New Void Elf Capital - Ny'alotha

Do it Blizzard. Give the velves an actual city, an actual home, on par with the likes of Suramar or the Vindicaar. We clear it out of N’Zoth and the velves move in.

Do it. Give them a flipping bone for once. If you won’t let them be central to 8.3, in fighting the void, at least give them this.


Actual homes are for people that aren’t traitors.


We are careful about how close we allow the void to get. It got a bit too close that one time and we almost lost it and now we look like this and hear whispers. And while it gives us added edge and discipline, it’s also tiring. Imagine someone suggest you live in a shopping mall. That’s what void elves hear in their heads and have to tune out all the time.


What does this have to do with Ny’alotha though? I mean, the Telogrus Rift is right on the edge of the void itself. Sounds closer than Ny’alotha which is only separated from Azeroth proper by a, ‘thin veil.’ Sounds like Ny’alotha would be a place you’d get the whispers less.

When I see blood elves calling void belves traitors, I remember Lol’themar accusing void belves traitors … and laughter!
Very much!!!

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…I mean… You are a Worgen… That is like French people laughing at the idea the Americans were traitors during the American revolution.

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It’s a realm created by Old Gods for their machinations. Old Gods were created and designed for one single purpose, planet eating corruption. Who wants to live in that?

Who wants to live in some tents on some floating dead chunks of rock within spitting distance of the Void itself?

Your guess is as good as mine. My character hasn’t been there in ages. I sleep on the turtle.

How about they build a home under the sea in an Octopus’s garden (N’Zoth) with the Beatles and the Yellow Submarine :grin:


Because the Void is where Blizzard devs are from. The Void hates fun.

Blood elves already have a reputation for traitors!

Garithos accused them of treason for being involved with Nagas!
A blood elf helped in the attack on Theramore!

Blood Elves betrayed Dalaran’s neutrality and helped create the Manabomb used in Theramore!

Lolthemar was considering leaving the Horde, even before Jaina applied a vigorous sweep to the Sunreavers!

Honestly, I don’t know what’s the surprise in a blood elf turning the coat!

Betrayal is a lifestyle of the children of Silvermoon! It’s in your genes!


The fact of the matter is elves don’t trust other races and barely trust each other. That savage troll xenophobia evolved into arrogant elven paranoia.

You’re forgetting that it’s betraying others versus betraying your own. Betraying others is chic; betraying your own is just classless and rude.

I think a swirling black void hole would be a fitting home for them!


Bloodelfs betray their class all the time for example : kael thas :slight_smile: , void elfs , high elves , bloodelves and lot of more .



Explain how the Void Elves betrayed the Blood Elves. And do not use the one guy who first practiced Void Magic in -->his<-- betrayal to Arthas.

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You mean other than leaving the Horde to fight for the Alliance? No, that’s about it.

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I don’t think N’zoths dream will be around without… you know… N’zoth

From my point of view the blood elves are traitors.