[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

lol at DH “changes”.

But my Warrior is coming off the shelf so thanks for that.

Hey Blizz, you do know the ability Dark Pact? You…you…do know it’s not an offensive spell right? Like…does anyone actually play a Warlock outside of Affliction?


I hate Holy Power so seeing it on all 3 specs now makes me groan.

Seals not returning is an awful decision. They are THE iconic WoW Paladin spells.

Also, DH got practically nothing lol.


And this (among other things) is what caused me to stop playing Druid. I LOVED the nature theme but now balance is all about stars and lunar power. It’s not as interesting imho. Happy for those whose theme it fits though.


Good point. I guess this would work OK for leveling, see a post above for concerns about that, and maybe 5 man dungeons, but not for raiding.

Now that’s a scary thought. Target dies but rogue got killing blowpriest falls over dead and gets laughed at.

When viewing the shaman changes im excited for all of them, except for restoration shaman. They literally get a PVE buff to AoE healing, and earth shield off talent. Every other spec/class gets so much more. What are the possibilities of Gust of Wind or other abilities coming back?


Please remove insanity and void form. I normally don’t reply to these but it plays so bad.


Can we please PLEASE stop doubling down on boring and tedious gameplay loops though, seriously? I played a prot warrior from Vanilla and when you made the changes to the entire gameplay loop in legion I quit maining it. You changed the entire fundamentals of how the class played and here you are still doubling down on that god awful ignore pain mechanic.

These horrific maintenance and tedious resource rat race mechanics on tanks just so they can be tanks are awful gameplay loops and they forced warriors into that same stupid braindead loop of crap like mages. 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 is not a fun way to play the god damn game. You REMOVED those kinds of mechanics from other classes but are FORCING them on warrior tanks who enjoyed over a DECADE of being non-rotation reactionary tanks.


Lmao, thank you. Someone else gets it.


YES MAKE 2H ENHANCE A THING AGAIN iv been screaming my heart out for this to be a thing again and it would make some enhance different from others, if you like using 2 1hs by all means go for it if you wanna be a huge windfury 2h shaman let it be


Overall the changes for hunter seem to be good and add interesting buttons to push within the rotation. That being said the cap on Marksman Hunter’s aoe damage at 5 targets seems very bad and will hurt in specific content, mainly m+. Please fix this immediately!

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Also give me back my quiver and Arrows! I think its been long enough.


id kill to get back MoP shadowpriest build back.

Literally one of the most fun times I played him.


Loving the rogue, monk, and aff lock changes.

I’m sad to see Spriests still have insanity. I can’t see myself ever coming back to that spec.

I like the change to ignite for fire mage and it sounds like fire blast might not be as spammable if we’re meant to time when we spread ignite. I think either pyroclasm or meteor needs to be baseline. Having to choose between them sucks and having both in Legion felt great. Kindling should be removed from the game. We’re waaaaaay over focused on damage during cds as it is, don’t make it worse. I also think Phoenix flames should be baseline and flame on should probably be removed. Or at least don’t make us choose between the two.

I was hoping destro lock would be retooled a bit. Removing soul leech and demon armor, baseline soul fire (that does real damage), baseline FnB, and baseline Shadowburn (that does real damage), incinerate while moving… They ought to move more damage into incinerate and conflagrate while nerfing chaos bolt. They could let CB penetrate absorptions again. Get rid of GoSup so our damage isn’t so CD focused.


Only if it’s an arrow type… if hunters have to go buy arrows again in the middle of raid… /facepalm


with frost being able to choose between DW and 2H will the idea of DW being more focused on frost strike damage and 2H being focused on obliteration damage comeback

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I really wish you guys would just give Cleave back as the baseline AoE for all Warrior specs. Instead of doing weird stuff with it.

Whirlwind can have its CD back and trigger Meat Cleaver for both DPS specs. (Sweeping Strikes can go away)

Then we can have some good baseline AoE.

I would also rather have Thunderclap then Piercing Howl. Cooler animation.


Two viable playstyles under one spec, what is the world coming too.

That is what made it fun! But i will also go with quiver transmog if we cant have arrows back.

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This is all initially very promising. The monk changes, particularly for Brewmaster, have me really excited to play as a tank monk for the first time since Warlords ended. And them bringing back Holy Power for all paladin specs brings me hope I’ll get chi back when tanking.

As I said, initially very promising, but still extremely early to celebrate or berate much.