Twilight madness -
Damage increased by 50%
Health Increased by 150%
Boss attacks have a chance to summon blood globules of Shu’ma
Signet of the Wyrmrest Accord
Gift of the Red Dragonflight -
Upon a successful block, dodge, or parry instantly unleash a frontal cone of fire. The effect cannot be triggered more than once every 1 second.
Gift of the Bronze Dragonflight -
While not taking any damage for 10 seconds, gain a stacking haste buff (Melee, ranged, and spell casting speed increased by 10% each stack up to a maximum of 100%). Upon taking damage, a stack of the haste buff is removed.
Gift of the Green Dragonflight -
Your direct healing spells grant a stacking damage buff, while your damaging spells grant a stacking healing increase buff.
Gift of the Blue Dragonflight -
While not moving for 10 seconds, gain a stacking damage buff. Upon moving, a stack of the damage buff is removed.
see, this is a good affix, it gives a negative (the summon and health/damage buff) while also giving us a positive. we should have had something like this for the Inferno dungeons
It’s meeh. it’s harder than infernos, buffs are interesting but i don’t think we used them correctly. We were all 385+ ilvl tho. there is no loot yet (same as a normal heroic), no badges or different loot other than 346 blues. Oozes can wipe you easily. mana void is problematic.
Please Blizzard if you see this, just copy paste the wrath gamma buffs + don’t add new mechanics like this zonozz crap. Please stop making dungeons so AWFUL that players want to just quit because even if they are DOABLE…they are so far in the opposite direction of fun… your metrics will lie and say “look how many people did them” well of course people were miserable and struggled through them to get all the heroic gear and Sinestra loot last phase. Making people want to quit because the dungeons are awful and the only thing to do is go to a raid (even if thousands still do lots of raiding)…this is horrible for the health of the game. I hated every single second of Infernos and I had been farming all heroics in Tier 11 on my shamans. These negative changes and the very un fun raid ahead are going to just cause people to want to quit til MoP prepatch.
You should tune these dungeons to be fun and fast. To be fun to be completed by a group of 360-377 ilvl players. NOT a full team of 385-390s. I have personally failed by not posting every SINGLE day since wrath ended that the most fun/tolerable dungeons to play every week were: “gamma” forge of souls/halls of reflection/pit of saron + Halls of Lightning and somewhat Halls of Stone (minus the Brann event). Every single other one was very not-fun and just annoying to pug. Sure, my friends and I can listen to a weakaura for ice patch trails and break out webs but this Heroic+ system has been 90% not-fun and 10% good/fun.
having the ICC trio count for gamma was amazing. Draktharon and Gundrak were fine in gamma and annoying in alpha/beta, ToC was mostly fine but pugs were really awful at the bosses sometimes, Ice was not hard but it punished you fast for any lapse in concentration or not hearing an Airhorn from the weak aura. Overall though Gammas fixed a lot and made things more tolerable than awful. Not seeing that kind of thing with Cata where it has been just bad so far. They should also remove halls of origination and deadmines from the que because of how long those take with the buffs / end of Deadmines RP.
I enjoy these and hate Lost City. I only run pugs so when a group of mute randoms runs these in synchronization without skips or slop, it’s what the Redditors call oddly satisfying. By contrast, I leave Lost City after the first boss because skipbrain is everywhere.
What do you mean you don’t like complicated and bizarre setups to skip a single trash pack that’s just going to have to be killed on the return trip anyway, assuming the half-afk mage doesn’t just hold down W through it and pull it anyway?
It’s all trash that needs to be skipped until a 359 cloth bracer drops and then the heroic raid geared mage is telling everyone to need but only he and the 350 mage using 346 bracers actually do and luckily the 350 wins but you’re so distracted at the brazen greed that you lose focus and let the tank die so you just leave in disgust and let the group wipe. The prevailing group-think in this game.
This actually sound good to me, I was afraid we were going to get some really tedious and or annoying affix the whole dungeon harassing us like during the WOTLK Gamma/betas.
Here its merely bosses who might get annoying depending on what those blood globules might be and we get some decently cool buff.
Those new Twillight Dungeon could potentially be faster than Infernos at this point due to the dragonflight buff despite the +50% health.
Classes who benefit the most from haste gonna be kings.