New Warchief

The Horde needs to drop the silly council of leaders and bring this fella to be Warchief


Really hoping they bring back Sylvanus as the new warchief


Didn’t you guys get the message?

I Dreadmoon am your Warchief!

Bow down to me peons!!!


Horde Warchiefs have been Blizzard’s “Break In Case of No Villain” for several expansions.


Doesn’t the Warchief of the Bleeding Hollow count?

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Put Thrall.

I Chilibean the tall, volunteer as Warchief.

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Motion denied… let the alliance cause the next big problem/war and leave the Horde alone


Oo! Oooo! We used to do this wwaaaayyyyy back when on the forums.

Most popular? This:


What the hell is he wearing? You can’t be warchief in a funky purple robe!

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His attire resembles the necromancers. He had no other exposure in WoW so he didn’t need a change of model.

Me not that kind of orc.

Werk werk.

Sorry, your post count is way too low to post something this bad…

Come back when you have over 5000…

Trees be chief’n somtin but it aint no war mon.

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Yall out here acting like Rendhand didn’t exist.

No thanks.

That datamined grommash maybe?

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We already know horde is gonna get villain bat again.

Who will be “I don’t want peace I want problems always!” Character. Our roster is looking awfully thin these days.

What city gets the plague or torch next in ally side

I choose him

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All we’re saying - give war a chance.