[NEWS] Save 30% on Race and Faction Changes

yeah velf heritage is not good. makes sense to just race change. :slight_smile:

They make people think they are saving money and help people justify giving their money to the company.

Sales help increase revenue, they are not because the company is feeling nice.

And I don’t think everyone was complaining about store mounts/pets. Most people don’t buy those. Or even think about them.

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you have more achievement points than i do so i can say you have no life. XD

I play about 2 hours a day 5 days a week. It’s why I have such a horrible ilvl. But I also don’t complain about not getting more food without eating what’s in front of me first

Yup. That’s a sale. It’s part of every day life. Sales happen for food, software, clothes, etc.

Nothing any corporation/company does is because they’re “feeling nice”. They are quite literally around to make profit. It’s not a hidden message or a “new” thing.

Lol. Riiiight. Most people don’t buy them, but Blizz keeps putting them out
 And why would they do that if they don’t make them a decent chunk of change?

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Maybe the strangest comment I’ve seen in awhile.

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They are rather low cost so why not supplement revenue with them.

Blizz could’ve kept Korrak’s revenge around to help people level their new allied races, but they didn’t. They took it away and added a sale on race changes. Knowing good and well that people would jump on it because sales make people feel good.

Its all about that traditional flavor!

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ftfy, and same!

Don’t understand what your point is? Are you still just saying a corporation is trying to make money? Because, it’s not news

They didn’t have to put store mounts on sale during the holidays, but they knew everyone would be dishing out money during that time, so they did it.

How many video games went on sale on Steam for the holidays? Tons. The games were likely not new and probably don’t see many people buying them these days, but they throw them on sale for the holidays and boom. Sales.

Such is life.


A company making a smart business decision? Thats crazy talk! How dare they!

I think it’s time you learn the difference between a business and a charitable organization. You seem to have confused the two

What I don’t get is, you could just reroll, rather than Race change, so is Race Change itself, regardless of price manipulative?

Real talk: Warcraft has been a Horde game since 1994.

Well No offense to Pandas, but I am not a fan. So I may have to take this opportunity to change my Monk to a Human or Night Elf. I bet he would get much more playtime if I did.

What I don’t get is, you could just reroll, rather than Race change

I thought of that but I don’t want to do the whole profession thing all over again.

I am not saying that Blizzard is unique in this regard. I mentioned GAP for example. Plenty of businesses manipulate their consumers. Blizz is one of them.

When an allied race is added, people have a choice to either level it or pay for a boost/race change. Sales encourage people to make the latter decision. It justifies that decision to people emotionally. This is a form of manipulation.

Well, I hope there’s a sale on server transfers some time soon. I want to move a few characters to area 52 I always wait for the sale.

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Wow! That’s great because I have a few race changes planned! :laughing::fox_face::raised_hands:

I like knowing these things. I don’t always see the sales. They usually have them in January.

It’s only manipulation because you’re entitled snowflake mind sees it like that. Insteadof it like this
 blizzard saying hey bro vulpera come out tomorrow I bet there’s a lot of people but want to race change. Let’s offer them a discount.

You see I was going to buy a race change either way it’s just now it’s all the sweeter with a discount.

It’s not manipulation snowflake

It is. I think you just don’t want to believe you’ve been manipulated.

The other poster brought up Christmas sales, which are an entirely different thing. They are a means that business compete with one another. Blizzard is not competing with other businesses for providing race changes. They are just trying to optimize the number of people who will justify doing so.

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