New voice lines: Ashenvale, Ankoan, etc

the cutscene for the quest “a new hope” was finished right before the patch went live, if that means anything, its possible that they are simply waiting to release it, otherwise it would be weird to work on it up to the patches release

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It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve bailed on ideas that close to release, and really in game cinematics arnt that hard to do, it’s just camera work, set animations that the rigs can already do and VAing.

That, to me, is the big thing that shows intent. Of course, some of it depends on the individual actor, but VA for a major game generally isn’t cheap. Nor is having an animator try to sync up the models to the lines.

Nothing budget breaking, or anything, for Actiblizzard, with the tiny cutscene. But still a sizable effort that was at least, at one point, heavily intended.


They don’t try to make the models sync up to the lines in in game cutscenes. You also generally do all you VAing in one block. You bring in Tyrande’s VA, do ALL the lines you even think she might be doing during the expac then thats that. You pay them for that block of VAing. You still have that reel of voice acting for everything to come down the line and can pick and choose what gets used or not, what gets tried, like potentially this, and what actually goes through.

I wouldn’t think about it too much. They had Nathanos and Malfurion’s VAs do work for the WF that was never used. Unless they’re waiting until 8.2 to add them to the WF rotation in Darkshore. Who knows?


Even beyond the cutscene and victory quest, we have a general idea that the Night Elves won, such as:

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With danger I mean he has never experienced a battle that will cost him the lives of his people if he failed or suffered something horrible as his kingdome being razed because he commited obvious mistakes. The whole thing with Garrosh was brave from him but so far everything has worked in his way without any consequences and only his life was at danger

The day he has to face something horrible like an invasion from a powerful overlord like Arthas and his scourge or garrosh army with his magic bomb and said overlord destroy his city and his people and leave scars in his mental and physical persona, then I may start to appreciate him, heck even Yrel got that from Ner’zhul and the Iron Horde, Anduin however only lost his dad because of the legion invasion that started in the AU created by Garrosh and even so, he doesn’t even mention that.

Yeah i got what you mean, I just enjoy talking about him getting punted into a bell. Single most satisfactory scene in an expac since Arthas’s death for me.

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I really thought some of those ankoan sounded like women, especially Hunter Akana, but when I went to Nazjatar today I noticed in the recruitment blurb that Hunter Akana is referred to as a he. So, I guess there really are no ankoan women around.

I’m sad now. That’s twice Alliance meet and befriend jinyu, and twice they leave them behind in the land of non-playable races. I really thought we had a chance to get something new and exotic for a change.


Me seing Sethrak, Tortollans and Ankoan : Oh so much interesting new potential allied races !

Blizzard : You will have slightly robotics gnomes as an allied race and you are going to enjoy it!


i don’t know, that hunter akana dude sounds pretty cool.
that is something, i guess.


I’m honestly just really confused how they could sit down and come up with such a spicy flavor of jinyu only to turn around and decide that nobody would be interested in playing one, despite jinyu having been requested as a playable race since their introduction.

He sounds cool, I think they all sound cool–but they’re all male, apparently, and that pretty much rules them out as an allied race, doesn’t it? I was clinging to a small shred of hope that the models we’ve been seeing are older and that they’re working on newer ones, but that’s pretty shot through now.

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I had an idea for the Broken as an AR, where we’d get the BC model (updated) and the Argus model, instead of gendered models. Even though female Broken do exist in lore, and there’s even an illustration of one.

I could see a similar work around with Jinyu/Ankoan. Reunite the Ankoan with their freshwater kin, then get both of those models, instead of gender differences. Though, I very much doubt the devs would do something that outside the box, and mold breaking.

I’m not sure why you think two different shapes of male is a satisfactory replacement for the existence of a female model?

I’d just like see a female ankoan. The difference doesn’t have to be anything drastic, it could be as subtle as the difference between male and female charr in Guild Wars 2, or male and female sethrak (if Sethraliss is anything to go by).

But even female ankoan based on the female night elf model could be interesting. I remain open to whatever possibility is out there!

It’s not satisfactory. But 99% of the Alliance ARs haven’t been, anyway (white Draenei you could play as anyway, Elves invented on the spot, Humans but bigger, and speculative Gnomes with body mods). I’d accept something… unorthodox with the models, if it came with an interesting concept culturally, on par with the Nightborne, Mag’har, or speculative Vulpera.

Well at least the Dark Irons are pretty decent and they made an effort to at least differentiate the Kul Tirans culturally from Stormwind Humans.

That said, currently I would agree, at least in my subjective opinion, that the Horde has gotten the better deal. That is also colored by the fact I find Void Elf lore kind of stupid and emo.


I vacillate on Kul Tirans. Some days I think they’re pretty great, culturally. Some days I just see them as what the Gilneans should have been in the first place.

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Take this back. Now.

I am a bit surprised it bothers you.

I should clarify. Unlike Lightforged undead, which I think is outright stupid, my issue with Void Elves isn’t that they exist but how they have been implemented. It feels sloppy and it feels like it defangs the threat of the Void. Basically rather than make them a group struggling with a power that comes with a constant struggle for ones own mind, they seem to just be voidy for the sake of being edgy and cool and any real complications or struggle or downsides are pretty much ignored. Have we seen one void elf lose it yet?

Compare that to Demon Hunters or even Death Knights. Both those groups are in a similar situation but they are shown to struggle with the real drawbacks. Void Elves just seem to a be a bit too ‘vampire-who-sparkles-in-sunlight’ for my liking.

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