New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

What they are in lore is draenei. They are as removed from the Eredar as any of the other elf groups are from each other. Calling them an Eredar would be akin to calling a blood elf a Kaldorei.

And I just showed you as far as the draenei are concerned Man’ari=Eredar. The two terms are being used interchangeably.(she didn’t go “Man’ari, but we are not Man’ari, we are eredar.” She specifically mentions she was not an eredar.)

Again, the quest literally says they are not draenei. That is the current lore.

What they consider themselves is not the same as what they are in the lore.

Velen said Elune could be a Naaru. Tyrande said Night Elves might be offended by that. But it could be true in the lore, regardless of what her believers consider.

What people consider themselves does not negate what the lore states they are. Which is uncorrupted Eredar.

More to the point, if a Draenei wanted to be an Eredar, they wouldn’t have to undergo a transformation. They simply say they are.

And what they are in lore is they are no longer Eredar because Eredar now has a different meaning and do not refer to the uncorrupted pre-Sergeras inhabitants of Argus.

Well on this point the draenei lightforged warlock from the warlock questline does not consider themselves eredar and I would likely assume that is true for any draenei playable warlock. That they do not consider themselves the same as the eredar.

Zerde you’ve been wrong for a decade cuz Chronicles and multiple dev interviews affirms otherwise, for the love of God just shut up lmao


I literally just showed you the quest where a draenei said they ARE NOT EREDAR. Chronicles also states:

"From that day forward, Velen and his followers would be know as the draenei, or “exiled ones”. They no longer call themselves eredar.

Anchorite Fateema says: Man’ari… But how… We are not eredar! She must know! If there are others like her, we must find them and explain…

Find me a quest where a draenei still considers themselves eredars. The ones that do are draenei who decide to turn their back on Velen/the draenei.

You are the one that is wrong Bael, not me. So kindly follow your own advice.

side note:

"Forever after, these renegades would call themselves the draenei, or “exiled ones.”

They were eredar(in the same vein the blood elves are no longer night elves even though they shared a history), now they are not, especially in the modern meaning of the word.

Finally. A sensible concern.

People who don’t want to bed the broken are cowards.

Doesn’t this make the manari distinction pointless if the division is meant to be draenei/eredar?

As shown earlier, Man’ari/Eredar are used interchangably by the draenei.

Yes Zerde, because the Draenei experienced a deep break with their ancient homeland and civilization. Now they call themselves the Draenei and use the word ‘Eredar’ to refer to those who remained on Argus. But as far as we know, they didn’t undergo any sort of biological evolution since their departure, meaning that they still are the exact same race that they were back then, which makes them Eredar.
They distanced themselves from that term for personal/cultural reasons, which is completely fine, nobody’s gonna call them ‘Eredar’ right, even though that’s ultimately what they are

Again… the Human Forsaken don’t call themselves ‘undead Humans’. That’s their race though. But they refer to themselves as ‘Forsaken’ because that’s how their nation is called.


The draenei literally spent millennia learning and having been influenced by the light. They got “gift of the Naaru” as a RACIAL for a reason. Something no pre-Sergeras eredar would be able to do.

“Race” as far as Warcraft has used it refers just as much to cultural difference as much as it ever did to biological ones. All the elven races are biologically similar but we treat them as all separate races. And as far as the elves are concerned they don’t consider each other the same “people/race”.

Except, no one uses the term “eredar” to refer to the pre-corrupted race anymore. Eredar just refer to those who sided with Sargeras. Also, considering only a few hundred or so draenei escaped Argus, for the vast majority of draenei they never considered themselves “eredar”.

As far as the game is concerned, the “Forsaken” are listed as “undead” when it comes to race(and not Forsaken) but the draenei are just called “draenei” when it comes to race. And not eredar.

Blood elves and night elves are genetically distinct. Blood elves are, as a species, high elves.

The Draenei are literally just eredar that did not turn into man’ari. The term “draenei” just means “exiled ones”, so it would be really stupid if they went around saying “ahh, my race, the exiled ones”.


The elven version of “Eredar” in this context is “Thalassian.” That is the shared heritage beneath the political affiliations.


You could technically have a group of night elf siblings born ten thousand years ago where one is now a satyr, one is a naga, one stayed in Suramar and is now a nightborne, one is still a night elf, and then thanks to that turkey Lorash, one is a blood elf and another one is a void elf. Yay!

There could also be a spider elf and a high elf and probably a few more things in there.


This is literally what they are doing. As far as “race” is concerned when you talk about eredar, You are talking about those who joined Sargeras/were transformed by the fel. The term eredar no longer refers to the uncorrupted denizens of Argus. Draenei is now used for that.

Also, it is no more stupid then calling your race “children of the stars/void”.(which is what Kal/rendorei mean)

Äh, whuuut?

The elves are not biological similar XD

That doesn’t change either their history, origins, or taxonomicl classification.

Quote from the first Night Elf to encounter them.


The Draenei are Eredar, the name draenei just means Exiled Ones. That doesn’t mean they stopped being Eredar. The draenei just don’t consider the Man’ari part of the race, because they literally aren’t, as they were remade into demonic beings


This, but it’s a Happy Madison-style comedy where the siblings haven’t seen each other in forever and have to learn how to get along and learn that family is the strongest bond of all.


You seem to be talking from a cultural perspective while I’m talking from an evolutionary and taxonomical perspective.

If there were some hypothetical college biology book that categorized all the different species that inhabit Azeroth, it would make the distinction between regular Draenei eredar, man’ari eredar, and Broken, the same way it would classify all the different kinds of elves, the different tauren, dwarves, etc.

Point: none of those are biologically distinct species.

And, except for Wildhammer/Bronzebeard and base tauren/yaungol/taunka all the differences are magic exposure with a smidgen of cultural.

Magical phylogenetics is a mess.