New Warlock NPCS in the capitals

I really wish they would stop introducing all these different races to existing classes as it just makes people want specific lore and content just for their own race. I see the inclusion of Horde Paladin and Alliance Shaman the start of that downfall.

God forbid they improve the worldbuilding and create nuance and depth

Cope cry seethe moan


Nah doesn’t bother me but don’t complain when all paladins are shoved into standard human archetype then, or Priests are all light worshippers, druids night elven theme’d and so on and so on.

Blizzard is too lazy to even develop these races/classes as they are let alone expanding the lore to encompass all the new race/ class combinations.

So next time you complain about this stuff maybe remember that this is what you wanted not the rest of us.

We literally got:

  • Tidesage Kul Tiran warlock
  • Drust Witch Kul Tiran Warlock
  • Shadowmoon Kul Tiran Warlock
  • Sha Pandaren Warlock
  • Elemental Pandaren Warlock
  • Grimtotem, Soultotem, and Bloodtotem Tauren Warlocks

All because we pushed for it

Yeah it takes time and effort and stirring up twitter to get this stuff pushed

But it’s possible and we’ve done it now repeatedly:

  • Belf paladin and Forsaken priest in the org garrison
  • Orc Priests when implemented
  • and now the warlock stuff

You’re just miserable and unwilling to fight for cool things lmao


So we can customize their spells to look like all of those, right?

The combos aren’t remotely worthwhile without matching customizations, and in some cases(Lightforged, Mag’har) outright contradictory/impossible without them.


You can push for spell customizations if that’s what you want honey! :slight_smile: :sparkles:

Personally I’m not so ridiculous as to believe that the Gameplay Reality determined Narrative Reality

But I encourage you to push for spell customizations so Gameplay Reality expresses Narrative diversity

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They also get nothing regarding any lore in their powers or how they work. They get no acknowledgement in the class halls either. People who decide to make these characters basically have nothing to tie them back to the actual class they play other than an faceless NPC.

So all we will end up with is a bunch more of people complaining about how they don’t get enough focus alongside everyone else. IM sure Blizzard needs another group of baal’s harassing them on twitter because they don’t like how their race/Class is represented in game.

They really need to stop pandering to these loud people.

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Don’t be bitter, be better✨

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So we shouldn’t have nice things because people ask for more nice things?

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I think the real problem was having class halls in the first place, because that’s what encouraged the homogenization. And that was going to be an effect regardless of how many races have access to X or Y class.

Would it be nice to have glyph reskins? Yeah, and I’d like to hope it happens. But even if they don’t, I think just having the extra race/class options available helps for players who want to flesh out a personal attachment for their character.


It’s certainly a weird arguement to be making against these good changes. One would think more options would be a great thing. And regardless of how bad a particular expansion story is, most people generally will stick around if they have something they’re particularly attached to.

I think it’s a win win overall for the majority of players

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Become Eredar!

Well there you go. Even World of Warcraft’s twitter does not consider the current draenei as eredar and we only “become” one if we use the red skin.

anyone can tell me where the Mag’har and Tauren trainer are located in Orgrimmar? Spend two hours running around.

They’re not trainers

Maghar is in the alchemy hut next to the warlock hut in Shadow Cleft

both tauren are in mulgore; the Bloodtotem warlock is observing the Forsaken summoning ritual, the Soultotem warlock is… I think Spirit Rise I can’t remember

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It was a shame we killed both Bloodtotem leaders. Wiki said they are their strongest tribe with the most warriors.

Class halls were insanely popular, so it’s weird to see the community do a complete 180 and want to throw out arguably the biggest part of what made them cool, the class fantasy. Which is being ruined just as much as the racial fantasy by some of these combos, especially when they get to paladin and druid in the future.


Eh, personally I never enjoyed the mage hall from the start, nor was me being forced to be a troll mage at the time either.

They were criticized even back then for foisting upon everyone only a singular fantasy for each class.

For God’s sake, you had Sunwalker Tauren saying that the MHPs were gonna teach them the “truth” of the Light lmao

I like the warlock one fine precisely because it had multiple areas with different themes representing at least superficial the WIDE variety of warlocks

Void area, elemental fire area, construct engineering area, etc


The class halls’ definition of “class fantasy” freaking sucks, all it provided was a centralized version of class identity that left no room for culturally rooted class traditions

As a Troll Druid player, playing through Val’sharah actually made me hate my class because I realized that the only class fantasy I would ever get out of it was the Kaldorei/Cenarian fantasy, for which I have very little love


I think this is kinda funny because the barrier of entry seems pretty low in my opinion. I finally convinced my girlfriend to play and we’ve been discussion fun lore stuff on BfA or playing through older expansion stuff. It’s really friendly in that regards compared to FFXIV which requires you to go through several expansions to even get to modern content. Sure there’s some wiki trawling, but if you’re invested enough in the lore it’s not a huge ask I’d think. Then again, girl reads Tolkien beyond just LotR and the Hobbit and has been enjoying herself and seeking out what isn’t told to her so maybe she’s a bit of an outlier.

And cause it’s been reoccurring: I do wish there was more Draenei Warlocks beyond outcasts and Broken. It feels weird that it seems like Velen is the only Draenei that’s open to stuff like Warlocks, the Broken, or now it seems Man’ari Eredar. It doesn’t help that Velen’s one of the few important Draenei but alas. Like I could get some hesitation, but I really wish the Warlocks for the Draenei were given some more explanation, like how Fel and Light don’t have to be antagonistic forces, how proper discipline can make Fel controllable and thus the tragedy of their peoples is never repeated, etc. It’s just lacking really.

Also a comment on the Eredar stuff, it’s clear that Draenei take offense to being called Eredar these days so even if “technically” it’s Draenei Eredar and Man’ari Eredar, I don’t think you should call a Draenei it. More a political distinction than a racial one, but still a distinction.