New Tyrande stuff

Shandris toes the faction line, which means she can be shoved in the corner with Velen and the others if she becomes leader. The only thing easier than writing Tyrande is writing nothing at all.


Well then i hope she gets gut-stabbed by a low-polygon mook during a cutscene and replaced with the ghost of Fandral Staghelm.

That’s how it feels, Alliance, THAT’S HOW IT FREAKING FEELS.


This is going to be another Val’sharah, isn’t it? Man, please Blizz, either make Tyrande and Vol’jin faction-specific quest lines… or let me be able to skip over Tyrande’s stuff on my Horde toons.


I’d also prefer that, besides it would give a reason to try different faction experience.

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I suppose their reply would be to just pick another Covenant if it bothers you that much, honestly. You are going to elect to do it by taking up that covenant if you do it.

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I don’t know why so many Horde players complain. Since you dislike Tyrande that much, wouldn’t it be fun for you to quest with her and see her fail miserably and die right after?

I’m sure that is what it’ll ultimately be. Ardenwald and the Night Fae were already my least chosen Covenant to begin with. If they want to force me to have Tyrande sit there and moralize me, then I would just not pick Night Fae on any Horde character.

Only if I get to be the one who causes her to fail. Like, the quest line is me actively hindering her progress. Horde and Alliance are enemies after all. If Blizzard wants the Horde to be the villain faction, then we shouldn’t be constantly shamed for picking the villain. At least in SWTOR, the Sith-side NPCs tend to glorify your character for being an evil Sith 'cuz… Sith are the villains.


As many others have said, I don’t have a problem helping Tyrande and freeing Night Elf souls, so long as I’m not getting yelled at for “what a bad person I am” or “what monsters all the horde are”.


Y-you do realize you’re speaking with Horde players, right?

Man, I do. I feel like the Horde parties up with Alliance characters more often than they do the Horde.


When I see Horde players complaining about having to work with Alliance characters, I can’t help but think about being forced to work alongside Saurfang who is responsible for genocide and the destruction/extinction of my race and him being glorified for it and dying an honorable death.
Even better, Anduin holding a speech about how heroic he was and how the Alliance is no better than the Horde.


Oh yea, definitely. I wish character development was spread more evenly between Alliance and Horde, and that characters weren’t ritualistically sacrificed on the story altar every other patch.

But I’ll go along with whatever plot this is if it’ll provide some night elf players catharsis.

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I’m equally annoyed my Alliance alts have to listen to how sad Saurfang is instead of lopping his head off and have to take orders from God-King Blanduin.


If Blizzard wants you to be the villain faction, you should also face consequences for it. Not have everything dumped on one person who flies away into the Twisting Nether.
Pick one- villain with tradeoffs or heroic. You can’t be in between. Or do it among different groups, like Forsaken Vs Kalimdor Horde.

Edit: with this same logic, if Tyrande is going to die, she should deal a massive blow to the Horde and then die. Or to Sylvanas. There needs to balance in portrayals.


And as I’ve stated several times during my posting carreer. I don’t dislike the Horde. I mostly feel bad for the things they have gone through.
I understand that Blizzard usually writes for All Pure White Knights in the Alliance and Crazy Evil Psycopaths in the Horde while the rest of the player base gets in limbo not belonging to anywhere.

I’ve had to endure my favorite race and characters be used as mockery but it doesn’t mean I want the Horde to suffer the same fate.


Sure, that’s fine with me. I’m just tired of Blizzard flip-flopping on what the Horde should be. I’ve no problem playing the villain. My highest level in SWTOR was a Sith Assassin. Blizzard needs to get rid of characters like Baine in that case.

If the Horde is s’pose to be heroes, then stop making the Horde do villainous things.


No I meant we totally understand what you’re saying


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Well most of you sound like you’re really enjoying our misery.
I’m so looking forward to quest with Vol’jin.


I’d rather take orders from Tyrande and get Night Elf lands back, but instead they ignored that story completely and cancelled it to give the Horde a new zone and give Anduin all the spotlight whose character developed backwards.


Nah, homie. No one understands what you’re going through more than Horde players do.


I’m more for Dwarves than Elves, so I lean more towards Falstad and Muradin. But, same deal. Rather have a leader who would actually fight the Horde than sit there and worry that some of them might be sad.