New Turalyon Voice Over and the future for the Lord Commander

It doesn’t? I could have sworn reading something about that.

This is something I am actually interested, so Halford was not the one doing all that? Taking out the fleet was the only thing I actually agreed with…But now that I think of it I guess it makes sense, all orders and operations would come from the High King…

Like the whole sacrificing all those troops in Nazmir was Anduin.

The way I look at it, It was Anduins plan to attack the city and capture Rastakahan. Having no actual military background or skill he left it to his commanders like Halford to make it happen.

The actual idea to attack a neutral state was stupid but halford made the invasion work by doing the ground work to set it up.

Nah it wasn’t ever mentioned in game and as Varian was the first high king which we were told was a military positiion akin to Supreme commander. Somehow Anduin just adopted the role after his death. I think they mention it in before the storm but just had everyone agree to let him have the position for no reason.


Very interesting.
So I guess Anduin was the plan and Halford along with Fethermoon did the action.

What I would like to know is if Anduian had to green light all the actions.

Not likely, Anduin probably couldn’t have stomached any of the actual details it took to actually pull off the invasion. I doubt he would have allowed for the use of the void to get rid of diplomats or the use of undead void magics or magically altered gorillas. All he probably did was just point the alliance at the Zandalar and demanded we take their king alive which was honestly a stupid request.


You’re right. A Goku who would let a planet killer like Vegeta marry one of his best friends, or let Majin Buu play with his granddaughter, or even (initially) spare a defeated Freiza is completely impossible to imagine.


In each of those cases Goku went all out, held nothing back and the threat was fully eliminated.
He cut freiza in half if you remember… he didn’t bring him to trial, spare him again or have a sign a third treaty :rofl: and vegeta didn’t try to keep trying blowing up the planet.

What differentiate him from Andiun is the ideals… Where Andiun pushes for peace at the eleventh hour when there is no reason or logic to do so. Like in BFA he is waving an armistice that the Horde would behave going forward… for a third or fourth time now.

The Horde is like Team Rocket of warcrimes :rofl: they keep coming back for more in the next episode. I would use a digimon reference if I could. Digimon was a way better show

Yes, yes he did…He quite literally tried sparing him until he forced his hand. Also Goku didn’t cut him in half, it was Frezas own attack hitting him.

Yes he did…he was literally going to kill everyone just for a chance to fight Goku.

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I want Turalyon to die, honestly. I hate his fanaticism.

Exactly forced his hand.
Goku didn’t try to bargain further, set a new condition, talk about his ideals again or moap about how sad everything is.
He just ended it. Freiza dies and the threat is removed.

Even if we ignore everything about Vegeta’s relationship with Goku, the background of the big M on his forehead and the eventual end of Vegeta in the Buu Saga Goku still fought him.

The difference between a character like Goku and Andiun is that Goku does what needs to be done to “save the world”.
His ideals are not a liability but an asset when it comes to the moment of truth.

Andiun is a weak character not because he can or can’t bubble raise an entire army.
He is a weak character because his ideals and his belief in the Horde’s honor and diplomacy always blows up in his face.
Is Goku a good guy who is willing to give people a second chance? Sure he does.
Is he merciful? Sure thing.
But unlike Andiun he doesn’t let it blow up in his face.

Andiun keeps signing peace treaties and the Horde keeps blowing up cities and killing people. The villains and threats Goku and friends deal with tend to not be a problem anymore. And if they do are quickly taken care of.

Yeah and guess what? He resurrected him. Frieza is alive in the story right now ravaging worlds.

Dude, you really never did watch the show did you. This is like his biggest character flaw. This is happened literally so many times throughout the series…

Also if you dislike Anduin for showing Mercy to The Horde, you probably would hate his father for doing the same exact thing at the end of MoP…

(Erevien unlike this post right now.)


I pretty much stop following Dragon Ball after GT.
So I can’t comment anything past Buu Saga.

At the rate we are going the Alliance will run out of people for the Horde to kill before Andiun runs out of paper to sign the next peace treaty on.

Did you ever happen to see the movie The Godfather Part 1? It’s very good, a classic, would highly recommend if you are a film buff. In the movie, Don Vito :The Godfather" retaliates against another mob family for an attempted assassination on him and a successful one on one of his men. He kills one of their people, then they retaliate by killing one of his sons.

The rest of the mafia families hold a meeting preparing for a war between the two families and what to be done. You know what happens then?
Don Vito understanding that war would mean more death of his family, ends the feud and shakes hands with the man whos son he killed and who killed his own son.

Now, if you think Don Vito is a weak character I would implore you to especially watch part 2 of the movies to see his backstory or just talk to literally any film critic.

Don Vito would be a weak character if he had third dead child on his hand and still trying to sign a peace accord.

Its fine to have ideals or take the high road.
But if it keeps happening over and over and over again then thats on Andiun and anyone like him.

This is the primary problem with Andiun and now Jaina. Their ideals will get and have gotten people killed and they refuse to change. Andiun spent more time with Saurfang and talked about Horde’s honor than he did with the dead burned nation he was supposed to have been protecting. Did he ever send help to Tyrande to retake Darkshore? Nope. But he did send a suicide force to… loot some troll gold.
The entire BFA war he was crying about the loss of life, how sylvanas has strayed from the path of honor and obviously blamed Arthas and Daelin on Alliance…

Like dude I had to play an entire expansion to reforge Kul Tiran ties with Alliance because the Alliance ABANDONNED Daelin. How is he our responsibility?

Andiun is a dumb idealistic character that is more worried about the Horde that slaughter his people on a bi-annual basis than he does about his own people. He is a lame weak cowardly character to me. And I doubt I will change my opinion of him until I see something different.


Don’t get me wrong, the character has some pretty massive issues and this is probably the biggest one. This was actually so bad for me I am seriously considering just having my character leave the alliance in character.

At the end of the day though, the game story has to follow game mechanics. The alliance can’t really seek to wipe out the Horde because that just can’t happen. Every expansion would be BFA going forward, we would be stuck in a never-ending Loop.

The faction conflict narrative was doomed to fail and doomed to ruin good characters for the sake of the story which had its hands tied because it has to follow game mechanics of keeping the player base divided into two factions.

I vigoursly disagree.

We can have a character like Genn who is clearly hostile, but willing to tolerate and open to dialogue.

While the game mechanics prevent an obvious necessary end to the Horde that doesn’t mean or justify how the writers make Andiun behave and say.
Based on that and that alone he is a weak character.

You can either enforce the status quo like Varian with one liners or Andiun where he cries and laments peace while dead NEs are still smoldering.

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Yes, meaning

What do we disagree with?

That Andiun is a strong character.

Well what’s done is done and hopefully blizzard has learned from this and eases away from faction conflict in the future, which it looks like that’s the direction they are going.

(Erevien liked one of my posts, sorry i cant talk here anymore)

Anduin is a powerful character in terms of magic ability, and a weak character in terms of narrative

We get it, nobody likes Anduin because he’s a marty stu and golden’s literal son, but he resurrected an entire army. that’s kind of a force multiplier.

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He healed them. Far different than a mass resurrection