New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

that was quite the dodge away from your behavioural causality.
I’m glad to see I’ve initiated some cognitive dissonance in you. Good luck from here. Sincerely.


It is a branch of Post-modern ideologies: A cult faith system dividing people into groups based on subjective emotions of “oppression”. Literally creating struggle and chaos, subversion for its own sake. Look up Conflict Theory, De-constructionism, Critical Theory. The anti-human, mentally troubled philosophers who wrote these things were pretty plain about their ideas, at least when they didn’t use double speak and gaslight their readers (which is a lot).


You’re another right wing moron casually bringing up eugenicist points of breeding and genes when someone calls you pathetic for conspiratorial thinking.

No, there is no grand conspiracy to kill humanity and end the world by putting women in games. Talk to a damn therapist.

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I am sick of this crap. Same thing for years now. Since BFA! Im not playing another girl power expansion.


I think Bright has me muted.

(Can someone with image posting powers please throw me a “well then you are lost” gif from Obi-Wan Kenobi plz?)


nothing they said was actually inherently right wing…but i guess when all you have to rely on for your information is cable news anyone right of bernie is a right winger right?


Talking like a eugenicist and bringing up “breeding” and “low iq” is not a subtle right wing dog whistle. It’s a bullhorn.

He’s part of the Alex Jones/RFK conspiratrash crowd.

I think its more a reflection on how poor the writing has been this expansion and its just easier to harp on a obvious point then go into depth on why what is being presented doesn’t work.

they arent’ talking like a eugenicist…notice there were no racial or ethnic connotations…or didn’t you know that eugenics was a racially based ideology that predates the study of genetics by more then a century? guessing you’re just tossing around a buzzword you heard on msnbc without understanding its meaning and history


Why I’m half expecting him to next post a rant about how transhumanist conspirators are going to get rid of humanity to spite god or something.

At some point you don’t really come off better then what you condemn…

Or am I getting my “suppressing humanity through making men women, and men women” conspiracies mixed up?

Parsing the thoughts of insane people is such a difficult task.

They haven’t made a good story since Legion, just ignore it, they will eventually swing back around to good writers.

aside from you no one has even hinted at that…you are familiar with human history right…and what thruout all of it has occured involving the ruling class’s lust for power, and the methodologies they typically use to achieve and maintain that power yes?’s a hint the ruling elite gain and maintain their power thru sowing division amongst the people they rule, this very often ends up being rooted in the most primal aspects of the human psyche race, gender, and resources

i feel that they are but not as much as guldan or garrosh or varyan or any other males in wow. The women of wow usually are the voices of reasons hence why they are imperative in the war within and why males that prone to war doesn’t

Yes. And you’re about to go into a Marxist argument about the ruling class vs the working class and the fact that you don’t know that is hilarious.

Indeed nobody brought politics or economics into the equation until that response, to a reponse, to my response… lol feelsbadman
The IRL N’Zoth cultists can’t help but do that.

Classic Divide & Conquer. Appeal to instinct (tribalism).
My case proven and bolstered for the fourth time :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

The only real ‘conspiracy’ theory in play here, is Conflict theory and Marxian metaphysics… which people not indoctrinated into: either don’t understand, ignore, or just cringe at. Because it’s a cult. I’m an atheist btw… and people are free to believe whatever they want. But not to impose it on others, or blame them for their subjective projections on the world… :confused: As it happens, reality is not a game to be controlled. But I suppose that takes a lifetime for some to understand, if they even choose to accept that at all… that’s up to them.

Like yes! Thank you! The bourgeoise distract the proletariat with culture wars instead of making policy about material conditions!

That is exactly on the money

no actually, because i dont’ subscribe to the ideology peddled by a swine of a man that never in his entire life managed to support himself and instead spent his days leaching off of everyone around him…incase you haven’t figured it out i’m talking about marx


Yeah, and you’re using his theory of class relations to describe how the ruling class maintains control over the proles.

God Americans need to be ludovico’d into several concurrent humanities classes