[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

Im glad to see VF and insanity are still here…got a little worried when they started talking class revamps and resource removal. Spec has been so much more fun since Legion.

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Good question.

But no, while I understand the RP element… that’s a very very firm no from me. While I don’t play my hunter seriously I know several people that do, and they would like to keep raiding and doing dungeons. Hunters not getting invited would be a major thing if that was brought back. Just assume you have “Infinite quiver of _______” and move on. Also think of the arrow/quiver mogs…

Thank you for adding more spice to the BrM! They are easily the most boring tanks in the game right now and really needed those new mechanics!

SL is shaping up to be excellent! Can’t wait to test those new abilities out!

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I love Voidform and I’m happy at the idea of STM being tweaked again.


I would be okay with a transmogable cloak that is a quiver with arrows. However, having an actual quiver that takes up a bag slot and having to buy ammunition/arrows to be able to attack is not something I want to see return to the game. It would be pointless and a hassle in the current state of the game.


Or idk…give us back our talent tree and lemme go into a specific weapon trait.
I want my mace stuns, extra sword swings, extra crit from axes/polearms.

That was always fun and made us all stand out for diffrent things.

Not to rant but me and one of my friends that also played warrior:

He loved sword spec because of the extra attacks and he would make nonsense builds and it was great. I pvpd a lot at the time and always went maces. When we teamed up in BG’s it was nonsense and so much fun.

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This means a lot coming from a DH, I’ll cherish your comment in my heart forever.
Worst part is I saw this coming the moment they announced the unpruning. DHs have nothing to unprune and they’re not about to add abilities that could complicate the snowflake class are they?

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Please don’t tell me the reason for Priest to use both sides will be the excuse to not introduce a Void version of Power Word: Shield. :sob:

And hopeuflly more glyphs can be added to make Disc. lean even more to Shadow or Light, however one needs.

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Damn, This thread jumped quite a bit. Was originally here but did not want to be the first or 2nd post. Anyways I wanted to say I’m happy to see Blizzard focusing on [Shiv] and [Ambush] as Assassination Rogue. I been using Shiv long time, very important in pvp vs rogue or tank

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Blizzard, Warriors NEED stances back. Also if Paladin’s get Holy Power back, why not give Monks their Chi resource back?


Yeah it’s really great that Brewmaster (already the most-played tank, this expansion, outnumbering all other tanks combined in Mythic raiding) is getting Clash, Shuffle, and a new damage absorb.

Meanwhile Guardian lost a crowd control ability and their only utility is being given to Resto & Balance.


Rupture changing for Subtlety is great however please roll the 15% missing into making backstab hitting worth a lick then if it won’t roll into 15% increase overall to damage.

Shiv having new uses as well as pickpocket should be really cool as well for us rogues across the board as written.

Find weakness being baseline is great as well as Secret Technique (now Shadow Vault baseline) is a very welcomed change.

Please don’t forget about deadly poison being added in as was suggested at blizzcon instead of just Wound/ Instant being the only 2 damaging poisons.

Great changes to start off with and I look forward to (hopefully!) testing this go around.

I think you misunderstand? Maybe I do? I don’t even know lol.

I’m upset DHs aren’t getting more. I dislike that we have nothing being added and I don’t like how we’re forced in to one talent layout basically. I want more added. More decisions, more thought.

Personal opinion here, but I agree strongly. Does it make you pay more attention? Yes, but once you master the art of the dance and get your keybinds down it just feels so d$!# good.

Holy power will ruin Prot for me. If I wanted combo points I would play a rogue. Adding it to protection is just more stress on the tanks. It is bad enough that HotP was added to the GCD, now this?


Guardian really got screwed out of everyone.
BDK has a means of restoring runes and increasing rune power regen and further increasing its healing ability. So its good in theory.

Brewmaster is not seeing a mechanic change so its stupidly strong.
Prot warrior got a HUGE buff since it can now self heal.

In terms of tanking, most assuredly we’ll see the following again

Brewmaster/Warrior being the best
Prot/DK being after them.
Vengeance ??? Not much on how they will change
Guardian. Possibly at the bottom without any significant changes.


Another vote for SMF and Gladiator for warriors and 2H Enhance.


just return survival back to ranged. how can you seriously look at all of these specs and classes and state “we’re returning them to be closer to their original state” when you won’t even look at the only spec to have been butchered beyond recognition?

the post states multiple times “like it was in xx expansion” yet if you took anyone who played survival hunter and told them that the hunter class they know and love was “returning to the way it was during xx expansion” and then showed them the current survival spec, they would laugh at you and call you crazy.

hunters have no reason to take up melee weapons other than to use them as stat sticks, that has always been the case. stop trying to push melee survival to please the dozen or so people that play the spec and just return it to the survival spec that everyone loved.


Dual-wield unholy, blood, survival as well cause customization is nice.

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