[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

Hopefully alter time will be identical the MOP ability where you could reuse procs

Go hug a tree to feel better

nervously clicks on link

After checking the link: Seals for Paladins and MoTW for druids pls. :cry:
I shall be a happy camper then! :open_mouth:


I mean, I feel like that’s kind of a harsh way to look at it though. I enjoy DH due to how fast-paced and fluid it is. On top of insane mobility, it’s just fun. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect nor should Blizzard settle.

Also, I play a few other classes and I don’t for the life of me see think other specs are that much more difficulty than Havoc. Havoc is one of those classes with a high floor but decent/high ceiling. You can tell the difference between an average Havoc DH and a great one fairly quickly.

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We’ll see… BM is heavily dependent on stagger scaling. Something you only find out leveling in Brewmaster… where the scaling is absolutely horrendous.

Rexxar wasn’t Survival until Legion before then he was a Beast Master.

They just retconned him to Survival to use for making Survival a melee spec.

Before Legion Survival was never a melee spec it was a range spec with melee abilities to help get back into range when there was a minimum range for using range weapons.


Yeah, but the leveling aspect doesn’t matter to be honest. Once you get some gear on you, I am sure you’ll be fine.

“Volley is a new talent”

No, no it isnt :slight_smile: But I do recall the reasoning for it being taken away, as it was “too magical”.

In all seriousness though, I look forward to all of this. Can we have as an 8.3.1 maybe May 1st kthx please? :slight_smile:

This shaman just wants to swing a 2 hander again :smiley:


the only thing that would make the choice of weapons coming back better is presences which wont happen but atleast I get one thing I was hoping for even if they don’t being back the idea for focusing DW and 2H on different abilities.
edit: they might have said something about re-adding presences and I missed it but I don’t think so, also I would like to add warrior stances(so warriors can stance dance again) and aspects(so hunter can forget to turn of aspect of the pack).

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He’s still the Beast Master, he’s just one of the characters who transcends spec. It’s like how Thrall is the Elemental/Enhancement Shaman.

Didn’t they say presences were coming back at one point?
If presences come back I’ll most asuredly main my DK over DH/Warrior

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If “tons” of people love the new survival spec then how come no one is ever using it? It’s easy to claim that but I have not seen more than 10 different people out in the world/LFG/LFR using the melee survival spec ever since Legion came out, after the prepatch novelty wore out.

They tried melee Hunter, but it’s obviously not as popular as the forums try to claim it is and it needs to be reverted back to ranged just like all the other specs getting reverted to how they used to play for the most part


I’m glad to see Find Weakness baseline for Sub again.

Has there been any consideration of making that the mastery? Executioner always seemed backwards for a spec that’s supposed to be about openers, and ever since Assassination mastery started affecting bleeds too, both of them are basically doing the same thing.

He’s always used axes with a big bear. He was what survival is know pretty much, except we cant throw axes like he can. We all know what survival was, everyone screams it. But there are a ton of people who don’t want a 3rd similar spec. Marksman and BM are pretty close, one just has an extra button, thats how it feels to me anyways. Survival is thematic to a hunter in general, using melee weapons.

Enhance removing resource playstyle is a nice change as it felt kinda pointless anyway but it looks like it could be a cluttered mess with too many abilities, buffs and debuffs in the rotation with all these elemental spells thrown in. Have to see how it actually plays out though.

Ele shrug. If it’s just spamming lava burst more and Earth Shock/Lightning Bolt less, like they kinda hinted at, it could be resident sleeper. Also, sounds like it will be clunkier/rampier to switch between ST and AOE as you have to build Chain Lightning stacks to Earthquake now and require more ramp up to aoe, instead of having 1 resource to dump into EQ or ES.

Resto… idk… seems like they get not much except having to maintain Earth Shield baseline, which is a bit of a chore with how quickly it gets eaten up on a tank. Would like to see Downpour and Wellspring actually get some synergy with the spec (don’t benefit from Resurgence, Unleash Life, Deluge, Tidal Waves, etc…) so there’s more options than just spamming Chain Heals and getting phat Cloudbursts. Searing Totem I guess is okay a bit of extra damage. Flametongue Weapon, if it’s just a 1 hour spell dmg maintenance buff, is just pointless to even talk about as well it makes literally 0 difference if that spellpower is just baked into your spells or you have to click a button once a hour for it.

Healing Rain needs to be insta cast… it’s too annoying and underwhelming compared to Efflo. Just compare the two abilities… both are a ground aoe hot that offers buffs to your other heals through talent or druid mastery, one is insta cast, no CD so you can move it when the group moves, 30 second duration which means way less GCDs (and no cast time) spent on this maintenance which means more time to DPS or do other stuff… the other has a long cast time, 10 second duration, 10 second cooldown, takes a ton of your GCDs/cast time to keep it up which means it’s not even worth using much in mythic+ …

Please bring back Gust of Wind (one of the most fun abilities shaman ever briefly had), and give all healer specs a combat rez for mythic+.


This is actually a better start than you realize. Our toolkit transitioning into Legion was extensively gutted and then propped up just as extensively by Artifact traits/passives - this is why Brewmasters were such hit garbage until a substantial amount of AP had been invested in the tank weapon. The best example is Stagger in its current iteration - it’s essentially our only real active mitigation mechanic, but originally it’s purpose was to bring us to passive plate armor levels of physical mitigation without directly copying the stamina and actual armor of bears/plate classes. Unlike most classes/specs, because Brewmaster couldn’t function without the artifact traits, those were baked in baseline going into BfA. In turn this led to scaling issues that have required nerfs to Brewmasters in most patches this expansion. Rounding out the toolkit means those passive traits can be removed and we should fall more in line with the other tanking classes.

Please, for the love of god bake furious gaze into eye beam as baseline, if you remove that haste dh will feel terrible.

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You mean because they used range weapons they were all the same .

Same can be said about Warlocks , Mages and rogues then .

Why not change one of their specs like a mage or lock spec to a melee also .
I would say something about making a rogue spec range but people actually want that.

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I never played paladin before BFA and I despise having holy power on ret that I refuse to play it now.

I’m in the same boat as you that I don’t think I’ll be playing paladin anymore because I do not want to deal with holy power as holy.

Sucks because I got excited after knowing glimmer was staying.