New World off to a great start!

I guess Bezos is offering more money than Squenix to post about how great their game is.

Let me state what NW has that WoW doesn’t. Honestly since NW is buy to play, I don’t see why someone can’t squeeze in both games.

-involved crafting
-open sandbox world (no direction or story, free to take quests. Feels much more like Vanilla than retail)

Those are the two big selling points for me personally.

-action combat
-involved PvP

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There’s no monthly subscription fee?

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I heard they may do an ESO model where you sub for perks but don’t HAVE to.

What about - no Vulpera. Or, really, no anything else but humans?

Or a faction imbalance that apparently makes WoW’s look like fun and balanced?

Or no mounts? No flight? Running everywhere, just like Vanilla which, in a modern gaming world seems oddly backwards. It has the equivalent of a hearthstone on a one hour cd along with a number of other fast travel methods but obviously the idea is to keep you running around as much as possible.

No tab targetting, and how many times have I heard people put down games that use NW’s form of targetting.

That would not at all surprise me.

Huh? Harassing coworkers?

What are you even talking about?

Youre not suppose to drink the bonng water my friend …

No, it currently does not have a sub. I wouldnt be at all surprised however if somewhere down the track they create a “New World Prime” account option where you pay a sub and get a whole crapload of benefits.

Thats your selling point? Mounts, tab targeting and races? Not gameplay? Have you even played the game? Only 2 days in, but Im having a blast.


Character creation is worse even then wow’s but everything else is solid. Call it new game smell but literally trekking across the world to do chores feels better then wow

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Its reviews are mixed lol

Wow launch was out of physical copies at launch and had high reviews for 3 expansions straight that’s 6 years .

Looks like another wow killer fail as expected.

No, my dear, thats just a few observations from checking the game’s options and methods, its purely informational. If you enjoy it, good luck to you, have fun. I wasnt able to play it (though I bought it) because my PC couldnt handle it.

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Funny about people calling people blizz shills for no apparent reason aside from the fact that they look insecure or feel like they are rubbing it in someones face that a new game had a lot of users interested at launch. shocking

I will miss my Vulpera and flight dearly. It’s one of the reasons I still play WoW over many other games in general - where else can you be a fox with a pet unicorn riding a dragon?

I actually fired up my Rift account a couple months ago. It’s a decade old reminder to me not to buy stuff when I’m mad at Blizzard. My character runs like she has a broken artificial hip.

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I mean, have you really taken a look around at the state of things now? The conglmeration of all things such as the content droughts, gating of pivotal gear to be successful (applies moreso to pvp), the few lawsuits going on and federal investigation, etc…

Yeah, man. This game is healthy and doing well.

I resubbed back here yesterday to show where my loyality lays.

I can wait for the next expansion & we will all see how great wow will continue to be!

See you in Off Topic!

You resubbed to wait for the next expansion…

No, I thought it might be about time to level my this hunter silly.

Oh, haha. I was like…what the…