Did anyone really miss having to push Hunter’s Mark all the time? What a boring skill to take up a bind.
i paid lots of money to pre purchase. i expect more changes
Tons of people love it, and didnt want their melee weapons to be just a stat stick. There are kinds of hunters that use melee weapons to kill their prey as well.
We’ll have to see, I’d say they are as good as a good DK now if not better for a variety of reasons. So they are definitely on my watch list for tanking in SL. If VDH and brewmaster get nerfed into the ground… well my raid may have to find another tank.
I’m confused, all druids get ferocious bite, but what about rake/shred to build combo points? You can’t ferocious bite without combo points unless the redesigned it
You are one of the few so hopefully they listen to the majority.
Yes i like melee survival you can be like rexxar, however they need to let us decide if we want to use a 2h or dw.
We’re talking about the same thing, just from a different perspective.
Adding abilities to the DH would complicate the snowflake class which could turn casual facerollers away from the class/game. We can’t allow that to happen.
You’re wrong, how can you even say that!? - Padme Amidala
That’s a specious assumption.
It would be awesome if the AoE cap or 3 target minimum on Trick Shots was removed.
To me, you are one of the few, so hopefully they keep it
All Druid specs already get Shred at level 8.
+1 for keeping it
100% agree.
Was hoping you’d bring back the ascendance zap from MOP for enhance shamans.
Any chance this gets added?
Elem and Resto look good. Enhance was reverted back to WoD
If Blizz was going to just revert us, why not go all the way back to Classic and make us a tank hybrid like EVERY Enhance wants! Okay I know not every, but a majority.
Legion was good specially after we got the extra abilities in our weapons. You just didn’t add those to BfA and made things worse. Right now it looks like a 2-steps forwards and a giant leap back.
On the bright side, I get to chain lightning after building combo points again! Sarcastic wooo
2h enhance yes please
Pretty excited for the Aff changes, can’t wait to see those in action.
Not too sure how I feel about Holy Power returning for Holy Paladins. I just don’t see why, the spec operated fine before Holy Power and after it was removed. Thinking about it though I suspect it’s a nod towards MoP, which some of these changes definitely seem to be.
Nice to see Auras returning, and that Vision of Perfection is basically baked in as Ret Aura, though I kind of liked the idea of it being a Thorns effect like it was originally.
Judging from the patch notes and how they won’t change class mechanics?
Brewmaster will remain the best. You’re fine in that aspect.
Can enhancement shamans get the old windfury animation back?