New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

It’s still a bad argument.

Just because WoW’s writing was always terrible, doesn’t mean that it isn’t terrible for a different reason in TWW as it was in DF or SL.

Maybe the reason it’s terrible in TWW is because of DEI.

Maybe the reason it was terrible in DF is because it was basically Disneyland.

Maybe the reason it was terrible in SL is because they pulled a major villain out of their rear-ends with no backstory behind him.


The same proof you have that its bad writing now.

You think the writing is what did it?

Vanilla had no story.

TBC took a bunch of big names and butchered them.

WotLK had laughable writing riding the coat tails of WC3.

It borrowed more from Scooby Doo and saturday morning cartoons.

TBC already had a lot of retcons and plot holes and ended up rewriting several things that had been previously established in the lore. That’s not exactly good storytelling. :dracthyr_shrug:

I mean, the actual OP doesn’t really lay any of that out.

Though for my own part I get the “I’d like a more balanced cast”(and for the game to have less terrible writing in general) thing but people always bring politics into it and then they gotta get all weird about having that opinion.

The only weirdness I want around here is weird gifs, which since it’s Friday and work is over…


Or maybe its terrible because the writing quality has never been a focus, and its always bad.

Or maybe its because you want this to be a political conversation.

I dont know man.

I think the issue is WoW has never had good writing, and it doesnt have to be for political reasons. But some people cant survive without making it political.

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Sure, he was a notable character for that zones storyline but in the overall story of the expansion and Warcraft as a whole,


he’s completely irrelevant, esp now that he’s dead

I get your point but I don’t think that was a good example

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Warcraft is not comparable to Stephen King, but it was certainly good enough to succeed and outshine numerous competitors.


Your emotions are overcoming you in big salty splashes. :ocean:
I made no comment of the writing from my point of view. I haven’t seen it yet. I would never pay $40 extra for 3 1/2 days and a few toys LOL.

I’m merely suggesting the OP is not a troll but had valid points.



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I got a large collection, but I can’t post them here without getting banned.

Again how and why does that matter? He was a lead character for the zone. OP is acting like only women characters were leads, which is demonstrably not true.

My want for a balanced cast and/or more well-written characters has absolutely NOTHING to do with Politics.

Like, WTF?

“I want there to be closer to 50/50 split between men and women and I want the girls that are there to be better written” is somehow political?

I don’t know what kind of gummy limbs you have to make THAT kind of stretch.

[quote]I dont know man.

I think the issue is WoW has never had good writing, and it doesnt have to be for political reasons. But some people cant survive without making it political.[/quote]

Did you ever think that maybe that Blizz just might be trying to push DEI with their all-female cast?

I mean if it smells like BS, it probably is BS.

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Being better than its competitors has little to do with writing quality.

I am not merely suggesting you are a troll.

I am stating you are.

“You disagree with me, therefor you are emotional”

“I made no comment on the writing, I just blamed california politics for the writing”

At least I see why you had to bring out a new forum alt for these takes.

The only points OP has are the tallies they keep on the characters’ sex.

I have to not post a few things that I’d really like to around here from time to time.

Your entire response to me, is pretending I replied to someone or said something I didnt.

I never said anything about your want for a balanced cast.

I responded specifically to the person making it political.

You can want a balanced cast. Go for it. I think thats a great idea.

Honey… I’m not the OP. holy christ calm down. I’m replying to someone who said this thread got flagged because people were assuming “HE” was a troll.
Make broad general statements like “ALL WOW WRITING IS TERRIBLE” is symptom of emotion based response imo.
Blizz HQ is in California.


Said person suspects it is a political move on Blizz’s part, because it sure smells like one.

Again, if it smells like BS, chances are it probably is.

Why else would the cast be predominantly female?


“saying all wow writing is terrible. but me saying all california is terrible is ok”

Because they are historically bad at writing?

Sometimes the easiest answer is right.