Resurrection is literally just healing someone who is dead back to life.
No, it’s literally a different thing my guy
Yeah I guess you’re right.
It’s a shield that heals allies and makes them invincible for a short time, since it seems like the spell is supposed to be Holy Word: Salvation. He did that to an entire army at once. That is powerful.
Can you say why you think he’s a fanatic? I really ask to see the view that other people have.
I read again, recently, the Ashbringer HQ. There we see really fanatical characters.
Turalyon accepts the wife with the Void within her, the master being undead, and by extension the other undead. Like, he doesn’t fill any of the gaps for a fanatic. He’s just a religious, just like Tirion Fordring, Uther or Alexandros Mograine.
Out of the two Anduin seem more deluded by the light than Turaylon, We had an entire arc and story about Turaylon choosing his wife over the Naaru. Anduin on the other hand is reliant on the light to make all of his difficult decisions and also relies on it to sooth the pain in his bones.
Now after his ordeal in the Shadowlands i can see that dependency deepening and him almost becoming more and more like a drug addict. Turaylon might be lightforged but we have seen what that is involved there and it isn’t portrayed as a crutch unlike how anduin uses it.
Given that Turalyon used the Light to help his wife use the void to torture civilians, I don’t think his dedication to the Light is strong as everyone seems to think it is.
Which is weird considering how much of a ragefit he went into when Illidan blasted whats-her-name.
Is Turalyon a hypocrite?
Or is it just bad lore writing?
I was thinking of how he originally went along with imprisoning Xe’ra? Don’t mind me. I’m usually wrong.
If we think that Xe’ra was, in Turalyon’s view, one of the only beings capable of opposing the Legion, in addition to having been an ally for over a thousand years, it’s normal for him to be irritated. Even losing his composure and going after Illidan. Soon after, in the quests, we see that he swallowed hard and understood that they needed to focus on the Legion.
Another point is: I was re-reading Tides of Darkness, and there, Anduin Lothar and Khadggar see in Turalyon someone with the least faith among the five starting paladins. Turalyon was, throughout the book, struggling with his faith and the war against the orcs.
He is, without a doubt, a man faithful to the precepts of Light. But like Tirion, Tyrosus, and others, he places his teachings deeply in Mereldar’s holy writings. So I don’t think (with the information we have today) that Turalyon would turn to a fanaticism for the Light. Now, that he could be antagonistic to Anduin for other reasons depends on what excuse Blizzard comes up with.
I haven’t seen anything in the game at all that paints Turalyon as a fanatic so I honestly don’t understand why so many people act like he’s one bad day away from joining the Scarlet Crusade or something. The dude loves his void elf wife and made his peace with the zombie pope. While he initially attacked Illidan after Xe’ra died, he calmed down super fast and never brought it up again.
Now, could Blizzard completely disregard his personality and make him go Deus Vult? Yes, at the drop of a hat they could, they have shown us they have absolutely no qualms about turning established characters into someone else entirely. They’ve done it plenty before. But as things are right now, I just don’t see it with Turalyon. It feels like people want there to be something there so are pretending it is, when it just isn’t.
Moreover I really hope it doesn’t. The Horde being villain batted twice was awful, and both ensuing faction wars sucked for both side. Trying for a third time but swapping the instigating side won’t somehow make it a good story.
Turalyon was never a fanatic, and I’ve always opposed the claim that he is. In my time as a WoW fan, I pointed out why Turalyon is not a fanatic several times on the forums and got mixed responses, including more than a few unkind words in regard to me as a person.
There are several reasons some people really love/d the idea of Turalyon going fanatical. The ones I know are;
- They want the Alliance to be the main villains of the story for a change, and so they’ll accept any story that gives them this.
- They enjoy stories that degrade heroic characters, and Turalyon is a heroic character.
- They’re Horde fans who want their characters to harm the Alliance and feel justified in doing so.
- They’re want an edgelord power fantasy with Turalyon as a stand-in for something or someone in real-life that they hate (the cinematic where Illidan killed Xe’ra makes me picture an angsty 14 year old in school drawing a buff version of themselves graphically killing their teacher… maybe, in that cinematic, Xe’ra was a stand-in for Afrasiabi’s mother or Sunday school teacher).
- They’re rabid Illidan fans who want any character that opposes Illidan to suffer (because Turalyon definitely had no reason to object to a half-demon stranger killing his guardian angel/commanding officer of a thousand years of war against demons
Alex Afrasiabi is Iranian-American, part of a group known for being less religious than other americans, due to the Iranian Revolution.
He’s also a naive kid.
But it is really annoying that this 18 year old is treated as some pillar of wisdom, just because he prioritizes peace over war. Meanwhile there are characters who are over ten thousand years who understand that pacifism is useless when the enemy is on your doorstep.
One thing that’s always bothered me was the glorification in WoW of 18-20 year old characters. Turalyon was seen as this god like hero of the Alliance when he was canonically only 19 years old. Varian was the same, Me’dan is the same. to be a peak male hero in WoW you have to be a teenaage prodigy. Maybe historically the wow writers were always appealing to the core fanbase by making it’s heroes the same age as the player, but we’ve all aged out of that and now Anduin seems like one of those young kids, trying to tell older people what to do. It’s annoying.
I see. I don’t think all of WoW’s problems can be laid at Afrasiabi’s feet, but I think a significant amount of them can be.
I think people get too caught up in historical outrage. The Iranian Revolution ended when he was three, so I doubt he has bad memories of it. Speaking of historical outrage, it’s a pet peeve of mine that “Deus Vult” and the Crusades are still used as bywords for fanaticism after all this time. Facts of Christian self-defense against Muslim aggression aside, I say the Crusades ended over 700 years ago, everyone involved died over 600 years ago, no one alive today was part of it, get over it (not directed at you, Doness).
And WoW has been built on subversion, in a way, but now we’re seeing the cost of too much subversion.
True, but parents import their ideas onto their children. I have no comment on the rest of your post.
ally couldnt even retake lordaeron
ill tell you what hes going to do… hes going to sit in stormwind for 10 years
That part about the Crusades was a general statement, not directed at you, Doness. And good point about parents. Given what he ended up doing to some his employees, maybe Afrasiabi needed some religion.
You make a good point. WoW’s often had a thing for making their heroes young and idealistic-to-naive.
The new cinematic showed a calm Turalyon that appears to be extremely friendly. He showed that he will honor the armistice as well. I hope Blizzard doesn’t change it overnight and turn it into a Garrosh 3.0.
Ugh… Why?
Well, he won’t want to declare war on Horde. It’s been 5 years since the last war, 3 since the return of the Shadowlands.
In this cinematic, he seems like a good, honest character. Let’s see what the future holds.
5 years? Since when?