I think that his going villain is just as likely, even more so, if it isn’t faction based (though I don’t think the factions are ever going away). It just means they don’t have to deal with as much fallout.
The new team seems to be trying to learn from old mistakes (?). If Blizzard had villain batted just Sylvanas, and not the whole Horde, things wouldn’t have been as bad. (Especially if the Sylvanas hadn’t been one the few remaining classic characters for the Horde).
I see what you are saying but I don’t think it’s fair to brand him as a villain that quickly. Onyxia did a lot of damage, not only for her acting as the catalyst that led to the creation of the Defias Brotherhood but also for what she did to Varian and Anduin. If she hadn’t been revealed, a Black Dragon could’ve been sitting on the throne of Stormwind(imagine that for a moment >.>) Not to mention Deathwing’s attack on the city. He isn’t being outright hostile nor rejecting them but given what’s happened can you really blame him for being cautious?
Hopefully it’s just that, it appearing that way and nothing more. It was painfully obvious when they began pushing Garrosh and Sylvanas down the villain route, so for them to just do it again with the Alliance would feel repetitive.
I think its a positive step in the right direction, although I could do without the whole “everyone misses anduin” garbage. Hopefully when anduin does make his return hes a simp for yrel that wants to take the Alliance down the Lightforged path that we have to stop.