New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

I mean in the sense, like how both domesticated dogs and wolves are both considered canines, but your neighbor’s annoying chihuahua is not really related to wolves.

It would only be true that Valen said that without any other evidence given.

Yes and no?

It’s a sticky subject because while magic isn’t a part of our universe, it’s a part of Warcraft’s. Draenei Eredar have a connection to the Light on a biological level, to such a degree that it had to be severed via biological-magical weapons. I highly doubt Man’ari Eredar would’ve been affected by the Red Mist the way the Draenei Eredar were.

Evolution can occur when variables or catalysts are introduced to a species. Usually this involved adapting to survive in a specific environment. I don’t think magic is much different in this case. How much this affects a biological level is something I wouldn’t even know how to begin to measure. The Highborne would up shorter, lither, and paler than their Kaldorei kin after being separated from the Well of Eternity and later creating the Sunwell, for example. Are those not considered biological distinction?

I guess my point here is, what is, ‘biologically distinct?’

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You mean this?

Injured Night Elf Priestess says: BY THE LIGHT OF ELUNE! Eredar! Cursed demons, what have you done to me? I have not come alone, we will fight you as we have in the past! I…
Injured Night Elf Priestess falls back into a coma.
Anchorite Fateema says: Man’ari… But how… We are not eredar! She must know! If there are others like her, we must find them and explain…

Truly though I think the Draenei were correct to regard Warlocks as;

They lack the discipline of mages and the devotion of Priests.

Theirs is the path of workshy timidity and abject cowardice.

The most lonesome of the clothies, to be certain.

Were any more NPCs added or flavor text given to them on the PTR candidate build?

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Medschool semester started and we got some new bodies for the anatomy amphitheater so I won’t have time until Friday to check

Presumably no, that’s why the visual ques were so heavy handed (kul Tiran tidesage, kul Tiran drust witch, Sha Pandaren, Maghar orc in shadowmoon set with shadowmoon burial ground dagger with shadowmoon runes with a very Shadowmoon name, etc)

The Lightforged Draenei, Night Elf, Tauren, and Kul’Tiran Warlocks from the Imp customization quest can be found at Booty Bay afterwards on the lower levels by the central ramp that goes into the water.


Still no.
Warlock usage of fel have never shown to have the same form-altering effects as more hefty exposure to fel have shown to do. Green orcs using fel = does not turn big, red and spiky, at worst brown orcs turn green (They don’t do that anymore anyway, but eh). High Elves using fel = Do not turn into felblood elves, at worst their eye glow turn green.

What created the man’ari, was Sargeras personally powering the draenei up using fel. It was not just simply draenei being warlocks. What turned the orcs red (Or brown/Black in AU Draenor) was drinking felblood, and what turned Blood Elves to felblood elves was drinking demon blood.

What turned demon hunters into half-demons with demon souls was eating demon flesh and drinking demon blood.

Nowhere is it stated or shown that warlocks have permanent form-altering effects as a result of using fel. If we do not count changing an entire skin colour to green, obviously.

Fel effects are on a spectrum, there is no 1 size fits all, etc etc.

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Yes there’s an ending quest one reset later that takes you to them

You get a cool soulstone glyph

So, no changes from the last PTR build regarding the new warlocks NPCs ? I’ve bumped into Grimroz Darkwhisper in Orgrimmar, neat

Yup everyone made it to live as is

Without dialogue but that’s par for the course of Blizzard being anti depth and anti commitment

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Aren’t you disappointed in everything, though?

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Not at all. I like that Zandalari are the first race that have access to all classes. But I had hoped for a clear lore explanation why so many races can now be warlocks.

It is clear via the names and aesthetics of each new warlock:

  • Pandaren are Sha and Elemental-type warlocks with Lorewalker backgrounds
  • Maghar are Shadowmoon Clan ie void users
  • Mulgore Tauren are Grimtotem as per Gand and Soultotem
  • HM Tauren are Bloodtotem that have been reintegrated
  • Kul Tirans are Drust-Witches/Ex-Thornspeakers and Void Tidesages
  • Lightforged Draenei are outcasts
  • Zandalari have always had warlocks it was just frowned upon as per Telubi; the Zandalari added to Org have longer demon like claws so implied Demoniac
  • Night Elves are Teldrassil survivors looking for more power

They can be Demon Hunters? Neat! I hope lorewise those are Shadowhunters. Lame the Darkspear didn’t get them first.

Well minus hero classes. But you get the Idea.

Fair enough, although technically as the Zandalari are an Allied Race and Tauren are a Core race, then Tauren beat them to that goal of all non-hero classes being unlocked first. Maybe as compensation for having Baine for a leader.

Hopefully they’ll un-retcon demoniacs when they eventually get to DH. I get why they did it for faction race/class balance reasons at the time but they were one of the few races with existing precedent for access to the class.