New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

Yeah I didn’t play Cata and have mained Forsaken the entire time.

So legitimately like. I outright did not understand the Reds were supposed to be breathing the “fires of life”.

I assumed their presence at the Wrathgate was to sterilize the Blight with fire.

I didn’t question how this lead to Extra Crispy Bolvar because idk;

This is the sort of setting that introduces lovely old Jiddischer couples who are also turtles who can also just buzzsaw through armies of Naga if they feel like it at random.

I stopped asking questions awhile ago.

It was intended to be Orcs and Friends vs. Humans and Friends with the MMORG stuff bolted on.

And it was going great until they decided to make that the plot.

That WAS the plot of the RTS until Reign of Chaos.

The plot of the RTS was Warhammer Fantasy but they lost the license and hastily made up the rest from a loose collection of Richard Doner and Ralph Baski films mixed with whatever else they happened to remember that day.

Having played a machine gun-toting Garou in White Wolf Storyteller, a WOW Worgen wasn’t that much of a jump for me.

I did miss having 5 forms to choose from though.

BTW in Whte Wolf you show how BA a werewolf you by wielding a silver dagger like the Crinos in the center.

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Look I’m happy for ya’ll but werewolves shouldn’t be fursonas. They should be feral monstrosities that are blood hungry forest predators. Possessing human cleverness but a beast’s penchant for killing without remorse.

Suffice to say if I had it my way people wouldn’t want Worgen in Stormwind.

Because even a Gilnean who is pure of heart and says their prayers at night may become a beast when the wolfbane blooms and a gibbous moon is full and bright.

Suffice to say, ya don’t want to take the Deeprun Tram when it’s a full moon;

In other words you want to straitjacket them to being unplayable monsters.

The Lon Chaney route was never going to be an option that was evident from anyone who remembered the Dusk Riders from Vanilla.

… Have you seen the Forsaken’s racial?

Yes I have… are you trying to say that you miss out on being a mindless zombie? The Forsaken are not the ravening animals of the pre-treatment Worgen.

Nah. I miss out on the Worgen getting to feel monstrous.

They’re just Stormwind’s little lapdogs. But then again these days, so are the Kaldorei.

Do they take you out for walkies?

Were you Thrall’s puppy or Sylvannas’ chiwawa?

Seriously this is the most English reaction to anything though.

I’ve gotten off alone on the red line, heard noises not even 1/60th that weird and did NOT fight my instincts when they said;

I may look stupid right now but I’ll be alive tomorrow.

I’ve been told by women I’ve ‘orange cat energy’.

Pretty sure that’s just code for ‘mildly autistic’ tbh.

I do think the Worgen need more “teeth” as it were, and in the fiction they do, but that’s difficult to translate into gameplay without alienating a lot of players who don’t want that.

Props for the W:tA reference! I’m excited to see how 5e turns out.

They’re based on the Lykoi, the “werewolf cat”, an actual type of cat.


Really? It looks like the Lykoi breed wasn’t a thing until 2010.

Wasn’t a widely acknowledged thing until 2010, which is when Cata came out.

That said if it’s purely coincidence that’s a really big coincidence :3

Prior to cata I was excited about Gilneas and being a Human who can be a Druid. My Druid is my Main, he started out as a Night Elf but he was a Worgen for a bit.

I really liked the Human Druid aesthetic, and hoped the Harvest witches would get more spotlight. The Worgen thing was just something that happened to Gilneans - I was more excited about seeing Gilneas and playing as a Gilnean than I was excited about what ever a Worgen was or is.

Then you have people who like being Worgen just because they like being cutesy dog people.

Then you have people who want them to go full into the wild dark wolf aesthetic.

And then some want tails, for heaven’s sake!

Kind of a bummer that Kul Titans got the developed Druid lore that Worgen could have used… but at least the prospect of a Human Druid is still out there, down the road. One that isn’t fat (Kul Tiran) or hairy (Worgen)


I wonder if a problem with making the worgen appear meaner or scarier to their own allies is that, since it’s been so long that they’ve been “watered” down, that them being Good Dog fursonas has become just as much a part of their race fantasy for a portion of its fanbase. Then you also have the people who don’t even want the werewolf aesthetic and are only interested in being an EK human.

So any attempt to actually play up the worgen aspect could have a mixed reception at best.