New zone what a joke

I was kind of surprised that it kept throwing quests at me after the campaign. And lots of transmog, too.

Its not really to my taste, but I’m sure someone’s plate class character wanted to look like some kind of weird druid grass-lion.


In those older fairie tales where the kids did dumb stuff and got eaten by wolves, witches or came to a variety of other bad ends to hold up as an example of why you shouldn’t do stupid things or you’ll die, yes. Not really Disney’s purview.

I think this was just a way for that poster to complain for the sake of complaining, though.


Its a fine zone if you like doing same thing over and over IE boring


It’s like you’re playing an MMORPG or something.


Which wasn’t the complaint involved but ok.

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take my main in…BM hunter. Gear dropping everywhere. Got FIVE bows, a belt and two rings very quickly.

Take mage alt in…got one single drop, lol.
Thankfully one of the quests had a 450 chest.
In true Blizzard style, the character that DOESNT need the gear has it falling with the fall leaves…but the one that DOES need the gear gets nearly nothing. lol


Like running the same raid week after week after week after week?


I haven’t spent enough time there to love it or hate it, just did the basic stuff, weekly quest, event, etc. I do however love the new cloth sets minus the hood though so I look forward to collecting them all. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


is it a world raid?

If so thats great if not and its a instance raid bleh…

I log in this morning started the 10.2 quest, thought itd go for awhile but then boom that was it like what 10 quest and it was done? Then dropped in a zone full of world quest that im trying to figure out and all rares already dead. Literally wasnt pointed towards anything just dropped in the zone

It’s supposed to be.

Ardenweald and the Dream are connected.

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There’ll be a new world boss too, I’m sure.

Unlikely but if you’re lucky, you might be able to cover Fyrakk’s back. :8ball::robot:

Yep, new content is a letdown. Worse yet, Guild Wars 2 also got a content update same day. New zone, 3 story chapters, dailies, zone events, new skill track and all the fixings that come with a content patch and it wasnt even down for a couple hours, they even pushed a patch later in the night that only required you to log out and download it and then log back in.

WoW is using outdated patching and the content output is weak.


The ultimate class fantasy


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Its been out for a day jesus christ.

Do you guys not have jobs?? How have you even got so much playtime in lmao

Get actual help


It’s a cool mix of Ardenweald and the Emerald Dream we’ve seen snippets of before but much bigger. I think it favors a playstyle of exploration, 2 quests in I veered off into a cave, got a mini quest and a few treasure chests with transmogs, I thought that was cool. The event felt like Time Rifts but slower. Will be exploring more today, but so far it’s decent. I hope there’s more mini games.


In all it’s a much better zone than Zaralek Caverns and I had fun going through it. Though I am glad I bought a new PC last week. Doubt my laptop could have handled all of those people in that one area.

I didnt like the Ohn’ahara plans Dream Burst thing, it was okay till the very end when it made me kill an elite - but no one was killing the elites and even with 4 of us it took quite awhile to kill a single one with the healing birds spawning, Im also lucky a prot war came along to help me kill adds at the portal. I kept wondering why the zone was dead/empty though. I might have only seen 3-6 people doing that event and no groups.

I also didnt have fun with one of the races in the emerald dream, the branches, obstacles, and route are just completely annoying.

So much better than the other small areas theyve added this expansion imo. Plus the gear gap from S2-S3 makes it feel like we are gearing again

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It’s beautiful, tbh. Music is superb…lots of Elder Scrolls vibes with the music.

Though I wish they leaned into the more alien, otherworldly vibe of the OG Emerald Dream concepts:

Go to around 3:13 in this video to see what I mean.

The final Emerald Dream we’re in now is a fully-fleshed out version of the “forest” biome found in this OG version. Which is pretty neat to see the comparison.

this is somewhat assuring at least. i hope its true and gets expanded upon