Anyone know where and how you can get these new lego powers on ptr? I checked the vendor in Oribos that’s sells them as well as the covenant vendor and nothing. Does it require you to finish the covenant quest and max out renown again perhaps?
Oh, you…
But yeah, Night Fae is… once again… the clear winner here.
Necrolord is literally an anima power from Torghast. Like, they didn’t even put any thought into this one. It MIGHT be ok for Destro or Aff but I highly doubt it’ll replace their BiS leggos. For demo it’s yet more support for the Demonbolt build which is clunky as hell to play and we’ll be lucky if it never ends up being the best build for Necro demo.
Venthyr is… honestly probably how they should have designed the bloody spell in the first place instead of the giant nerfs if they wanted this to be the AoE covenant. But even if this somehow makes IC much better and actually really good for AoE purposes… you’re giving up a leggo slot to make a baseline ability viable. No one’s going to make that sacrifice!
I don’t even know what to say aboit Kyrian. It ONLY works if there are adds to snipe. No adds to snipe? Literal paperweight stat stick legendary. This is awful. If you manage to proc it sure that’s good, but the less you can proc it in a fight, the worse it is. Even then, this is clearly a Destro only legendary because only Destro can snipe for shards AND exploit the damage and cooldown reset.
But Night Fae? Bloody hell. 50% haste and crit per affected target is HUGE. Even single target. Aff likes it. Demo loves it. Destro loves it. I don’t know if it’ll end up a BiS leggo but of all the new warlock leggos this one easily has the best chance of being BiS.
And OF COURSE it’s Night Fae. Can Blizzard EVER achieve any semblance of balance and parity between these stupid covenants? Ion really wasn’t kidding, he DOES want us to all go Night Fae! It’s the only possible reason why they keep giving the bloody fairys the best stuff!
I find the clear Night Fae bias super annoying, and I say that as someone who really loves the Night Fae. Why did you even make four covenants if you wanted me to just repeat the NF storyline on every single character?
I don’t mind that they made some buttons better than others, but the better button should not always be the fairy button. And they should make every button fun to push. Or at least give them like, any reason at all to be on your toolbar.
They did such an amazing job on Revendreth, in terms of style/art, and then made sure nobody would be hanging out there. It boggles.
(Yes, one might even call it a catastrophe.)
Lol man the covenant leggo between all the classes is just so asinine.
Some of these seem blatantly favoring a covenant over another or so strong that nothing else matters.
Uh what?
Cinders are all extremely good.
There’s even an argument to be made for Inquisitors, though only barely and Wilfreds tends to fit more situations
Wilfred’s all the way bby.
There is ABSOLUTELY no way the Soul Rot leggo will go live like this.
The Necro one is incredibly disappointing as a Destro player. I get them wanting to tie it to the buffed spell by DB but it needs tuned more, a lot more to even consider swapping from Cinders or Wilfred’s. I hope the numbers change because it’s honestly pathetic and just seems like Blizzard couldn’t think of anything better. If the tuning stays that way, at least make DB instant cast or something when using the new legendary to get rid of the abysmal 2.5 sec cast time which makes sniping low health mobs a pain sometimes (which I feel is how DB is truly effective outside of raids).
Not unless you’re a Demon Hunter.
Fun fact, every time I hear the word ‘sacrifice’ I think of DHs and all the bloody times they drone on about sacrificing everything what have you given. Glad I’m not the only one
Think we’re legally obliged to reply with
Also, I’ve been hearing that IC “explosion damage” does not, in fact, refer to the AoE DoT but it is instead meaning the impact damage to the single target of the spell. So all that stuff I said earlier about the Venthyr legendary not being a complete garbage fire in AoE may actually not be true. Shocker.
It’s the same as the anima power, which means it’ll increase the DOT from impending catastrophe. It’s garbage. Used it on my Choreghast run today and even with it passing through 6 mobs, it STILL ticked less than my Immolate.
I’m sincerely hoping that these were just datamined incorrectly as the Necrolord and Venthyr legendaries are just anima powers from Torghast.
Having a ton of different Legos would be great, if they were comparably awesome - but they are not.
They seem intent on maintaining the current haves/have nots:
- NF a clear and decisive choice in almost all circumstances
- NL/KYR are solid in certain cases for the stubborn and the meta-rebellion league
- VEN for the F numbers peeps that must be vampires; math be damned, ‘I’m riding a VAMPIRE BAT BRUH!
Well, yes, math be damned, but you’re wrong about the vampire thing. Some of us just really like the pretty dress. It is so very pretty.
Revendreth is like if you mashed up Gilneas with Darkshire, the two very best WoW places, and then added a little red paint. I don’t know how anyone can resist it. Although Blizzard certainly wants us to try!
Also the storyline. I genuinely enjoyed fighting for the Crown and I enjoy the society of Revendreth. I enjoy the area. I’m so mad at Blizzard how dirty they’ve done us this expansion. It really has raised an eye to how they don’t care considering we’ve gone half a year with these inadequacies and no indication of it being fixed. It’s sad to say since I’ve been around since Vanilla’s release, but this will probably be my last subscription. I just can’t keep supporting a company who is disrespecting their players, releasing unfinished and unbalanced content, and expecting players to just deal with it in HOPES it may be fixed one day. It’s asinine.
I’m excited for when we can fly just to fly around there tourist style. It’s annoying as all get-out to ride around that zone, but it’s so well done.
They do have good mogs for sure; was just being snarky about the vampire thing.
FWIW: my hunter dumped NF for Rev just for the mogs and mounts. So yeah F the numbers!
I fell in love with Revendreth the moment I arrived in the zone. It is, by far, one of my favorites in all of WoW. Love the Venthyr, too. The Ember Court, all of it.
I just wish they gave more thought to conduits, soulbinds, IC, etc.
I suppose the legendary is confirmation that they have no plans to ever rework IC or make it less of a catastrophe. It is no longer impending, it is upon us.
Oh but don’t you see? They can’t buff or nerf the covenants by much or else they risk PuLlInG tHe RuG oUt FrOm BeNeAtH uS when suddenly our best covenant changes and our MeAnInGfUl ChOiCe is no longer the correct choice and we have to swap covenants and start over!
This entire covenant system is a sham. A pointless, awful sham, with terrible, arbitrary, meaningless restrictions. And we have been telling Blizz that since we found out how the bloody thing worked