New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

the absolute seething and coping behind this post is amazing

lol, lmao even.


blizzard seems dead set on pursuing the concord marketshare instead.

These execs are asleep at the wheel lmao.


a wall of converse.

SoD is still fun, and largely immune to the modern day corruption plaguing the franchise.

It’s sad to see this cancer eat away at the studio. I mean just look at the lost potential of starcraft. Why is there no space marine 2 for blizzard IP?

Instead we have development time spent on character models like your avatar. :joy:

What Tolkien said about people like you is true though. They cannot create, only destroy. That’s why every startup franchise with the themes you appear to love flop and so it’s always existing franchises that get usurped. Then they get slowly bled out and wither away.



Ya you are definitely modern blizzards target audience


Thing is, female custode, while non existent until the 10th codex and highly contentious based on all that came before, and that the sisters of silence were pretty much female custode-ish counterparts (and they wouldn’t typically be ‘female’ in appearance anyway), is nothing compared to creating a female Space Marine.

That would be absolutely lore breaking, no matter what any of these ‘experts’ would try and say.

But anyways.

Exactly. I’m hoping later on we see some of that old school Metzen metal, but don’t really have my hopes up that high lol


Yeah I’m not buying that there are many Warhammer circles that agree on Female Space Marines.


It literally would not be lore-breaking, because nothing in the lore states they can’t exist.

Again, no. Sisters of Silence have a completely different purpose to custodes and space marines.

None of you know a single thing about 40k lol


You don’t know more than Majorkill.

Sit down boyo and begone.

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Majorkill is literally okay with female custodes lol

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Yup, and I’m a fan capable of my own critical thought, yet my statement remains true - you don’t know more than a guy whose livelihood YT channel is based solely on 40k.

Who also states female space marines is lore breaking, in said video.

Meh, you’ll be talking to the wind as far as I’m concerned from here out, I sincerely doubt you’d have the same cadence if they slammed men into any of the sisterhoods, but w/e, GL to you lad

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It’s not lore-breaking.

Majorkill offered his own theory on the matter and speculation, but nothing about the lore states they can’t be female.

Yeah, that’s why you regurgitated a video from someone rather than actually arguing your own points. :clown_face:

Nah, include men. Why should I care? There’s nothing about them that suggests they should be 100% female. They just are.


This is not an argument.
A person can form their own opinion by reading a newspaper, playing someone else’s game, or watching someone else’s opinion. Or use a video from another person who has the same opinion.

This doesn’t invalidate someone’s opinion, it’s just a dishonest attempt by a weak person to invalidate an argument.


This is correct. The game would be better without activist writing. But I’m glad this happens in America and not here in Europe. American GenZ are way more childish than ours.


Dishonest and weak is deflecting and failing to explain why the introduction of female custodes is somehow “lore-breaking” even though the lore doesn’t support the notion that they must be male.

Dishonest and weak is using other factions like the Sisters of Battle and the Sisters of Silence as a reason why female custodes and space marines can’t exist, as if both of those are auxiliary to the purpose of space marines and custodes when they aren’t.

Dishonest and weak is claiming to be a fan of something with your own critical thought and then linking a video that doesn’t even support your own conclusions and thoughts on the matter.

Because Majorkill himself even states that he’s okay with female custodes, he just doesn’t buy into the “it’s always been 50/50” excuse, which is fine.

Above all, however, it’s dishonest and weak to assume any part of this is lore-breaking and earthshattering for any part of 40k, because it demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the 40k universe except at a surface level. As stated before, GW has taken extensive liberties with the 40k lore in the past, with things that contain far, far higher implications than a female custode/space marine.

I’m talking GW doing a 200 year timeskip with the 8th edition of the game, where they detailed the tail-end of the Indomitus Crusade. GW would then go on to state “Nah, it’s actually a 12 year timeskip and what we witnessed in the new book is actually just the first part of the Indomitus Crusade, not the end of it.” This was such a major retcon that GW had to rework already published books to fit their new narrative.

Or we could talk about the FTL retcon with the Tau, which renders the entire history and empire prior to the Fourth Sphere irrelevant and riddled with inconsistencies.

These are actually lore-breaking, not a girl being a space marine or a custode. So if you’re going to claim to be a fan of something and then link me a video that isn’t even in total support of your viewpoints, then I’m going to assume you don’t have an opinion and have instead resorted to regurgitating whatever clickbait video you consumed the day prior.


By the way.
Space Marine 2 gigachad masculine characters, ULTRA EDITION 99$ had a ratio of 300X more players than Concord woke game canceled with 60 players.

GET WRECKED WOKIES!!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Yeah, this is definitely a reaction a normal functioning adult should be having lol


Well They wont Let Thundarfury be a female lead… and she would be a crazy lead

Is not men who “set” a beauty standard.

If a baker makes bread stuffed with chicken and bread stuffed with lettuce, but the ones that sells most are chicken, it doesn’t mean that someone intentionally has “set” chicken standard.

Seeking what is best for yourself is human nature.

You vill eat ze bugs

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