This was going to be the WoW killer . In less than 2 months , it’s gone from 930 k players to 150 k.
Edit:- Abom where are you ??
This was going to be the WoW killer . In less than 2 months , it’s gone from 930 k players to 150 k.
Edit:- Abom where are you ??
I never thought it was. the play style seems restrictive and clunky. I actually still prefer “Rift” to any of the new games. Wish it had more players. PvP was fun.
They just shut down their economy again and issued a ban wave against people duping. It’s a deep hole to climb out of at this point.
The game went from 506k avg daily players in October down to 199k so far this month and it’s still trending downwards.
For one month that’s a significant decrease. It’s following the same pattern as Valheim.
I’d like to ask him when AGS is going to learn from Blizzard since New World is now often below WoW for twitch viewers. And one of his big ole spiels was when Blizzard would learn from New World because of how many viewers it had.
Which is honestly, an entirely stupid metric to be fair. And shouldn’t be used to judge…well anything really. But it was such a stupid point to try and make to begin with.
We’ll see where New World shakes out, but man it’s just one blatantly huge issue after another over there. I assume they’ll crater to a point and make progress on fixing things though. Hopefully in time to keep it going, I mean hey…no sub fee so that’s gotta work in their favor.
And having unique names across servers was thinking ahead for when they have to start merging them. I’ll give them points there too for thinking ahead. Mind you they lose all of those points and then some because of idiocy like “authoritative clients”. I mean seriously?
I don’t know the steam stats though. Are those daily users or concurrent. Because it says “159k playing 25 minutes ago” for me. Daily users? That’s abysmal. Concurrent though? Not nearly as bad. And the language seems to imply concurrent, in which case, probably still have a shot at fixing stuff.
It’s concurrent. To figure out daily users you would have to calculate average time played divided by the average player count over 24 hours.
It’s probably around 500k daily users.
Not a chance it’s 500 k daily …, probably around 250 k is what I estimate .
Unlike WoW , because it’s launched from Steam , you get a accurate no of ppl playing ,
Concurrent player counts aren’t a set amount. It’s a waterwheel where if 5 people log off, 5 more log on. During peak hours it increases, but then declines at night. NA players aren’t paying at night so it’s EU/Oceanic players… etc
So it’s reasonable to estimate the actual daily player count is 3-4 times higher than the average count. It’s still a huge drop off of compared to what it was a month ago.
He is determined to be the only player left in New World so he’s gone at the moment sticking to that
He is over at the NW forum as Abom the people champion… I trolled him a bit but he ignored me and reported my posts.
LOL. It took about 9 months and 10 patches or so before WOW was playable, let alone good.
I’m really starting to think good ole bliz is paying people to troll other games around the net.
WoW gained players for 6 straight years till Cata… NW lost 90 percent in 6 weeks
I started playing WoW in 2005 and the game had mainly server capacity + lag issues that they fixed by upgrading their hardware eventually. They were dumping out patches almost every single month fixing classes + adding new content. The worst thing we had were chinese farmers and hackers who figured out how to get DM powers.
This is nothing compared to the issues New World has.
That’s exactly what’s happening in NW.
Argue all you want, it’s a WoW forum afterall. Probably tons of Bias here. MMO’s almost always launch buggy and broken.
I was here in 2005 too, was even in the early beta. The only thing that’s changed between then and now is that almost every game, in every genre, on every platform get released way before they’re ready. It’s normal. MMO’s in general have more moving parts… just look at how F’d up SL was and consider that they had a 15 year head start on the game.
It’s a vicious cycle of aggressive market release timelines being set with the developers being pressured to meet those expectations and release on those dates regardless if they’re done or not. This leads to a vicious cycle of releasing low quality games simply for profits.
Game companies are destroying their games by releasing them before they’re ready. They know what they did.
They just gave players who payed housing taxes hundreds of thousands in free gold , and collapsed the economy of the entire game
NW is the biggest joke of a game .
It’s too bad , I gave up on it a while back or I could have got the gold too.
I’m going to buy the game, but I’m waiting for a half off sale.
I loved Rift during its first few years. I think it was really the only direct WoW competitor. Oribos gave me some Rift vibes for some reason.
I miss Rift. I used to play it before it went FTP and I loved it. I lasted a bit into the FTP stuff, but the cash shop started becoming more and more in your face, and Trion just stopped caring. Now it’s owned by Gamigo, which is a whole 'nother can of worms.
They disabled the trading post again
However the housing tax is 1/10 what I used to pay its was 588 gold for 5 days ,nows its 58.8 gold for 7 days . Even though their patch notes says no changes to Tax