New UI Inspiration

Same energy.


Let’s not insult Windows XP that way, kthx.


What’d they do to it now?

Made it look worse. Larger, goofier, more colors, annoying glow


They need option for old or new imo.

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Kind of tricky. A lot of the updates they’ve made just kind of outright replace stuff and maintaining multiple versions of the interface and all its already buggy interactions likely just ain’t happening.

man i was such a nerd as a kid. i thought windows xp was sooooo cool back in the day.

all the school computers had windows xp with the cool blue windows and that classic background. u could see the windows move in real time instead of just rhe outline of the window.

i remember wanting windows xp at home sooooo bad for the longest time lol

It was cool. It was an amazing OS that lasted far longer then even its replacements. I was running XP all the way up to windows 8… like 12-13 years later. Imagine getting that much life out of a OS these days.

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Microsoft literally would not allow it anymore because of manufactured obsolescence.

For the entire client. Leme play with wrath models. they clearly run on the modern engine.

undead caster in vanilla → WoD > Any animation they’ll ever release.


Yea. I was using it after they said they would stop supporting it. I was basically forced into using windows 8. Wasn’t bad, but just never had a reason to change. The knowledge base for XP was massive. A tool for literally anything. These days… man, nothing works after a couple years. Frustrating. Even apps on my phone. Don’t use something for a couple weeks? Update. i had to delete the Chipotle app because of how irritated it was making me. Every other time I would go it would need it an updated. THEY 100% DID THAT ON PURPOSE!! They knew I wouldn’t get my sweet, sweet Chipotle points! Jerks. >.<

i dont understand it. people ask for new ui, they come out with new ui, no one likes it.

agree with you there.

but the new animations are crazy flashy and block icon vision more than anything

well i play enh so i’m used to flashy things everywhere on my screen. maybe thats why i like them.

Yea. Humor aside, there is way too much flashy stuff going on. Seriously annoying.

This is one of the reasons I like have to keep my buttons universal across specs (and sometimes classes)

My sprint or primary movement ability is often the same button on any class, that way its attached to muscle memory.

Same for me. Thankfully I’m not looking down too often, but half of my abilities are lit up now. No idea what’s going on. Information overload.

You’re not wrong. I guess people just had higher expectations. Or it’s a “no, not like that.” moment.

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The problem I have with the new UI is it looks really cartoony and cheesy like a cheap mobile game.

The old UI, while dated, still looked fine.


Yep. Good way to put it. Looks like a cheap mobile game. The color palette does’t fit wow.