New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

you can just tell that person hates guys…

damn you got flagged for this ?

because it can be perceived as a “phobic” statement. its woke eating themselves. simple as.

To say “half” the expansion was about Y’rel is very exaggerative.

She was featured in half of one zone, and made a couple short comebacks later on in the expansion.

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honestly i kinda liked yrel, and with bfa i thought she’d be a invasion of a light themed expansion.

I can’t say I had any problem with her myself, and she was some welcome relief from big buff orc dudes everywhere.

I especially loved that cutscene on the boat in Talador.

See, female characters can be cool. I just don’t want all the relevant characters being female, nor do I want them all being males.

Such a weird concept, apparently.

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It’s not even a little exaggerative. She’s present through the whole Alliance quest line. From Shadowmoon to Tanaan Jungle. She’s the link between the player and the expansion story, just like Durotan is for the Horde, less so, considering you meet Durotan after you escape the Iron Horde.

I’m sorry, outside of Talador with that boat cutscene, and Nagrand where you help her attack that orc settlement, I simply don’t remember Y’rel hardly even being in the expansion even the Alliance version.

But again, an expansion full of orc dudes, it was nice to have 1 leading lady.

The door swings both ways.

EDIT: It woulda been nice if Thrall’s mom were featured a bit more. You meet her, she has a few lines and then you don’t see her for the rest of the expansion from what I recall.

No? You sure? Cause you meet her right off the bat during the introduction quest. Then you follow her journey from the novice she was to the paladin she becomes. She’s featured in the Shadowmoon cinematic. I think you should go back and replay the expansion.

And Thrall’s mom gets her moment in Shadowlands.

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She’s in the expansion in some little bits here and there, but the expansion is hardly focused on her, except for a few questlines here and there.

It’s not like 80% of all the quests are centered on her or anything, because they aren’t. Just because she shows up in a few scenes doesn’t mean the whole thing is “about” her, because it just isn’t. Just because she happens to be present doesn’t make it “about” her.

As far as Thrall’s mom, I do vaguely recall something, but seeing as SL itself stunk, I found myself forgetting most of what happened in SL, lol. That and I skipped half of the expansion.

Blizz themselves even thinks Shadowlands stunk, because if you go to Chromie, BfA is still “Recommended” of all the expansions to do Chromie Time with, which is just hilarious.

Nevermind that BfA really isn’t THAT good, especially if you’re Horde, to do CT with and that there are far better expansions for xp/hr gains.

funny part?
I didnt even pay enought attention to notice. lol.
Thats how much I care.

She was introduced as the Joan of Arc of the Alliance prior to launch, she was a big deal. Bigger than most other characters. Name another character that gets more time in the Alliance story than her? Please.

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The one cool earthen was killed off so early on. Lame.

For more information on why they’re doing this just watch South Parks explanation of Modern Entertainment.

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Well, how about this?

In an expansion full of orc dudes, who exactly was going to be the Alliance character you see more often than not?

The expansion’s main story isn’t really “about” her, though she is present a lot of times, because yanno, it’s not like there’s an over-abundance of Alliance characters to choose from, lol.

Anduin stands up and he and Faerin walk aside.
Anduin Wrynn says: Did I hear that right, earlier? You’re a… Lothar?
Faerin says: You know the name?
Anduin Wrynn says: Know it? I was named for Anduin Lothar, one of Stormwinds greatest heroes. He was close friends with my grandfather, King Llane Wrynn.
Anduin Wrynn says: Few names hold higher esteem. You must be a lady, or a–
Faerin says: Oh no, don’t you start using formalities on me! My family is noble, but it’s been long since we’ve seen great fortune.
Faerin says: To think I had relatives in the old world? Wonderful! I hope I can live up to such legends.
Faerin says: Wait, if your grandfather was king of this… Stormwind, then–
Faerin says: Anduin, my new friend… are you a king?
Anduin goes back to kneeling next to one of the injured Arathi Fishers.
Anduin Wrynn says: Not anymore.
Anduin Wrynn says: …So don’t you start using formalities on me, either.

(That’s it)


For the most part I don’t care about the story. Half the time I don’t even pay attention to it so male, female leaders I don’t really care.

But one male has stood out to me and that’s Anduin. What a gd embarrassment this guy is.

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The expansion is about … well not sure what it’s about aside showing us how Draenor looked like before it became Outland. But that expansion had so much removed from it that it’s hard to say what it is about. But one of the stories that survived the butchery of the expansion is about the holy goat girl. She’s been announced before the expanion release, her story is present across the expansion presented as a journey from a novice to a full fledged paladin, her taking up Velen’s head mark thing and Maraad’s weapon. I never said the expansion story is about her, but she’s present through it from start to finish. From the moment you free her during the intro quests to the last cinematic of the expansion. So you can’t say she’s some insignificant goat girl. She’s one of the main characters in the WoD story.

Really? You didn’t say that?

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I meant she was present in half the expansion. Not that the story itself was about her, because I just said, I’m not even sure what the expansion story was about due to the removed content.

That’s a weird way to word it, lol. but whatever.