New Warlock Legendaries up on PTR

A new PTR build just dropped and the new covenant warlock legendaries are in. I won’t be changing mine, but posting this so others can talk about them.

  • NEW Shard of Annihilation (Necrolord) Decimating Bolt also increases the critical strike chance and critical strike damage of Demonbolt / Incinerate / Shadow Bolt by 15%.

  • NEW Decaying Soul Satchel (Night Fae) Each target affected by Soul Rot increases your Haste and Critical strike chance by 50% for until canceled.

  • NEW Contained Perpetual Explosion (Venthyr) Impending Catastrophe’s final explosion damage is increased by 50% plus 10% for each enemy target hit on the way to its final target.

  • NEW Languishing Soul Detritus (Kyrian) When Scouring Tithe generates Soul Shards, gain 100% increased movement speed and 100% increased critical strike chance for 8 sec.


Like Decimating Bolt Leggo is kinda meh, I would not give up Wilfred’s for it.

Venthyr Leggo is still CATASTROPHICALLY bad.

Scouring Tithe is… 100% crit chance for 8 seconds???



the nf one is bloody hilarious is what it is.

it cannot go live like that. not that i mind a superduper personal 1minute bloodlust with crit tacked on for good measure


Honestly the covenant leggos need to be a little OP or no one will equip them. It is enough to make regualr leggos and only 1 is good for warlock right now. And it is a universal one at that.

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  • Neat, I guess. Not very interesting, though

Night Fae:

  • Night Fae one is almost definitely a misplaced decimal.


  • What is wrong with them lmao. So boring and uninspiring


  • Pretty neat. Seems like there are some situations where it could be pretty bonkers for Destro
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not necessarily.
may be giving 50% of current rating, not flat 50% per.
it’s still strong enough to stand toe to toe with Wils imo but it’s not the batpoop insanity of just 200% flat haste AND crit if we land on all targets.

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wawawewa! the nightfae legendary is making me turgid!

I am LIVID over the Venthyr one! They literally recycled an anima power as the legendary. “Let’s take this already underperforming, weak ability, and make a legendary to bring it up to baseline par with the others!” It adds no flavor and anyone who uses the anima power already KNOWS how UNFUN that ability is. I swear I’ll probably just unsubscribe if the Venthyr legendary goes live like that because it will just be too blatant how out of touch the developers are with the community and my main.


I think if Decibolt was just flat 15% crit damage/chance it might be ok to replace Cinders for Destro. But holy hell… that NF ability has to get nerfed right? You slap on your Dots then apply Soul rot last to make them tick fast? Or does snapshotting still exists for DoTs?

I agree. For Destro, it is very difficult to choose any of these. In most cases, you would go with Cinders or Wildfred’s for the lower Infernal cooldown. The NF one might be the one for Affliction to go with since they don’t have a BiS one that isn’t death/on chance proc effect.

Jesus Christ. Whoever’s designing warlock covenant stuff must have some real contempt for the whole vampire aesthetic.


Assuming that the night fae one is incorrect so far the kyrian one is the only one I’d probably be inclined to even think about swapping covenants for, and that is mostly for destro since there is serious damage potential there. Like for example xav in theater of pain, just dot the banner blow dump shards to blow it up, with havoc, it dies with dot you might have kyrian conduit and legendary and now you are hitting xav for at least 3 20% extra damage 100% crit chaos bolts every minute. Its situational but the premise is so dumbly strong if you can find a easy target. It strikes me as an incredibly strong m+ legendary and one that will break at least destro for some raid fights.

That said even if the night fae one was 5% haste/crit/target it would still maybe see use especially for aff where you can extend the buff and the legendary competition isn’t as tight.

Not sure if I’d be able to justify making a new leggo for demo though wilfreds is so strong and the nightfae one wouldn’t work as well since you would have to choose between nia stamina for pre tyrant or soul rot leggo buff for during tyrant.

Also rip and lol venthyr.

I think you use it first to be able to apply multiple agonies very fast, anyway, it’s insane, too insane to be true lol

I hate them.

Let’s start with a few things my good folk.

The NF one isn’t increasing Haste/Crit by 50%~200% like the Kyrian one, it increases your haste/crit by 50%~200%, this mean that if you have 20% haste, it increase your haste by 10% to 40%.

Second, the “until canceled” is a placeholder text, it will be substituted by some duration, probably something between 10 to 20s.


Nfae : only one conceived in a decent way, no wonder as NF is the strongest covenant and they don’t want to alienate the playerbase by forcing everyone to switch out of it.

Necrolord: Boring, low value, the effect is probably only for the filler of the 3 next casts, pretty pathetic considering all 3 specs have legendaries who buff fillers, but buffs all fillers.

Venthyr: It’s a joke of a legendary, to the covenant that need any pickmeup it can; but again, they don’t want to alienate playerbase out of Nfae.

Kyrian: Its a potentially strong, but fringe and very situational legendary, its stronger to a specific spec, ok to another and dreadfull to demonology.

Been doing Venthyr dirty so long that I’m starting to wonder if they’re planning to make it a new player class. Seems like they’d rather we didn’t play it. :clown_face:

Joking aside, Night Fae and and Necrolord seem like they could be solid with proper tuning. Kyrian seems really niche, but powerful in those situations.

The Venthyr one, I just don’t know, man. If you got it to pass through 5 mobs every time it would be doing about the same damage as 3 Rain of Fires, which is not nothing but the whole pass-through mechanic is still garbage. Meanwhile, if you only have 1 target it will barely do more damage than Soul Rot at the cost of a legendary.


Covenant legendaries in general are just a bad idea. The vast majority will never be used by anyone. Most specs already have 1-3 good legendaries and adding more to the pool really doesn’t do much, especially when they interact with the covenant abilities which tend to not be particularly powerful on their own (with some exceptions).

I’m still mad about poor legendary design when I see it - such as the venthyr one giving an awkward aoe buff to an already poorly tuned ability. But chances are that we’ll all be sticking with our current bis.


If they were just going to rip off a Torghast power, they could have at least picked one of the good ones. Summoning a tyrant on use would have been nice and not OP at all. :rofl:

I guess they didn’t want to spend a lot of time on it for the 6 Venth locks out there.


As one of those 6 Venthyr demo locks out there, I saw that legendary and rolled my eyes so hard I thought they might fall out.

The one power that summons a DT when IC is used would have been far better, but Blizz gonna Blizz.


lol if NF goes live that will be epic. However do these replace our current leggos?? If so I wonder if it would be better to use the NF leggo over the vision of demonic leggo that does the 15% increased dmg for you or your demon?..

I’m also one of the 6, and I agree this power is insanely fun.

They couldn’t give Venthyr something fun like that. What if people actually wanted to use it, and NF lost some of its population? We can’t have that!

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