New xpack, all female leads? (Part 2)

No what they’re saying about anyone who plays it on the steam discussion chat.

Culture war in full swing there.

Playing on normal I didn’t find it too bad, but it did feel like it was 90% just blocking or dodging on Cloud.

I’m just farming some AP to finish up my battle intels so I can fight Bahamut.

I also need to do the DLC. Ramuh handed my backside to me on a silver platter on first attempt as Yuffie. I might need to level up a bit.

Where’s the strong dominant guys at?
Where’s the aggressive, warlike and brutal guys at?
I wanna be inspired and amazed not feel pity for all these crying dudes…
Where’s the strength gone?
It’s lame.


theres none. NONE, ZERO. Devs thinks war is not a thing in warcraft. im not joking.


I’m looking through that. I’m not seeing that, more complaints about the pvp and other stuff

tyrant mentality… your ideology is on the decline and with vengence


Strength comes from character development real men are Veterans and Fathers and Sons who learn and grow from there sacrifices and hardships. Ill 100% tell you Thrall and Anduin are going be badass manly men without this thread its already in the making unless they kill them both off there Zero reason they don’t bring the Badass moments back.


It is lame.

You won’t be seeing any Grom Hellscreams, and OG Thralls, any Cairne Bloodhoofs, any Vol’Jins, and Varians, any Rexxars, any old school Bolvars, any Garrosh’s, any Saurfangs, etc, etc, etc for the forseeable future.

Even Turalyon, lights vengeance incarnate, is acting extremely soft


lol, Cairne was a big softie most of the time and Thrall’s old design was as twinky as orcs get on top of him being basically hyperfocused on his shaman role.

The most aggressive Vol’jin ever was is when he took the Darkspears out of the horde in Mists.

yeah… they could bring it back. But we’ve certainly been waiting a while bud.
Right now there’s a severe lack… this is what people are unhappy with.

I wanna see some violence and brutality brought back. Some Garrosh or Varian type characters that don’t lead with their sensitivity might be nice hey?

Where’s some of the anti heros? Where’s the violent villains? For every shadowy mastermind like xalatath there could be a chaotic, violent, strong, murderer type. Preferably a male to be honest.


Ever play WC3? Feels like you didn’t, Cairne was a complete bad@** when he had to be, and a wise leader. He was a great male character.


What they’re essentially complaining about is character development and building them up so that when that badass moment finally comes, as we all know it inevitably will, it hits a lot harder. But it’s a MMO story so we have to wait for it.

It’s sad that none of these people are enjoying these male characters now, so when the badass moment comes it won’t even be enjoyable for them. They’re really missing out and I feel bad for them because the story is really good right now but they’re too caught up in caring about “manly men” or something to enjoy it.


I played every WC3 campaign several times over. He had moments of aggression at war, most of the time he was never presented as the robotic badass you lot want to see men be.

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Bovan Windtotem’s death proves that there badass cast in the waits you act like they are all dead and on alliance side you have…High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque i guess yea alliance lacking on cool male leads since most are married apparently women ruin warcraft lul this thread is so stupid lol

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the “story” is good in your opinion because it is CATERING to your ideology… that is why you think its “fine”… its not


The story is catering to your ideology too, but they’re doing this thing called character development instead of just badass dudes being badass 24/7 all the time like some kind of teenage boy fan fiction.


I noticed that. I’d give him a slight pass for being a little soft around his girl but I’d like for him to show some more strength and be a fanatical, righteous, destroying machine. I mean the dude was engaged in warfare for like a thousand years right? I wanna see a battle hardened unit. Even an anti hero type.


You can call it what you want.

Nobody is fooled by the subtext behind the characters.


What you consider teenage boy fanfiction is what we want…
You don’t get it.
Too busy loving the sensitive tortured souls from your teenage girl fanfiction. :joy:

We want Garrosh… not Edward Cullen thanks.


But even Garrosh wasn’t fighting all the time and had emotions and character development. So you are getting that…