New UI Inspiration

You skipped Windows 7 D:

8 was pretty bad, but 7 was great. 7 was the true sequel to the beauty of XP (vista was terrible). I stuck with 7 till the last day of the free 10 upgrade. Which 10 is really great too. Not a fan of 11 though.

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When people say that, they already have something in mind. Usually something that already exists, like alternative UI. This looks nothing like any of the UI addons out there and it’s honestly very distracting and hinders my ability to see what’s on CD and what’s ACTUALLY procced.

Yea, it was a timing thing. I think I just stepped right into 8 from XP. It was weird
 everything I had for more then a decade worked fine, then poooof. I miss my old XP computers.

Had one of these bad boys

So much functionality. Now I have an external device that does the same thing. Way ahead of its time.

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It was way better than Vista.
I’m just sayin’

Is it bad that I actually kinda like the changes?

IT seems they’ve also revamped music in certain Cities
 maybe I’m just causing a psychoactive thing with myself but Orgrimmar’s music sounds different.

My lab has some older instruments that won’t run with anything later than XP. Pretty funny having Windows 11 on a brand new PC for that workstation, but can only actually do anything with it when it’s running XP on a virtual machine.

haha sounds about right. It’s crazy how many old systems companies work around. Just costs too much to upgrade AND so many of the newer OS require constant updates. Such a nightmare to stay ahead of.

The new role icons look like
 absolute garbage. What was wrong with the old ones

only if you’re talking about the little bags / character / talents portrait nonsense.

XP was rock solid and intuitive to use. I still miss it.