs.


Deep Wounds can piss off, blizz

if you don’t balance us properly again, and deep wounds ends up being a damage bandaid, I will not be playing this expansion


Hey Phaerix, apologies for the trouble but could you please ask the developers if they plan to add back Executioner’s Precision to arm’s warrior. It was an amazing arms warrior passive from legion and it added alot to the gamplay and depth of arms by making a somewhat combo system at the end of fight rather than just spamming away execute, it really enhances the arms gameplay style and rewarded a good player vs a bad player. It was suppose to stay in BFA but for whatever reason it got taken out and replace with striking the anvil as an azerite trait which isn’t a bad trait but it is lazy game design compared to the mastery of Executioner’s Precision. It would be really cool to see it comeback as a baseline or a passive and with the inclusion of sudden death talent as maybe baseline as well to add more to the gameplay of arms if it had Executioner’s Precision. I would really appreciate if you could inform them about this because I played arms since vanilla wow and I have never seen a better iteration of arms than when it had Executioner’s Precision.

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I’m happy to see maelstrom go for ele shaman, but the general changes don’t do much for me at all:

“In Shadowlands , Chain Heal , Chain Lightning , Healing Stream Totem , Flametongue Weapon , Flame Shock , Frost Shock , and Lightning Shield will be available for all Shaman to use regardless of their specialization. Searing Totem also returns as an ability for all Shaman to use, which bombards nearby enemies with fireballs for a short duration.”

I’d much rather see utility totems (grounding, poison cleansing, etc.) become baseline once again for all specs. I really can’t think of a single instance of wishing I had chain heal or healing stream while in ele spec over the last 6 years. But I sure do miss those utility totems we used to have all the time.

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Is there any way we could get Single Minded Fury back as Fury Warriors?

Frost DKs can to use 2hs and 1hs. Brewmaster and WW get to use 2hs and 1hs.

The only spec warrior has that can 1h is prot. :frowning:

Even just the ability to transmog it would be fine. I just know that my warrior has had severe wrist pain for several years on account of the 200 lb weapons he holds in each hand.


Nice to see for Mages, That the spells we got are becoming more universal now for each spec once again. :slight_smile: Welcome change for me as my main is a Mage.


Volley is already talent for MM hunter… how that is new talent…

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That’s cute, so anyway compare my likes on getting rid of it to yours. 12+ for getting rid of it, 3 for keeping it.

Thanks for playing, having a nice day.


You guys mention that you recognize you went too far from the specs that made us fall in love with them years ago. This got me excited to see what you had in store for hunters… only to see you do literally nothing to change the class’ core issues.