New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

How is this thread 4800+ replies in at this point? “Too many women” could only be a problem to people who don’t like (or more likely hate) women. Zero other reason. None of these “too many women” people ever said “too many men” back when WoW was a almost entirely a sausage fest. But now that female characters are closing in on being equal in number and importance in WoW it’s suddenly a huge problem.

It’s the old “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression” proving true again.

Someone probably posted it already but I’m not digging though better part of five thousand posts to find out. Taliesin sums it up pretty well in this video

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Wish I could leave a reply here without getting censored by the hate-mob. RIP freedom of speech.


Awesome we have another round of people strawmanning the actual issue and just “WAAAH men cant handle women.” When most of the replies are literally about the trash story telling male or female.

But theres men in the game why arent you happy?

Well because theyre written like a 3rd grade creative writting assigment.

Its almost as if women and minorities werent happy to just be seen in media they needed proper representation. Yet now that its a problem for men were going to forget how the entire “progressive move” started

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Don’t worry, companies are not competent enough to make all-inclusive products anymore. I have seen the older cartoon intros my older brothers linked a while ago. They were even DEI-correct before woke became a thing. It’s the offensive message pushed with them nowadays.

Does it start with an F and end with an Ism


Yes males like stories about males better. It doesn’t mean they hate women lol
False “if this then that”, try again

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Even if that’s true, WoW isn’t made just for male players, and WoW has a large number of female players.

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Not only in game but every show on TV has moved this direction devaluing the roles of men.

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Is that so big fella? :cocktail: Tell me more. :wink: :kiss:

One of my favorite TV shows ever made is a K-drama about five girls who live in the same apartment together. Genuinely one of the best character studies I’ve witnessed in the last 10 years.

I say this as a married, straight white male lol

The reality of inclusion is that the more diverse crowd you try to make a product for the worse you can serve the interests of any specific market. At some point the trade offs move in favor of making a product with an aim at pleasing less people to a greater degree rather than more people to a lesser degree.
Men and women have variation within the group but overall trend in different directions. The more you aim at pleasing women the less you please men and obviously the opposite is true too.
People giving their anecdotes obviously don’t understand generalities. Don’t tell on yourself.


Do you know what an anecdote is?

I know what an anecdote is. Do you know what overgeneralizations are?

Do you know that it’s true that in general men and women have different interests and that the more egalitarian a society is the more they move in different directions?


This was never what freedom of speech was about. What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech. Say what you want to say and deal with the consequences of what happens after that.

Freedom of speech is the right to express ideas and opinions without fear of retaliation, censorship, or punishment from the government.

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the dwarf guy whose name you can’t even remember, who threw his life away when there was literally hordes of other options? the dwarf guy who spent the entire zone getting belittled about how he wasn’t doing his job properly? how he was supposed to protect the island and yet never actually did that and problems were running rampant around the island? the dwarf guy whose second in command corrupted their entire base and most their soldiers in the short time he left to go investigate dalaran blowing up? yeah he wasn’t the hero. he was there to be "look at the incompetent man who can’t do his job properly, while the actual heros over here are taking care of the little guy, actually aware of what’s going on in the zone, and figured out how to tame stormrooks which he couldn’t do in thousands of years because he’s too stupid to do it.

you mean speaker brinthe who again is looking out for the common person, meanwhile the high and mighty speaker was hoodwinked by the oldest trick in the book into corrupting his people into being xalatathes minions? yeah magni was there at the end of the day to stave off the corruption and free the people (almost at the expense of his life), but it was brinthe, moira, and his own grandson who put the pieces together.

anduin was the main hero? anduin who was mopey the entire time and had to have Farein lothar hold his hand throughout the zone and give him a shoulder to cry upon?

You could have easily had compelling stories without tearing every man down and making the women be the badass voices of reason who can do no wrong (sans Alleria, who appears to be the sole “hey look women can screw up” throw away. How hard would it have been to have Baelgrim be a competent commander who listens to the likes of Adelgonn and Lufsela when its pertinent, and they listen to him when its pertinent?

Seriously the writing on these storylines is awful. do you know how many other realistic solutions there was to Baelgrims problem alone? throw a match. throw your hammer charged with electricity. heck of the classes we have in game most probably have some way or another they could have lit those barrels on fire…(Hunter, Mage, DH, Shaman, Warlock, Druids, and potentially more if they get creative).


Same way I remember no other NPCs names

Yea she was the one who saved the machine and the earthen as a whole

Wait, no that was Mangi, she couldn’t do anything

Just missed him saving everyones lives then, stop skipping cutscenes and youll understand the story more

Right its almost as if a certain group is trying (and failing) to chip away at those rights


Dont tell them about the Scandinavian countries

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yeah but without her, Moira, and Dagran, Magni would never have been in a place to solve the problem in the first place.

you mean with his mopey no one needs me anymore suicide charge at the end? meanwhile who got us to that point? seriously. who got us to the point where that actually mattered? Anduin? No. Faerin, Alleria, and the Champion did. Anduin moped until the end and would never have been in a place to do that. If you think Anduin was the hero of that zone YOU SKIPPED LITERALLY EVERYTHING. but that doesn’t surprise me, seeing as you claimed Baelgrim was the hero of the first zone like a dunce who watched and read nothing and just saw a stupid suicide charge and called him the hero.