News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

After you had run every heroic at least once. So it’s fairly inaccurate to claim it let you bypass lockouts without fully qualifying exactly the conditions you might get the same heroic twice in one day. So it would be more accurate to say it interacted with lockouts differently but did not bypass them

Which brings up at that point who cares? You couldn’t target a specific heroic for a drop or do the daily more than once.


He’s just grasping at straws; it’s what he does.

There was what…16 Wrath dungeons? Oh no a 1/16 chance of getting the same one two times in a row! The important part is that RDF removes the hard limit of how many heroics you can run in a day, which is a good thing. Let players play how they want.


No, you could get the sane heroic multiple times without being locked out to any other.

It was entirely rng and specifically queued based.

Lets say 2 groups beed a tank and are specifically queued for dungeon X. You as a tank queued for random heroic and got i. Group 1. Finished then queued again for random and get in group 2. For the same heroic.

It wasnt common. But it happened. I got the same icc heroic twice in a row when i was using my dk tank back then (who was my alt and i was catching his gear up a bit to tank toc and some icc) with being saved to nothing else. Why? There was a lot of people queuing specifically for that dungeon at the time is my best guess.

In the opinion of someone who wants to speed run to the end of the game and rair log. Aka your opinion.

Yes it did you would clear the heroic dungeons in the lfd system then que using rdf.

Regardless it was still not something you could intentionally game to bypass the lockout. You could RNG into a dungeon twice if you got lucky. And since it forced you to finish the dungeon it had picked you couldn’t fish for one you wanted.


And you could not queue for one you were locked to.


You were not queing for specific you was queing for random that would let you get into an already specific done. How many times and people have to tell you the same thing

Because that is not the same thing as saying you could bypass the lockouts.

All you could do was RNG hope you might get one twice. And there were mechanics to prevent people from gaming it to fish for dungeons they wanted.


You could actually. A lot of people would targetly do the icc and toc dungeons when rdf came out. So you had a much higher chance to get those repeated. So you would do the icc/toc dungeons then do your daily random heroic and still have a decent chance of getting to do the icc/toc dungeons again because so many other people were targetting them specifically.

Sure it wasnt a garentee, but it was much higher than 1/16 chance.

Being able to do the same heroic dungeon more than once in the same lockout is the very definition of bypassing the lockouts…

No it wasnt a garentee, but it was doable.

I don’t think that was the case until later on into wrath after ICC had launched and all the heroics were out. I know you could do it with the normal dungeons.

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Rdf came with icc.

These clowns keep crying how there shouldnt be a change and how wotlkc should be a carbon copy of wotlk, then demand rdf early, which is a change.

They are just entitled criers that believe if they want something that means they should have it.

Right so you couldn’t bypass the lockout. You could try to get lucky which is very different than you bypassing the lockout.

It’s amazing how after 3 iterations of classic you still don’ understand the only thing blizzard has been time gating is content. RDF is not content.


You could, but that doesnt fit your narrative so you still try to deny a hard fact.

Again false. Guild banks were not released with tbcc, they came later after the launch.

He made a big point comparing RDF to guild banks. Guild banks came in like 10 months earlier in Classic than original. By his own example RDF should have been in when Naxx was added.

Don’t look for logic in anti-rdf posts.


Oh so RDF let me queue for a dungeon I was already saved to? No? It didn’t?


It could place you in a dungeon you were already saved to, as you already know. But you want to ignore that fact to meet your agenda.

They still didn’t come at launch of tbcc. Which proves it isnt just content they can hold back.

Facts are facts, sorry that your narrative is full of falsehoods and i am proving you wrong.

You don’t understand what gatekeeping means. Simply choosing not to play with you is categorically not gatekeeping. It would only be gatekeeping if they could physically block you from entering the instance or forming your own group.