New Wrathion Quest requirments

I checked and it is the quest that needs to be completed, not just defeat Azshara. This quest is picked up in Nazjatar from your respective faction leader. I updated my previous post as well.


You just need the achievement for those two bosses my buddies are doing now and havent touched that quest still in there log. And the war campaign.

Is it the quest that you get after you gather 3000 exp and defeat the NPC in front of the raid?

Can you complete the war campaign on one character and do the azshara part on another?

Each toon has to finish the war campaign.

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Its the raid quest Jaina gives you infront of the raid to kill azshara. I did have that quest active to be completed before I got the Circle of Stars achievement and turned that in before I went over to the Earthen Guardian & the quest was available.

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What a pita, my hunter completed the war campaign and can get the quest right now (have been sitting at 2700/3000 for weeks), but I don’t like to run group content as DPS, and my healers/tanks have not progressed much in the war campaign and sushi people exp thing.

I rather wait until someone comes up with a video of the quest.

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Not mising much honestly.

Yeah, that is exactly why I am going to wait. :rofl:

I’ve cleared the full Eternal Palace raid before, had the quest chain done with Azshara long ago, and finished the war campaign.

Wrathion quest isn’t starting. This thing is bugged for some players. (Not sure what the commonality is among the players experiencing the bug… maybe being on a Horde character that stayed loyal to Sylvanas? I also have the Gift of N’zoth, but others seem to say that’s not the issue.)

You know the problem with you gating content BEHIND a raid, is that if you don’t raid there is precious little to do this patch.


I completed both and no quest. What gives?

Nevermind. I queued for Circle of Stars in LFR and it popped for me, then I left the queue.

Why the HELL do you keep hiding new quest lines behind raids? Stop forcing people into content they don’t want to do.


As always, thanks for the info. This is a weird requirement for a solo quest, though. Can you take that feedback over to the devs?


Fire the SOB that made the locking solo content behind a raid is a good idea.


More asinine gating of story content for raiders only … another reason why not to come back to lolretail.


I am in queue for it now and there actually is no time estimate so I am betting I will be lucky with getting away with an hour queue.

Actually a 2 hour time estimate just came up… and after 24 minutes in queue back to no time estimate. Oh boy, I love waiting in for 4 hours just so I can open up content in a game I PAY for.

I am almost never on a character for an hour doing ‘casual stuff’. I actually have to set aside time to do this and it probably isn’t even worth it. I could be doing the bee stuff, however, that appears to be character specific just like the war campaign…

Ok, giving up 44 minutes in queue and showing no time estimate. Never once in all that time did it show a single person in queue as well which means it literally could be 4 hours or more waiting for this.

If this turns out to be important later on I guess I just find another game, I am tired of this crap.


So just another quest line I will not be able to do because I don’t raid. Why Blizzard insists on making us do raid content just to see the story is beyond me. I guess i’m done with bfa now since you have to raid to see the story, thanks for nothing.


Just one question, I killed Za’qul and Azshara first , finished the quest for circle of the stars, and then finished the war campaign, and still don’t get the quest pop up.
do I have to kill Za’qual and Azshara again to get the quest?

Some people have said they had to sign out and back in and it was available, some others have said they requed for lfr and it showed up so there may be a little bug? seems different things are working for people

I agree with you, but the Wrathion story in particular has always been about Blizzard playing to diehards and elitists.

Hence why his quests get removed when the next expansion is released.