New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

Yes, a culturally specific extension of Naaru, instead of the ridiculous and wild “Orcs are members of the Church of Light due to slavery” attempt.

Just as we pushed for all these warlocks.


And it’s a belief that is specific to Orcish cultural with zero ties to humans or the alliance, which is the entire point that got it changed to begin with


Unless of course Zerde wants to now claim, contrary to previous arguments of his, that Naaru are materially Alliance content and not “neutral cosmic not Alliance” content.


I’m sure he will justify it somehow. He always shows up when horde specific topics are bought up

He’ll likely go the draenei route and claim the Naaru have been alliance content since BC


Except if it is just the Naaru it is extremely tied to the Alliance.

I see it as neutral as say the priest Order Hall.

Except it’s not because the Naaru are not alliance content. They’re just part of a larger cosmic force called the Light


Zerde never disappoints to disappoint, hahahaha.


If the horde has something unique to just them, Zerde ALWAYS has to come in and tie it to the alliance and make it all about his faction

It’s boring how predictable it is :smiley_cat:


I’m pretty certain you’re overthinking it. That there are Draenei shaman trainers changes nothing to the fact that shamanism was first and foremost an addition brought to the Draenei society by the Broken. Similarly, that it is first and foremost Outland Broken who brought the ways of the warlock to the Draenei society changes nothing to the fact that there may be Draenei warlocks out there, even though they would likely be frowned upon by the general population, the way warlocks are also frowned upon in the Orcish society. Many Draenei would surely dislike that new cultural reality, and that’s okay

Yes !!! I was hoping the Bloodtotem would be used as a way to provide the Horde with some much needed connection to Fel. Glad that’s what’s being set up

I actually disagree the Lok’osh are related to the Naaru at all. The way Nakha phrased it, it’s obvious to me they are Spirit shamans. Nakha only mentions Oshu’gun to say that she went there to commune with the spirit of Mother Kashur, who told her of “a song only the spirits could here”. She then refers to the Lok’osh way as “a song of the spirit” and states that it consists in communing with “the elements within” rather than “the elements without” (that is to say, the “physical” elements : Earth, Water, Fire and Air).

This is further confirmed by the fact that the song motif is completely consistent with Spirit’s depiction. Here is a passage from the Unbroken short story about Nobundo’s first contact with the Spirit element :

When the other four elements of nature showed Nobundo this spirit for the first time, he felt that the Wilds was immense and cold, but not hostile, its presence making him feel very small. This spirit spoke with a multitude of voices, both feminine and masculine, in a harmonic symphony from within and all around him. At the time he realized that he was not yet experienced enough to actually understand them.

So musicality is absolutely a known characteristic of Spirit, hence the use of the word “song” to describe it.

Also, the Lok’osh couldn’t draw power from Ku’re on Azeroth anyway.


I suppose one can appreciate the tenacity. But it does get old after a while. Like, not everything in game is tied to the alliance like he claims, no matter the topic


I like that for shamans, for highly industrialized societies, they need to show how shamans or druids are different. As you can’t be a shaman in industrialized consumption society(ugh except Goblins). I personally liked race/class restriction, as without it it takes away from class and race identity but guess blizzard aims to please the masses.

I’m not sure why it’s a bad thing that the warlock trainer is represented by a broken? I thought doing it this way would help preserve the draenei’s main aesthetic of being light-heavy and not suddenly having wide acceptance of warlocks despite the race/class combo opening up, which is what people claim is lost when you don’t have restrictions.


I love all these new npc’s. I hope they add dialogue, especially for the Shadowmoon warlock. I also hope we can see most of these trainer with demons too.

Side note, pretty concerning that Micah is still getting away with slandering others.

It’s not a bad thing. It just looks like people don’t like the use of them, because the broken are already outcasts within draenei society.

Seems to be one of those things that got blown out of proportion is all

broken should be an allied race, do not know why they have not been added so far. Also i think they are little different from normal Draenie society more nomadic and not light or arcane centric like regular Draenie .


I would definitely play broken. Even more a broken warlock. I don’t understand where they got those lightforged draenei from. They are, along with mechagnomes, the dumbest things in lore.


Nobody pushed for warlocks. It makes zero sense for races like Tauren, Mag’har and Draenei.

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Neat little detail : someone on Discord found out that Soulspeaker Niir, the Broken warlock trainer, is likely the MU counterpart of a Legion-aligned AU Draenei rare that we killed in WoD.


It’s still confusing that Warlocks can summon void beings as well as demons.

But it does make my Void Elf Destruction Warlock look really good next to her Voidlord.


No it isn’t

Warlocks are masters of all dark arts

Death, Shadow, and Fel