New Wrathion Quest requirments

No I wasn’t talking about the Jaina wing. I was talking about wing 2 that had rastakhan. That has no mount, yet the queue time was not long and as I stated other people were there (in their own words in the raid chat), that they were doing it just in case they needed it for the final part of the 8.2.5 war campaign.

Why do I think you aren’t dps ?

There was a tank earlier in this thread that said the queue for him was 40 minutes.

I don’t know what the heck you consider not long but I waited 44 minutes in mine and there was no time estimate so I ran out of time to play. I have done LFR for 6 plus years and I know when that happens you can be waiting hours.

I really can’t get over how petty you are about something that doesn’t even affect you. Oh blizzard please don’t let them have content, don’t let them see the story.


I’m also not a raider, LFR or otherwise. Looks like I won’t be able to experience this quest line for myself. I don’t raid because I just don’t have the patience to queue up for a raid with no experience and wipe repeatedly while trying to learn the mechanics of each boss.

I also say that solo content should never be gated behind raid content. It would be no different than locking quest content behind BGs or Arenas for those who don’t enjoy PvP.


Thanks for the couple days of endless searching, asking, guides to no avail… If only this could had been prevented


Can ya tell Blizzard higher up that the story in BFA was the worst in 15 years?


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Same for me. I just did the Lillian Voss part and no follow up.

yup, I’ve been playing on my DH alt, which I have no interest in doing the quests again and guess what: no new stuff. Because reasons.

Oi. I mean, granted it’s a completely optional questline, but still. Why are they so alt unfriendly in BFA?

Because they want to artificially increase the time you have to play the game, there’s nothing more to it.

I wouldn’t call it optional, it’s related to what happened in the current raid and to the core of the expansion, the Heart of Azeroth. So it is a main story development for the expansion.

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