Passes the time while waiting in a two hour queue.
yet when it happens to blizzard everyone memes small indie company. shows the logic of the wow forum community just a bunch of trolls
Ou don’t understand that I am the type of player who waits by the mailbox for gear to arrive!
From what reviews I’ve read, New World suffers from classic MMO problems like people skinning your kills.
I heard that game had a cash shop while in alpha.
The big repeat problem NW will have down the road stems from Amazon spinning up many new servers like WoW did in BC. We all know what happens down the road as attrition takes its toll. Some servers are going to end up very low pop.
But that’s a tomorrow problem. Server queues are a today problem.
Ewww… I hope I don’t come across edgy.
Server queues arent a concern for me really because such things are bound to happen. Difference with NW is that it doesnt seem to have the actual playing area to provide for very large populations all together at the same time. When you have a very large world (as WoW does) you can have 50,000 characters on a realm at the same time because they are spread all over the place. I dont know what Amazon’s server caps are like but they seem to be very low. And do they use a sharding or layering tech? Possibly not?
So what you have is people wanting to play a game for an extended period of time as its new, not logging off, limited spaces on the server and that = long queue times.
OK, only a bit edgy, sort of back from the edge a bit…
I agree because I have more control over it. For some reason, with a rapier, certain abilities will cause me to dive forward randomly and I’ll miss an attack.
Agreed. I think my server is just Syndicate dominate and so I haven’t really seen much of a fair fight, yet. I guess the Syndicate on m y server are just the l33t PvPers you see wandering around in edge lord transmogs in WoW.
I see no reason why I can’t subdue one of the domestic boars or wolves! Or the large turkeys…
Also, swimming does not exist in the game and you can literally just wander across ocean floors.
Yeah I’ll dabble around with FFXIV during droughts but the quality of game is really not even close, and I’m a die hard FF fan, it’s just not as good an MMO as WoW is, it’s close don’t get me wrong, but just not as good as WoW.
With the way they have New World being a “pay once and that’s it” structure, it’s just going to collapse after a while due the server costs, or with the game being filled with microtransactions at some point, similar to how Overwatch and HotS has loot boxes, Destiny 2 also earns an honorable mention here since they do sell stuff in store, but they also release an expansion every 8 or so months, that’s how they are able to stay afloat, is to keep charging their players periodically, kind of like a subscription, but less upfront about that’s what it really is.
A lot of people don’t realize this isn’t Amazon’s first game, it’s likely their last attempt to make something that breaks into the market, so they’re pulling the Epic games strategy of “burn money now, hopefully we find a way to keep it afloat later”, which is not a good sign for an MMO imo.
FFXIV is a far superior MMORPG at the moment.
It actually remembers that MMO and the RPG parts.
Its a bit like ESO but in reverse. Bethesda launched ESO as a subscription-based game with a minimal shop but when they went to console they apparently had a huge push back because players didnt want to have to pay two subs, so they took the sub away and made it free to play with a much expanded cash shop. Later they introduced ESO Plus which is sub-based but provides a large set of QoL improvements and access to all the DLCs (but not the expansions). With NW they are starting at Buy to Pay and I really cant see that lasting because once everyone who wants it buys it, they aren’t earning any extra real income from it.
Precisely, the original blizzard dev team built wow’s game engine from the ground up so it would do everything they wanted an mmorpg to do with what they had in mind. All these other mmorpg’s that keep coming out trying to be the wow killer keep getting that fundamental idea completely wrong right out of the door. They outsource the game engine to a third party or use a game engine built by their own company (EA/Bioware being a prime example of both points) that was designed for an entirely different style of gameplay. I won’t even get started on the inter-studio conflicts and woke pc culture nonsense that also ruins games. We’ve already been seeing that play out with this one quite recently and it IS part of the reason this one is now failing.
Is that why you’re on the lodestone and not WoW forums? Even FFXIV’s developers recognize WoW is superior, so you might want to actually look at what the developers are saying before you start saying which is superior.
They haven’t said anything of the sort.
Yoshida have mentioned how he does not like the two games being compared, because FFXIV is essentially World of Warcraft with a Final Fantasy skin slapped on.
He also mentioned that yes, FFXIV will never reach the amount of subscribers WoW had back in the day, no MMORPG will nowadays, it is a saturated market today, it was not then.
Yoshida looked to WoW back then to see what a MMORPG should be.
There have been no mention of WoW being superior, which it hardly isn’t anymore… it is not even close, FFXIV is far, far above WoW nowadays. FFXIV is now what WoW was then.
The server “issues” have been blown way, way, way out of proportion. They had some issues for the first few hours out of the gate, but I logged in after work on launch day, 8pm EST, absolute prime time. Zero queue. No crashes. No lag.
If you’re looking to senpai for your favorite streamer, yeah, you’re probably out of luck. But there’s lots of servers with no queues.
They also announced free transfers in a couple weeks, so people can temporarily play on a server with no queue right now and move later.
Honestly, given the sheer volume of people that played launch day, I think launch went fairly decently. People expecting to jam 50000 streamer shills onto the same server at the same time or whatever and then bombarding Steam with negative reviews is honestly pretty childish. If the game was capable of handling that, they’d just have one mega server. Clearly it’s not made that way and as such, whining because you can’t overload one server while ignore a dozen open ones is pretty silly.
Hey, better then the metacritic reviews.
2.8. People are not happy about it.
Did you even look at the sample size?
I honestly don’t want to focus on the number of the players playing, since that isn’t always a reliable way to gauge with the game’s quality (much like sales or …twitch popularity i guess), and prefer reviews that touch upon on the quality of the product.
However, i haven’t said anything against the numbers shown. Infact, i’m glad PCgamer isn’t using sites like MMOpop and using a reliable source like SteamDB. And considering it’s only on Steam (that being you need steam to use it by the look of things even if you get it from Amazon).
Checking on the reviews though,
Checked mine out again and it improved to 3.7 for user score.
Checked out on steam, and it’s 47%.
If you’re talking about Metacritic, it has 31 ratings. I’ve noticed the sample size is pretty low in comparison to Steam reviews.
I was talking about your metacritic post but it doesn’t matter. Most of the negative reviews on Steam are from people who didn’t even play due to queue times so are those reviews really going to be an accurate assessment of the quality of gameplay? Probably not. So far since release they’ve opened some forty more servers for the EST so it’s alleviating some.
That being said, I don’t think it’s a game that is going to be considered favorable by the broader WoW audience. The combat alone will keep them from playing.