New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Not that the ones posting these topics would ever see it.

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Not everyone got EA.

I’m sitting here waiting for a rare to spawn. Got stuff to wrap up before I start TWW on Monday!

Anduin is just an angsty little teenager and Thrall is way past his Green Jesus years. They’re just window dressing compared to all the girl bosses Blizz are now forcing down our throats.


Anduin isn’t a teenager at this point.

I don’t have it either but I’m talking about the OP complaining about women in the new story. Even though Anduin is in almost ever cinematic.

Isn’t he like 25 now?

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Yeah, I was thinking somewhere in his mid 20s.

He sure doesn’t act like it.


Ok now you’re changing what you meant to be right.

The WNBA is exploding vs their own previous numbers. Has absolutely nothing to do with the NBA lol

what’s wrong with that?
If more women ran the IRL countries of the world, we’d have less wars.

I think at this point people just assume that Anduin will be everywhere.

So it’s just something you ignore. Like dust on a camera lens.

But we want wars in warcraft.


What is someone possessed by a genocidal prince and force to serve the super devil supposed to act like?

Anyways it’s so pointless to even have this discussion here because it’s not a discussion at all. No matter how much guts a character displays they will always be a weak crybaby or a girl boss if they don’t have a 16 pack and aren’t yelling at people. :+1:t2:

ok we’re heading straight into dumpster fire country now.

Oh if your talking against its self sure. Still dont see what you’re trying to say when you mean explode?

Im pretty sure the WNBA actually still loses money.

Either way this is off topic.

Well beside that had Magni and other male Dwarves. It’s crazy how triggered some get over any women in the story when Warcraft always had that.

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I dunno. A better written character?

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It is funny how the earthen stormrider dies just to make the girl the new leader, is extremely predictable.

Has it ever happen the other way around? A female character dying to make a male one the new leader of their faction?