Or when the bloodelfs were about to swap to alliance because they didnt “like” garrosh ? .
Or when bloodelfs swapped to horde because of 1 marshal of lordaeron (not even the alliance in general).?
Or when the bloodelfs with kaelthas joined Illidan and forgot their allies ?.
Or when the bloodelfs betrayed illidan too and went horde ?.
Or when . . .im sick you guys are just traitors .
You’re going to have to explain further…and how we made you fight for the Alliance…trying to wrap my head around how a people that is not very populated right now can force another race to fight for another faction.
When he all but condemned their king to death, I’d say their choice to leave was vindicated. This wasn’t the only reason why they left though.
Meh, should be grateful just to exist!
I may be wrong but I think Ny’alotha is more than N’Zoth’s dream. Other Old Gods mentioned it. Yogg-Saron’s Puzzle Box (ergo Yogg-Saron) as well as Xal’atath both reference it.
They already have a home they just got exiled from it.
Besides a ton of races don’t have homes or capitals, especially when blizz wants to shove humans and orcs down everyone’s throat.
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