[News] Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

This is fine, but make sure we have a means to unlock all of these. Having a permanent “choice” is awful as you guys will likely balance and re balance these abilities.

It would be better if we could “unlock” these abilities and have them from there on out, otherwise you have another dead system.


and the problem in that regards isn’t the game. It is the players. Don’t try to fix a game that isn’t broken. Break the players and their mentality instead.

Trying to fix something that isn’t broken is what ruins the game.


Are you in the closed alpha right now? Are you able to see the numbers or any of the interplay at all?


Then anything you say is speculation. There will likely be issues and stuff will have to be shifted around as testing is done and probably a few passes post launch. That’s just the nature of the beast in game development.

Naysaying out the gate just on what looks OP isn’t helpful at all.

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Then do it. You aren’t being FORCED to pick one over the other. The abilities aren’t the only thing each one has. There are still the Soulbinds.

The most meaningful choice you make in an MMO like WoW is the class you pick. That is the sole defining thing you choose in this game as it locks you into a role or roles. It also locks your playstyle. Having these covenants also be tied to power but also wanting them to be an aesthetic lore choice is really REALLY bad design.


Why would I not pick the one that gives the largest benefit to my character? I don’t care that much about lore.


I hope blizzard allows some different way to obtain these covenant abilities. They’ve already received so much feedback about this.

I would really love to be able to select my covenant based on the cosmetics and story, instead of having to choose the optimal ability.


Basically another talent tier. But if you pick wrong you’re doomed.


If you don’t care about the lore, then pick the one that will be strongest for you. My point is that if you CARE about things other than player power, pick the one you want to pick. If you care about BOTH, pick the one you want to pick. It’s not Blizzards fault that players are forcing themselves to min/max even though they should know that balancing will happen to even all the covenants to a level playing field.


For those that fear a “meta” with the covenant abilities how about instead of fearmongering about there being a meta you actively fight against the people that try to enforce one.

Play what YOU want to play not what THEY want you to play. Why should we be beholden to people that believe an RPG should be so rigid? No. We should shun these players instead.


Neat concept ideas. But idk if this is a good idea at the end of the day. I do not like having to pick one over the other opinions. I’m ok with it being a choice through a talent, but it being a one time pick(?) sounds like a bad idea.


it only matters for world first players and high rated arena. everyone else is getting their panties in a twist for no reason. everyone else can choose which one they think is the most fun.


Please please please blizzard just make them a talent row that unlocks with the story, player power being tied to covenants is a terrible idea and it’ll feel awful.


You can be a beautiful and unique snowflake if you want. But the #normies that follow what’s been mathematically proven to be optimal will still beat your dps by a large margin.
The problem is not the players, the problem is the devs not balancing the game properly.


exactly. And it isn’t even necessary to do that content. You can achieve gladiator and complete mythic raids playing how you want to play. The game is designed for that to be possible.

These kinds of things only matter for those that want to be the absolute best or want to be the first to achieve something.


the game can never be perfectly balanced unless everyone is the same.


if you’re gonna choose what gives you an advantage then don’t whine that you don’t get the mog you want. or anything else. these covenants are a choice. my choice is flavor. your choice is power. we each get what we want. which is the entire point.


I’m just going to say this to all those getting hung up on x covenant is best for y thing and I can’t choose the one I want etc etc etc.

How many of you are going to be pushing for world first raiding?
How many of you are really going to top ranking in Arena?
How many of you are going to be pushing excessively high M+ in the 30 or higher range?

If the answer is no, and statistics says that for 95% of the playerbase that is the answer, then the covenant you pick won’t. bloody. matter.

What will matter is playing your class and spec well.


I look forward to icyveins telling me which one I should choose for my class.


If you don’t care about the lore, then pick the one that will be strongest for you. My point is that if you CARE about things other than player power, pick the one you want to pick. If you care about BOTH, pick the one you want to pick. It’s not Blizzards fault that players are forcing themselves to min/max even though they should know that balancing will happen to even all the covenants to a level playing field.

I don’t get people who think like this. The class you pick is the thing that defines your play. You’ll notice that everything in regards to classes in game (essences/talents/etc) are EASILY changeable based on encounter or needed abilities. Designing a system with Covenants where you get locked to a single ability and its competing with 3 others with no way to change it is garbage.

Why not this: Make it so the covenant you choose is totally lore or aesthetic based. When you choose the covenant, you gain access to all 4 abilities and can have one active at a given time. The particle effects/look/feel of the spell is modified by the covenant you choose (kinda like Tier 4 essences now). That is miles better (and easier to balance). A system that allows the player to choose based on lore/look/feel AND they don’t get punished by needing a different ability because they like to PVE and PVP regularly.

I really hope blizzard doesn’t go through with the system as is.


These people are acting like picking a “non-meta” covenant will make them useless. I bet you that even mythic raiders will pick the ones they want too. Each one will be great for all the content, and some will be better than others for different bosses.