[NEWS] Bastion Zone and Kyrian Covenant Updates

It’s the first zone we visit, so it’s the main one they’re showcasing. Being the start of the leveling experience means it’s probably the zone closest to being “complete.”

We’ll see them in the coming weeks. Consider how much of WoD’s early reveals centered around Frostfire and Shadowmoon before moving on to Gorgrond, or Pandaria’s early looks with Jade Forest and Valley of the Four Winds before showing us Krasarang and Kun Lai.

It’s because she’s a pretty cut-and-dry villain.

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Not a big fan of the leather set… plate is kind of boring, too. They both appear flat and more low res compared to cloth and mail (concept art).

Your response doesn’t offer any of your own solutions to the problems being presented here. I am not the first nor will i be the last person who enjoys squeezing the most of my character but also looking cool. I personally think the night fae look stupid AF but unfortunately with how the community myself included in this statistic play video games I would feel compelled to pick it for the powerif it was the best even if i hated the cosmetics which feels punishing from a fun POV.

I think I can understand your pain though you’re posting on a 120 warlock I’m not even sure how you are still playing the game with the “fun” state they are in.

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Alright Blizz you can’t just hang Owl people in front of me and not expect me to want to play a Paladin Steward. Give me Owl People as an allied race. K thanks love you bye.


A perfect idea! We must make Stewards the Allied Race of Bastion(recruited by the Horde)! The Kyrian are way too similar to Humans in my opinion.

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Unpopular opinion here.

I prefer it exactly they way they have it, covenant-wise. I like the idea of making a roleplay choice and it affecting my mog, my mounts, my pets, my abilities, my soulbound champions and the variety of perks I can unlock through them.

There will always be a best in slot. There will always be a mathematical ‘best’ for race, covenant, gear, talents and even class. We’ve seen that in the race for World First, the class stacking.

Some people felt compelled to switch classes to play something OP. Some people are keeping 3+ characters at equal gear levels just to accommodate their mythic raiding guilds. For those players, this will def be a nuisance, having to choose game play over aesthetics.

Me personally? I’ll just do all of the covenants, do all their stories, get all the armor and pets and mounts on just one character. They said you can’t change covenants every dungeon, but you can certainly change it. :stuck_out_tongue:


How would that work though? Since Shadowlands is supposed to be ‘the realm of Death’, can any of the beings from this expansion even physically exist ‘on the other side’ in Azeroth? Will we see any Allied Races at all from Shadowlands?

I wouldn’t think it’s impossible. Perhaps in finding a way for our Characters to return and since there is a rift torn open as it is, then maybe there is a way for some of the more adventurous of the races to cross into Azeroth. I know it’s a pipe dream, but damn do I want to play as a Steward Paladin.

boomkin allied race?

Kidding aside, I would enjoy bird people and cat people allied races.

warlocks are perfectly fine, if u don’t have fun with then, perhaps learn to play them better

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If the Shadowlands can physically reach into Azeroth and Soul Elementals can manifest in Drustvar then Death Elementals like Stewards can go to Azeroth.

Furthermore since Blizzard says beings of the Shadowlands and Mortal Souls can only truly be killed in the Shadowlands themselves they are pretty much in the same boat as Mortal Allied Races.

Argus the Unmaker was called the Death Titan, will he have any influence on the Shadowlands and do Demons go to the Shadowlands or are they on a different cosmic level?

Demons are born of the Twisting Nether; normally, a demon killed on Azeroth or otherwise outside of its home realm will go back to the Twisting Nether, eventually coalesce, and come back. Sargeras tried to shortcut that process by using Argus as a resurrection engine to speed up that process. That same principle applies to other creatures of various realms (Shadow, Light, Fire, etc). The Shadowlands is specifically for mortal beings to go through the process of Death.

So the Burning Legion still goes back to the Twisting Nether, unless they’re killed there, at which point they experience kind of a “true death”. Even then however, the energy that makes up those creatures remains. For example, if a Steward named Joe running around Bastion is crushed to death, Joe is gone, because he died within his home realm, but that energy remains - eventually a new Steward, Jane, will pop up to take Joe’s place.

Incidentally Players dying in the Shadowlands Zones turns us into an Anima Elemental and when we find our corpse we turn into a copy of ourselves…


I understand trying to make each expansion have truely Unique features and setting a different tone per expansion. I applaud the legion artifact and the class fantasy that it brought. I also love using my Focusing Lens to melt enemies in front of me… but I do hope Abilities are not bound by a covenant.

I don’t want to be forced into choosing a covenant that I aesthetically do not like just to be competitive in M+ or raids.

I would say give a class specific talent row of four or how ever many talents were going to be tied to the covenant and have us select one of those talents.

The non-class specific talents can still be tied to a covenant, such as the traveling fox (nightfae) or the servant that brings you a vile(kyrian)

so far everything looks really cool for this expansion

I don’t even like the idea of the cosmetics being permanently locked.

I want to be able to earn stuff and use it.

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Hey, just commenting to say that covenants as implemented will be a complete disaster and will cause your team a lot of heartache.

I’ll be very pleasantly surprised if it gets fixed before launch, but y’all would be wise to do just that.

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Yeah, until you get passed over for someone who picked a better covenant. :sunglasses::ok_hand:


I want to be able to pick the covenant that looks cool to me but also be able to pick the ability that is strong for my class. I understand we cant screw the lore but I think this is the only problem for now


Thanks for the explanation and link! I guess that means it’s not so much that they can’t go to Azeroth, but more like…they haven’t really wanted/needed to, huh?

While the covenants are a cool idea, part of me feels like forced to choose a covenant I don’t want because it has a really good class ability for me and the soulbinds, which tying power to one thing and making it difficult to switch to another covenant because the player made a wrong choice in terms of power, even though they want to be with the venthyr and not the kyrians.

As much as this has been echoed throughout the community, I would like to put some suggestions going forward, Add a new talent row based off the chosen covenant, 3 choices and all 3 have to reflect a certain strategy, either it can be for cleave/M+, raiding or PvP instead of having someone to switch over to a new covenant every timer when they enter a certain piece of content.

Another suggestion, make the class covenant abilities relatively a minor dps increase or make them equal in terms of power they provide.

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The main reason the Stewards never paid much attention to us is due to the Ascension ritual requiring every Soul sent to Bastion to give up all Memories and disperse them in order to become Kyrian and Valkyr.

Everyone in Bastion is ignorant of what is going on in the World of the Living. Once that changes due to Sylvanas’s actions involving the Maw they will probably be visiting Azeroth out of curiosity.