[News] Exalt in the Impressive Influence 100% Bonus Reputation Buff: April 20 – May 18

Blizzard, please extend the reputation buff until shadow lands pre-patch! A lot of players would like to get Pathfinder, and the duration simply wasn’t long enough for some players!


The doubled Legion reps after BFA went live to help players unlock AR’s and Flight in old content.
They were just as bad when Legion was current.

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Perhaps you can buff rep for MoP and WoD next? I’m 7 reps away from 80.

Any news on if they are going to extend this like they did the XP buff? Still have a handful of alts I need to finish Rustbolt up on, and I’d rather not have to grind at the original speed again, Rustbolt sucks with no emissary available. Thanks.


Ah gotcha, thanks for educating me :smiley:

Hoping that the buff will be extended! Still plenty of work to do to unlock flying…


MoP you can raise a bunch by finding a dino/warbringer spawn camp no one is camping; that was how my Hunter got exalted to all of those during Legion time gates (then did Halfhill supply/whatever orders for the remaining two to raise, while also accidentally finding she could raise Black Prince on trash kills on Isle of Thunder (the mogu statue guys, since she must have started that cloak quest back in the day.) )

WoD she bought medallion of the legion on the AH, but those are expensive on some servers. It cost her just 65 K to raise all those to exalted, then 45 K more to get Wrynn’s vanguard to exalted (glad she did that, since later it was removed from medallion of the Legion.)

really should just extend this buff to shadowlands prepatch also at this point…whats it gonna hurt.




Please Extend, I have many 120,s (22) needed to get to exalted.


I would love it if they extended it like they did for the EXP buff. I’m still tryin’ to level my Alliance alt to start grindin’ rep for the Kul Tirans.


I have guildies that have come back just for this and the xp boost! Please can it be extended beyond May 18th so we can all hang out longer?


imagen if you had to “unlock” blood elfs or death knights back in the day


Love the rep buff. I’m not big on alts (although I did take the occasional advantage of the XP buff). I’m hitting a bfa paragon every other day. Good chunk of gold. I hope they extend it.

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I hope this gets extended. My wife and I have enjoyed working on the reputation for our alts over the past couple weeks. It has been some of the best time spent in the game recently. If they don’t extend it we will probably cancel our subscription to both accounts. Nothing else worth doing right now that hasn’t already been done. Please extend the reputation buff!

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Please extend the buff until the end of month, it is awesome!


so how dose one get this buff. I’m new to this so can someone tell me how it works or what i have to do??


It is automatic, but it’s only designed to work with certain Legion and Battle for Azeroth reputations. So you won’t see any impacts until you reach a high enough level to quest in those expansion-specific zones.


thank you very much

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what do we do to get this? do we have to buy the expansion / preorder it?