New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

Pally requires 1 mount per missing race:

  • Night Elf - prolly recolor the moon priestess saber
  • Worgen - probably recolor Human charger
  • Velf - recolor Blood Elf paladin charger
  • Kul Tiran - another horse
  • Mechagnome - recolor of gnome
  • Goblin - reskin of gnome
  • Orc / Maghar - recolors of the same, presumably a wolf
  • Troll - reskin the zandalari mount but ideally I wish for a tiger
  • Undead - probably reskin of DK horse tbh
  • Vulpera - recolor the llama
  • Highmountain - recolor base Tauren
  • Nightborne - recolor Belf charger again

Shaman requieres 4 totems for each missing race and they tend to be unique per race but are just simple things you slap on the ground and donā€™t move or do much

Druid requires 4 combat forms, 1 ground travel form, 1 flight travel form, 1 water travel form, and assigning which Legion Era Owl they get

  • Forsaken - will likely get a more fungal/more boney Kul Tiran form, will likely get the White Owl
  • Draenei / LFD - require unique forms imho, ergo more work, otherwise use the arrakoa based form
  • gnome/mechagnome/goblin - likely all use robo animal forms, so shared labor
  • Dwarf/Dark Iron - likely also share forms, and given the overlap with more goat-theme with the Draenei, perhaps will be similar to Draenei forms
  • Velf / belf / nightborn - likely share forms
  • Humans prolly in the Gilnean group
  • Pandaren - Iā€™d want august celestial theme stuff :frowning: use the zandalari arrakoa based form for a chiji balance druid
  • Orc / Maghar - outlands theme stuff, might overlap with Draenei, different owls though
  • Vulpera - imho use zandalari forms recolored


Druids require much more work and itā€™s implied the emerald dream xpac is next in line probz

Shaman are the easiest cuz non moving totems

Paladins in between difficulty cuz itā€™s 1 mount

Iā€™d bet on shaman then paladins then druids


Class halls were 7 years ago and the new warlock NPCs are verbatim what myself and others pushed for with new class fantasy of new races

Let it go

Let legion go


Yeah my first class hall experiences were with Priest and Warrior.

Which on the whole I think were well done. The Warrior one had everyone feeling out of place at least which is a good way to make sure no one does.

And while the Priest Hall was a Draenei structure it really took time out to get players to experience a lot of Azerothā€™s faiths. Seriously you help the Forgotten Shadow, you hang out with Hexpriests, Priestesses of Elune, meet gibbering Void worshippers and we even touch on the dark side of the Light by helping some reformist Scarlets escape the gallows in Dragonblight.

Compare that to the Hunter one which I thought started off well. But it quickly becomes clear this is 100% an Elven organization that just letā€™s in weirdos. We do touch on Highmountain and I guess (partial) Orcish Huntsmen styles with Rexar.

But thatā€™s about it. Oh and I guess we hang out with Nessingway but he feels way more like his own thing than a traditional Bronzebeard Moutaineer or Wildhammer gryphon tamer.

And man. What a wasted opportunity. We couldā€™ve had Gnome and Goblin Star Wars esque Bounty Hunters on a mission where they argue of this situation requires a cunning use of technology or a technological use of cunning.

And of course except for the one Dark Ranger the Forsaken arenā€™t even mentioned. Seriously thereā€™s really no lore for the human undead hunters. Ya know the only ones who were actually playable until extremely recently.

And that still gets my goat because fundamentally I think they should mix the Dark Rangers necromantic marksmanship with a more distinct human ranger tradition. And as the only human ranger was known loner weirdo Natty Blight I think weā€™re free to come up with something new.

And of course Iā€™ve a suggestion.

Thatā€™s right ladies, gentlemen and those that lay betwixt - I think you know what Iā€™m getting at. Duck. Mothering. UNDEAD. COWBOYS!!!


What are you talking about Baal?

Legion was the previous WoW expansion.

It was weird there were six whole years were NOTHING. HAPPENED. but hey that pandemic sure screwed with everyoneā€™s perception of time.

Glad they followed it up with Dragonflight though. Worth the wait if you ask me.


I just want a return to Azeroth proper.

Like am I taking crazy pills here? I legit loved the early part of BFA as the Zandalari and Kul Tirans had been name dropped and built up since 2004.

As I guess the Dragon Isles had as well. But I think WoW dragons are stupid. Because itā€™s just objectively uncomfortable to me to have these creatures simultaneously be reptillian infestations weā€™re supposed to murder in their infancy en masse like cockroaches, feral animals of dubious intellect we are obliged to use essentially as horses, and also apparently persons we want to empathize with and even date despite that being just, a medically fascinating concern. So Iā€™ve just decided to regard them with the same attitude Iā€™ve toward all the non Horde living;

Get a Frostwyrm delegation going and then weā€™ll talk.

Beyond that though I donā€™t want to go to the Emerald Dream. I played on that server for several years and left for a reason. Nor do I want to go to Planet X in the Horsehead Nebula to watch Void and Light particle effects slap fight eachother.

I want Azeroth proper rebuilt and remade. Because honest to God itā€™s just depressing to hang out in now. Thereā€™s wars between two nearly destroyed kingdoms raging in Silverpine. Thereā€™s still a lava flow from a fairly easily resolved quest still bisecting Ashenvale. And that gun that Iā€™m pretty sure couldā€™ve been used to dome Sargeras himself has just been sitting unused in Azshara for ages now.

I keep seeing these dev interviews about how they want DF to have the seamlessness of Kalimdor and the EK.


Maybe work on updating them? Like I know they can. They did it in BFA. Iā€™m okay with it happening piecemeal but the mfers set fire to two capital zones, two zones least in need of an update, then made us play flappy bird with angels.

And no.

Get back here and fix this. Setting things on fire isnā€™t updating it. Thereā€™s like 49 story arcs still twisting in the wind. To the point where weā€™ve the, to me, most beautiful Alliance capitol just kinda there. Not being used for anything.

We can have our Emerald Dream desert after they fix the meat and potatoes of the world they just left on the grill for ten years.


ā€œSoulspeaker Niir.ā€ Hey, neat! I remember that rare!


It is notable, yes. Wondering if theyā€™ll add one.

Gnomes, Goblins, and Darkspear can already be Warlocks and already have Warlock trainers.

There was a Zandalari Warlock NPC added on the PTR, though.


Couldnā€™t have said it better. I feel completely alienated from this dragon isles. I know there are people who like the concept. But to be honest with so many problems that the races of Azeroth have, it gets a little ridiculous to use the energies of the PC who is basically a hero of his people in trying to help dragons decide who will be the new demigod of his dragonflight.

In addition, the barrier to entry that exists today in WOW for new players is absurd. The story is totally convoluted and basically the game has become overly complex. And if thereā€™s one thing that BFA and SL proved, itā€™s that players do care about lore in MMOs.

How is a new player going to feel attracted to a game that they have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand the lore, and with crucial moments simply being removed from the game?

WOW needs a revamp for yesterday. Itā€™s the only way to make the game less dated than it already is. And honestly, this imbecility of exploring islands / worlds is a concept beyond saturated.

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The thing is I donā€™t mind DF. I think itā€™s adequate at worst. And I really liked the early bits where we were just vibing with Grandma Walrus.

But I feel like WoWā€™s strength has always been itā€™s diversity of genre.

I love the spooky stuff. Tirisfal, Silverpine, the Plaguelands- love it. Love it to death and from beyond the grave.

But I also liked stuff like The Barrens and the Nelf fae forests.

Idk as someone who never really got into the Shaman class fantasy Iā€™m kinda lost here. The Titans I think had the old god problem of becoming vastly less interesting the moment we learned more about them.

Like it was cool when there were these mysterious Greco-Roman esque statues in WoW deeplore. But it turning out theyā€™re just, really kinda inept programmers is uh. Not terribly interesting.

And I just havenā€™t liked WoW dragons since Kalecgos. Itā€™s such blatant pandering. Him and Alexstrazsa.

And yeah itā€™s uh creepy to me these demi god beings older than the mountains are out here catfishing mortals. Reminds me of the divorced people whoā€™d lurk at college bars and tell me I was mature for my age.

But somehow even weirder. Because theyā€™re secretly Godzilla.

Idk I just want my spooky fix. Thought we had a great start with the Gnolls but that went nowhere. I thought maybe Sindragosaā€™s AI thing might lead to her coming back.

Idk thatā€™d be cool if the Forsaken got some free willed frostwyrms kicking around. Just have that dracolich go hang out in the gaseous ruins of the Undercity.


I laughed hard at this. I find Alex and Kalec profoundly boring. I know that many like them. But they are examples of the evil that befell WOW characters currently which is the process of Anduification.

What I find ironic about DF is the fact that the lore of the lesser races always appeals to me more than knowing the fate of these immortal beings who are supposed to defend the world and canā€™t even deal with some weirdos who would like to be elementals again.

Itā€™s DFā€™s worldbuilding features that really lend an interesting edge to the expansion. The whole plot seems meh to me. And I would also trade this whole island for more forsaken and worgen lore any day.


It kills me to see that they are perfectly willing to throw away every lore barriers to give every classes to every races but are not doing the necessary work to give something to role players like me.

Where is the Manā€™ari skin for a Draenei warlock?
Where are the lightforged demons to summon for a LF Draenei? Itā€™s such an obvious customization option to make when you give the warlock class to them.

Why canā€™t i use my claws as a worgen outside of playing a monk?

Itā€™s a given that we will have Void elves paladin and i bet that they will not do the void mirror of the paladinā€™s spells.

I main a priest, why not giving us flavor by choosing our faith with the spells color and texts?
For Sacred and Discipline: The Light, Elune, Anā€™she, Musha, Rezan etcā€¦
For Shadow: the Void or Bwonsamdi (remember that the later asked to every priest to think about him if we wanted to change our faith).

You get the idea and we could even extend this to the paladins as well.

And these are just a few ideas to give Role players few bones, why it is this hard to please us while it can be so simple?

At least they thought to give us a quest explaining how we got new races for the warlocks.
As if it will be a good explanationā€¦iā€™ll judge it when i see it.


Seriously I had SO MUCH FUN playing both a Worgen Fury Warrior and Outlaw Rogue. I used claw hand weapon mogs. Legitimately felt like;

But being a PvPer at heart I swapped spec and it just immediately killed it for me.

Thus far Worgen Druid has been fun. But. It does remain weird to me youā€™d change shape into an objectively less dangerous creature.

Tauren had a similar problem but it kinda made sense. At least for stealth. But Iā€™m kinda confused how a mountain lion can inflict more carnage than a bipedal wolf monstrosity.


Iā€™d just like. Any worgen lore at this point lol

Seriously Gilneas City is so well done. The mechanics of that starter quest have aged like milk but I LOVE the design. Itā€™s just such excellent visual storytelling. The aristocrats all have colorful finery but the normals all look like their clothes are stained with coal smog soot because they probably are.

It has some of the most gorgeous architecture in the game. Seriously that cathedral might be the best WoW has ever done.

And beyond that Victorian London is constantly revisited as a setting in both historical and fantasy fiction because it was just a fascinating era. One of those points in history where you had outright medieval ideas colliding at full speed with the birth of the modern world.

So they take that. Then have the excellent idea to throw werewolves in the mix. And the only possible way to make that better was to throw in witches and the living dead. Which they did.

And then just completely abandoned the idea.

Itā€™s truly bewildering to me. I so want to love the Worgen but the Alliance sternly refuses to return my affection.


No other race got these custom options for the warlock class, why should these get them especially options that make no sense like ā€œlightforged demonsā€?

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Gilneas City was intended to be an urban version of Alteraac Valley, a 40vs40 Forsaken Vs Worgen battleground. But they ran into too many technical issues and abandoned it.


Iā€™m aware of the technical mishaps. And also that reveals to me how few Devs actually PvP because frankly Orgrimmar isnā€™t nearly as fun to fight in as Stormwind is.

SW has narrow streets and that one bar in the Mage Park with a super narrow entrance leading into a bar with a balcony itā€™s incredibly easy to hop your toon on the railing of.

Iā€™ve held that with 20 players against 40+ because if played with even a modicum of strategy not only can you turn it into an impassable no-manā€™s-land. But you also have more than enough room to fall back to for a portal extraction to Stonard so you can regroup and hit somewhere else.

Seriously Iā€™ve had ramshackle operations run by me while being too drunk for rational thought and staffed by complete randos and Iā€™m still confident we scored a 1 to 7 kill ratio. Because seriously Hunter Traps at the hallway. Throw in some Frost Mages, Destro Locks and S Priests and itā€™s a wrap.

So I couldā€™ve told them why urban warfare is a nightmare. And why that wouldnt work. But I didnā€™t play Cata so I was unavailable for comment.

But that came out when I still had things like my virginity and a fake ID and hope.

Now Iā€™ve an accountant, possibly a daughter and actively donate to the college funds of Bangladeshi immigrant children through my philanthropy. See, you can call it philanthropy instead of alcoholism when you shop local.

And despite the many changes to me and Iā€™m sure everyone else and Earth and WoW itself in the proceeding over-a-decade, Gilneas remains frozen in time as if in a snowglobe.

If Dragonflight is your first expansion, youā€™re pretty much spoonfed all the lore you actually need to do the quests, which is MINIMAL. You donā€™t need lore knowledge when your mission is go here, kill this guy, bring me his head, or fish the McGuffin out of some poop pile.

You donā€™t need to know bupkis about Shadowlands or even Battle For Azeroth.

Iā€™ve recently tried to introduce a complete newcomer whoā€™s MMO experience boils down to casual Runescape play the better half of two decades ago.

This game outright relies on the community to help newcomers into the water. This game would be completely unplayable otherwise.

Itā€™s not my first expansion. Iā€™ve been playing since the classic closed beta. If the game was just about bringing heads, kill 15 mobs, BFA and SL would have been a resounding success.

People like context. And DF is not that simple. At the very least for DF to make any sense people would have to know what an aspect is, why they lost their powers, who these titans are, what the difference between a titan and a keeper is.

Why are these elves planting a tree on this island? And the list goes on. And I say that because I brought 2 friends to the game and they needed a lot of explanation and a lot of context to understand what DF was.

So no, DF is far from being simple as you claim.


Since the titans arenā€™t even involved or present, the last makes no difference, and all of the other stuffis covered inbackground. You donā€™t have to know the entire Deathwing cinematic although if you actually are the kind of person who does dig through the world you WILL find the story in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Having actually played through the story from Classic, I found most of my memory and knowledge pretty much unneeded.