Since the end of the war.
The end of the Battle for Azeroth was five years ago (in game time). The events in the Shadowlands lasted two years, and there was a three-year time-skip after returning from the Shadowlands. So, since the end of the war, it has been 5 years.
For 5 years now, peace has been maintained and the agreement between Alliance and Horde has been honored.
its only been 3 years, we didn’t spend two whole years in Shadowlands.
Yes, according to the WoW timeline, we did.
Shadowlands started in year 35. Dragonflight is starting in year 40. And the released time-skip was 3 years. That means it’s been 5 years since the end of BfA.
Ok nvm I found.
Yeah this story is dead. Nothing makes sense.
I am so done.
I heard their quality has declined recently, but I didn’t think their cars were that bad.
Huh, he might just escape the villain bat afterall.
And thank god for that. No need for the alliance to loose leaders to make things interesting
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Hopefully they don’t take anymore Horde leaders as well.
I hate how they keep killing off horde leaders and then refuse to replace them. Granted they didn’t need to kill them off to begin with
I don’t see any immediate signs. But the “stay a while and listen” with him on the doc with Mathias isn’t so clear…
You can just walk down that docks from Khadgar and find them and listen directly. But…
To me this is a guarded yet sensible response. Turalyon knows little about dragons, so he learned there’s good and bad among them - Alexstraza on one side, Onyxia and Deathwing on the other. Between this and his experience with the Burning Legion (who also used glamours and shapeshifters), he suggests making a countermeasure against glamours.
Same here. Sylvanas, Garrosh, Kael’thas and Rastakhan need to return.
Ultimately, his fate will likely be determined by what happens to the factions. If the factions do end up integrating, I don’t foresee him getting the villain bat. If not, he is the prime candidate for going rogue, and Alleria probably wont be in a good state if he ends up dead.
Blizzard has clearly hedged a bet on both options ending up true.
Turalyon would need some time in character development to steadily drive him towards turning bad if it were to ever happen. He would need to be worked towards it rather than a Game of Thrones Daenerys style insanity On/Off switch.
One possiblity: If the naaru in our timeline started dominating and force lightforging everyone the way they were doing in the alternate timeline and he decided to support them.
Another is if his wife ultimately fell to the Void’s influence leading to his subtle corruption as well, but that would take time. In the N’Zoth vision of Stormwind he resisted and died because of it.
The point being is they couldn’t just say “he’s bad now” and have it be believable.
Ultimately though it just wouldn’t feel right for them to take Turalyon down that path. This guy’s been the poster child of the Alliance Boy Scout Hero trope for decades now so to have him be a villain would ultimately be a slap in the face.
I do not think Turalyon would need much work to become an antagonist, because he of all people could justify his own actions as good, to himself. He would not have to be transformed into a “villain” and that is why it could happen at any time.
If Turalyon is over aggressive in defense of the Alliance and does what he feels must be done - that would be in character. I could see him doubling down and losing himself in his cause.
I disagree a little with what you said.
In fact, it’s not even to disagree, but your argument can be used for any character in the game.
Moira could very well change from one moment to the next and become a villain just to guarantee her place on the throne.
Anduin may well delve deeper into the Void’s dark magic, and come back as a villain.
Calia might as well become a fanatic of the Light, and force her vassals to go through terrible pain and use the Light across Lordaeron.
Jaina can once again become as bitter against the Horde as she once was, and become a villain. (Whatever she was, Blizzard just didn’t want to make her a boss. After all, she killed blood elf civilians in Dalaran).
Not only Turalyon, because it’s religious or military that can do bad deeds and justify to himself that it’s right. This applies to 90% of WoW characters. The thing is, if you’re going to make him a villain, you need a good excuse. Otherwise, it becomes another Garrosh, and as much as the character as a villain was cool, his motivations were ridiculous and had nothing to do with the character, because he changed from one hour to the next out of nowhere.
TBH i think the Turalyon hate has a large part due to just how many human characters make up the lions’ share of leading Alliance characters. No one is going to make a post complaining about the lack of male human characters.
A large portion of them are male, and/or blonde and blue-eyed. He’s an easy target if someone is looking to downsize the cast, he also hasn’t had a lot of screentime compared to others. Personally i think having him on the top of such a list is just lazy writing.
I took this less as Turalyon being evil and more Turalyon throwing shade at Shaw for his incompetence. How many times has Stormwind over the course of numerous expansions been infiltrated by demons, dragons,undead, cultists and gods-know-what else ? How has the Alliance’s “spy master” failed to step up security and make certain these breaches in security don’t happen again? It’s embarrassing and the fact that Turalyon has to make it crystal clear that these mess ups shouldn’t happen again is ridiculous.
How he hasn’t been fired or revealed to be a dreadlord or something is beyond me.
The fact that other member-states don’t use their own intelligence apparatus more and blindly listen to those clowns in SI:7 is both baffling and alarming.
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But what is the scene there for? Blizzard has every other good character in the expansion trust the dragon aspects explicitly, while they have him trying to negate one of their abilities. You have to think that maybe they are foreshadowing. Especially with what they have done with Yrel and other comments of his.
Now the scene doesn’t make him “evil” and it would require significantly more than that to do so. They could go different directions or just suddenly abandon it. But if they were going to make him a bad guy, the first part of the path is there.