New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

Well today I learned something new.

That’s pretty interesting actually. But I still have this song stuck in my head everytime I prowl around;


If you think the Kul Tiran Druid is bulky, check the ones for Diablo IV. They make the Barbarian look like… you. :slight_smile:

I hope they add all the other new races as NPCs. At least they are trying a little bit to make the lore work.

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Kinda sounds like a them problem. And look we already got Pandaren, Tauren, and now Vulpera for that crowd. So. They can deal frankly their cups already runneth over and I’m more than a little alarmed at the color of the liquid in it. Don’t get it on the carpet for the love of God.

And if you want to play an EK character the Forsaken have been here since 2004. Beyond that just RP a Stormwindian as one.

Spookster fans don’t need much. Throw us one bone and we’ll cause pandemonium with it but we still need at least the one bone.

Yeah I actually had to do a lot of digging to find any lore on Orc Mages. There’s approximately one in the Mage Hall and I don’t remember him doing much of anything.

About all I could find was Hagara the Stormbinder adventure guide origin. If you’ve never heard of that character it’s because she’s a random boss in Dragon Soul.

But according to her lore she was one of the first mage Apprentices the Forsaken took under their wing.

Which is such a wildly cool idea to me. Obviously the Orcs would want to understand the power of the arcane. I would if everytime I fought humans their nerdiest, weakest looking ones turned out to be the most dangerous because they can conjure damn cold snap blizzards with the flick of their wrist.

And a sort of Hogwarts but run by the living dead and attended by orcs just sounds so cool to me. Screw the Emerald Dream I want a whole expansion of nothing but that. Just do that wizard video game but less problematic. Why not?

But of course to find out this truly awesome thing happened I had to dig around for clues like a crime scene detective.

Also annoyed the Horde apparently had another raid boss tier magical power house that also went coo coo for cocopuffs and had to be put down like Old Yeller.

Swear to God Jania is arguably the most powerful magic user purely by virtue of her being just so hot. So we just let it slide when she does an ethnic cleansing and nearly drowns orphans.

Orcs go a little wild eyed once and that’s it missy you’re a loot piñata.

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Nothing would make the Draenei into eredar, because they are eredar already. That’s the name of their species.


They are no longer Eredar in the same vein no blood elf would call themselves a night elf(and before you say anything we have that blood elf dude from Good war that was alive since the Highborne Exile)

Nah, you are wrong.

Eredar = Manari, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, and Broken. That’s just the facts.

WoWpedia lists them as : a faction of uncorrupted Eredar

I would say Eredar is an umbrella term more akin to how the term “Elves” started with the Night Elves, and includes the offshoot High and Blood Elves as well as Nightborne.


No, no draenei, original or lightforged, would consider themselves Eredar anymore.

Wowpedia is also a fan run website and not word of god. And if anything, I have shown in the past it can be inaccurate.

And I would say that inaccurate. Eredar, as far as the draenei are concerned, is not the umbrella term because no draenei considers themselves an eredar anymore/part of the same race. Eredar in modern use refers to someone who joined the Legion/use fel magic.

I agree Wowpedia is not the end all, but it is largely more accurate than your Hearthstone based head canon.

The fact remains, Draenei are Eredar. They are uncorrupted Eredar. They were Eredar when they left Argus and they still are. Their faction of uncorrupted Eredar is called Draenei, exiled ones, but they didn’t stop being Eredar.


They are no longer eredar anymore, draenei is the race in the same way a void elf would consider their race void elf and not say blood elf.

“Race” as Warcraft uses it is as much a political term as anything else.

Bad Example - Void Elves got altered by the Void. They changed from the state of being Blood Elves and became Void Elves.

Eredar is the base state, the uncorrupted state - the Draenei never stopped being Eredar.

You know that words can have more than one meaning/alters meaning as time goes on, right? As far as Eredar is used nowadays it doesn’t refer to the uncorrupted race, most people use draenei for that for obvious reason.

Eredar as used by the people on Azeroth refer to those aligned with the Legion/use fel magic.

The word has not changed. There are Draenei Eredar and Manari Eredar and Broken Eredar.

Your notion of “most people” only reflects what ever RP headcanon Heartstone community you get your lore from - but in actual Warcraft lore, the Draenei are Eredar.

Eredar as used by people on Azeroth includes Draenei, since Blizzard made the words, and that’s what they are lol.

You are the ones creating your own head canon. Again, no draenei calls themselves eredar anymore. It would be akin to calling yourself a certain German political party.

im disappointed the warlock draenei npc isnt wearing skimpy outfits… i mean archimonde, kiljaeden, the warlocks sisters from the sunwell, bruh.

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No it would be akin to a German calling himself a German or a Human. Since Draenei are simply a faction of uncorrupted Eredar. Eredar being their race.

Eredar is the race. Draenei is a specific faction/nation of Eredar. You’re mistaking the name given to a playable faction with the name of what is, lorewise, a race. Ain’t no such thing as a “Forsaken race” or a “Kul Tiran race” (that is, as long as the “Kul Tirans are regular Humans and them being large is a cosmetic detail aimed at enhancing inclusivity” thing still stands). Those are names that refer to nations.


Injured Night Elf Priestess says: Whe… Where am I? What… What is this place?
Injured Night Elf Priestess says: BY THE LIGHT OF ELUNE! Eredar! Cursed demons, what have you done to me? I have not come alone, we will fight you as we have in the past! I…
Injured Night Elf Priestess falls back into a coma.
Anchorite Fateema says: Man’ari… But how… We are not eredar! She must know! If there are others like her, we must find them and explain…

As I said, the draenei do not consider themselves eredar. Eredar=Man’ari and is not what they consider as their race. This is literally one of the most fundamental part of draenei lore. Draenei is their race now. Not eredar.

Eredar has a very specific connotation, in the same vein no blood elf would consider themselves a night elf. And no draenei considers themselves part of it. As shown by that quest I just mentioned.

They were given a name by the Naaru, they were renamed, and took that name. They do not call themselves Eredar after being renamed, but that is what they are in the lore - Renamed uncorrupted Eredar. Which is why they even mention Manari as a distinction.